Now that's what I call epic style

47  2018-04-14 by Oh_hamburgers_


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Disgusting mayo woman tbh

reevaluate your life

go eat smegma for me and I just might

Take that back

Sorry, she isn't disgusting, she's putrid. MY mistake

Absolutely rood

I wouldn't fuck her with /u/pizzashill's dick.

Yes you would, and we all know you're full of shit.

I rawdog this chick in every hole she has and leave her a prett, sobbing mess, crusty with my cum.

Yeah, /u/snallygaster's hot af.

In Tay We Trust

I nutted, but only because of the Evola tab

People are reading Julius Evola.

okay, this is epic

This has to be the most passive aggressive way to get people to leave this sub. I guess letting lolcows mod the place didn't go as planned?


Make me.

no, I like you : )



you aren't really trying if you don't go full /r/spacedicks or /r/ooer



FFS. Contrarian retards, seriously.

"Mayos? ewww", "Gussy? ewww"

Sticks giant picture of anemic mayo crack-whore tarted up like a xmas decoration on front of sub.

Let me know when it's gone, so I can turn the sub theme back on, yeah?

k thx

You can just click her to get rid of it.

Yea but why would you?

It seems like there are a lot of Taytayphobes here, so I thought they might be interested in getting rid of it.

I knew it, the Arabic writing was just a Serbian jew double-bluff.

Ewww. I have to touch it?!?

thanks, but I'm gonna take a minute to evaluate my options.

Brushing your teeth with shit again?

What did you mean by this?



Keep downvoting my posts like a 10 year old little girl.

unironically cries about losing imaginary internet points


Cares enough about internet points to downvote people


trying this hard to prove you're not butthurt over being downvoted


Unironically thinking karma is a way to troll people.

How many accounts do you have?

CRY HARDER ⬇️️⬇️️⬇️️

At first I thought you were playing at being an lolcow. I'm pretty sure you aren't playing though. This is how you are.

MOAR PLZZ ⬇️️⬇️️⬇️️

anemic mayo crack-whore tarted up like a xmas decoration

The epitome of white culture.

The mods finally accepted Taylor (pbuh) as their lord and savior.

Tis a great day brother!! اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر

Mayoglobalist scum.

Tbh she's hot here, but I'm still not fooled...

How could you possibly juxtapose such a beautiful sight with that awful background?

Only the most retarded of the retards browse reddit with the css on.

clicking it made me sub, enjoy my future white noise posting everyone

This is violence.