"Ffs. Chick-fil-A is a private company so they can damn we'll have Christian veiws if they want. Stop thought policing."

165  2018-04-14 by WeWuzKANG5


I don't get bussy because I enjoy eating Chik Fil A and they frown on that sort of behavior in their public restrooms.



Eww? Yuck. Gross!

like ummm

Uh sweaty, they're infiltrating creepily.

And that’s a good thing!

And here’s why.



Who would have thunk it?

p r o b l e m a t i c



They've become self aware?

Sometimes you can wake up, smell the unwashed SJWs around you, and realize that you fucked up. 0/10 not a pleasant smell.

t. former SRDine

Congrats, now keep yourself safe and encourage those around you likewise.

Will do o7

There's got to be a rope around here somewhere...

Nate is a radical centrist and a former log cabin Republican. The right hates him and acts like he is some bleeding heart liberal because his models had Trump at like 30% to win, which was probably right.

Do anything with a thirty percent chance to happen enough times and it will likely happen.

And enough times is only 2 times.

Roll a dice and it has a 1/6 chance to be a 6. Crazy odds

Only it wasn't really a 30% chance, this isn't a dice roll but millions of people. Random factors can only account for a small % change, like bad weather in a part of a state that votes one way or the like .

In polling is this off, it just means you asked the wrong questions, or the wrong people.

i still dont get why people refuse to believe those polls were wrong and trump was just a one in a million unlucky roll of the dice

it seems so self defeating

The uncertainty was about the polling error you mongoloids. Given how the polls looked, you should expect the person polling like Hillary to win 70% of the time. But polling is hard and there is tons of error in estimating how ~120 million people will vote, thus the uncertainty.

Take like one stats class.

if you had the same election repeated over ten times in a row do you think hillary would win 7 of them

because i think the same thing would happen over and over again and that it wasnt an anomaly

I don't think anyone is saying that people vote randomly or that rerunning the exact same election would change anything, because that doesn't make sense.

What they are saying is that of the next 10 times that you see the same polling data we saw in 2016, you should expect the candidate in Hillary's position to win 7 times. They said this because that's about how accurate polling has been historically. If we had perfect polling of every voter there would be no uncertainty, but we don't so we have to account for polling error in making our predictions.

I don't think anyone is saying that people vote randomly or that rerunning the exact same election would change anything, because that doesn't make sense.

how do you think probability works though

70% means that on average 10 repeats would result in a 7 to 3 ratio

and that shit would never happen

What they are saying is that of the next 10 times that you see the same polling data we saw in 2016, you should expect the candidate in Hillary's position to win 7 times.

what, thats a dumb way to put it

theres infinite variables that ensure the data is never the same twice, unless youre talking about the same instance repeated over and over again data like that means nothing

They said this because that's about how accurate polling has been historically. If we had perfect polling of every voter there would be no uncertainty, but we don't so we have to account for polling error in making our predictions.

yes essentially they made it up, ie what ive been saying all along

You don't understand what you are talking about. No one is interested in what would happen in some hypothetical exact replay of an election. First because it's not a real thing that ever happens. Second because if it's actually an exact replay than by definition the exact same thing would happen.

The uncertainty these people care about is in how well they can predict that a candidate wins a future election given the data they observe, namely the polling. The reason these models can't say that one candidate or the other will for sure win is not because voters choose at random, but because the data used to predict is incomplete and involves error.

To talk about the type of uncertainty you are on about you would need a measurement of how likely a voter is to switch their vote when voting in some redo of the last election. Which again is stupid and not a real thing.

Long story short, you should get on Predictit.org and give me your money.

No one is interested in what would happen in some hypothetical exact replay of an election.

youre literally talking about probability surrounding a specific election

thats what probability is, like flipping a coin a hundred times

not flipping a coin and then a hula hoop and then a car tyre

First because it's not a real thing that ever happens.

thanks i wasnt aware we dont replay elections over and over

but for the purposes of data thats the model used

Second because if it's actually an exact replay than by definition the exact same thing would happen.

then the probability was 100% and you should agree the polls were way off

The reason these models can't say that one candidate or the other will for sure win is not because voters choose at random, but because the data used to predict is incomplete and involves error.

hey youre starting to get it

the model they used was shit ergo their conclusion was bad and wrong

polls are bad because the type of person to participate usually responds a certain way and people hide unpopular biases

and so phoning old people during meal time doesnt get a representative result

if you dont like probability you should advocate for a system that doesnt use % chance to win

Long story short, you should get on Predictit.org and give me your money.

yeah im sure you won out big with your predictions in nov 16 huh

youre literally talking about probability surrounding a specific election

I'm talking about estimating prediction uncertainty before an election, which is also what Silver was doing as it is the actually useful thing that real people do. You are talking about flipping tires and rerunning elections which is not useful to anyone ever.

yeah im sure you won out big with your predictions in nov 16 huh

I did pretty well actually, Trump was undervalued in a lot of states because most people underestimated the uncertainty in their models. Made a killing on Michigan.

Given how the polls looked

Which just shows the polling is bad and they should feel bad. Before the election Trumptards like myself were pointing out how badly the polls were over sampling democrats, which had states like Utah, yes Utah "in play". It was an orgy of stupid, shillings, and wish fulfillment.

Polling is extremely hard and always has been, the people who really fucked up were the pundits and some of the shittier modelers who acted like every poll was showing the true state of the race.

Picking the correct population of people to sample from is really difficult, especially when the voting population shifts as it did in 2016 with black and young people bailing on Hilldawg and record numbers of meth heads in rural areas stumbling to the polls to vote for daddy.

Which just shows the polling is bad

that doesn't follow at all.

The left hated him for that prediction too, they thought Trump had too high a chance and that Nate was evil for saying Hillary wasn't certain. Last straw for any credibility HuffPo had


Not even close!


Terrible effort

30% to win, which was probably right.

Actually he had 100% chance to win, they just didn't ask the right questions or people. It wasn't like election night was a roll of the dice and if the same thing happened it would swing to Clinton 70% of the time. Basically he was saying well maybe, when everyone else was saying hell no and now hes somehow Nostradamus.

Lol. You have no idea how uncertainty works and you should stay away from games of chance.

No shit. Retroactively everything that has already happened has a %100 chance of happening that's why predicting the past isn't a thing. Given the data we had at the time you should expect the guy in Trumps spot to win about 1 out of 3 times because that's about how shitty polls are.

Nate Silver is usually pretty self aware.

hashtag: awoken

Nate silver is a never trumper iirc

He and Clare balance each other out pretty well

Holy Shit

NaTe SiLvEr Is A nAzI sYmPaThIzEr.

Nate is broken.

first time hes been accurate LOL

Wow, that was one of the most respectful and reasonable Twitter threads I've ever seen.

2/10 not enough drama/bantz/spergouts

Nate Plat is earning his place

Nate Participation Medal is a Log Cabin republican? It does make sense when you look at and or hear him now that you mention it.


Not chick-fil-A itself but the REE it’s existence alone engenders amongst the hashtag WOQUE constituency. When the mayor of the biggest city in the country(👀@ De Blasio) is trying to organize a boycott of a fast food chicken tendie restaurant because of its politics that’s a Big League Sperg...You would think that the party that brought you the weekend would be ecstatic about a business giving all their employees Sunday off yet here we are.

It's the abortion thing

I thought it was queer marriage?

I thought it was the lizards.

They use lizards??? I thought it was 100% real chicken!

didnt the guy just say he doesnt agree with gay marriage once ages ago or some shit

Yeah I think they donated a couple million to the family research council like 7 or 8 years ago to fund some anti gay marriage campaign. So basically yeah. So if you don’t want to eat there because of that reason fine but if somebody else doesn’t give af because he likes tasty chicken or even eats there explicitly because they’re anti gay marriage who cares.

definitely the fags if it's on the cover of the new yorker

I couldn’t read that, I’m sorry

weird, I clicked that link and didn't see Israel anywhere

Anybody else imagine what the average r/politics poster looks like

I'd rather not

How much more money does Don Jr need before he can buy himself a goddamn chin?

Plastic surgeons are good, but they're not miracle workers.

Maybe he can take one of Frisiello's chins as damages for emotional distress.

I really like the picture they chose from his facebook. I bet he takes lots of pictures of his food.

I don't get it, does he have a reddit account or something?

That's what Redditors in general look like.

Redditors are fags

Them, Ghazi, SRdines...it's depressing.

But definitely not the inbred losers on the right ;)

Lol, people are downvoting because they know you are right. Face it, when you use reddit to argue politics, you're probably not good-looking. Facts are facts.

This pic always gets me because the lone normal/attractive girl on the right clearly looks like she knows she doesn't belong there, but she came back for the meetup again the next year.

Must be a fan of odd goods.

What gets me is these meet-ups always seem to happen at fucking self-storage places, like do the organizers live in them or something???

You can't expect social outcasts to actually meet up at a bar or something, right?

Basically, the only people whose tits you might wanna see, aren't showing their tits. Can't be because of they're not mentally unbalanced, can it?

Guy on the left has like four different styles simultaneously

Me holding the beer

and they say modesty isn't beautiful

Bruh look at this dood

Last night they were claiming Assad's use of chemical weapons was a flash flag by Trump to distract from things.

Faces of atheism

I left the errors in the title, the discourse on both sides of this discussion is entertaining.

I my liberal enclave chick-fat-ay has a line around the block of cars during lunch every day. lol

honestly, hating on Chickfila is great for their business, they even in that comment section mention how the last boycott of chickfila boosted their sales by 13%.

Yup any political boycott tends to have the opposite effect. I can’t think of a single one that’s worked in recent memory. You can’t argue with how good their food is and that’s all that really matters.

didn’t the boost come after they stopped doing the gay people thing

idk, I do remember a lot more people talk about supporting Chick-Fil-a due to the boycott, than the actual boycott itself though.

I know a counterprotest happened and drove up sales somewhere, but I thought the protest somehow applied enough pressure to make them stop funding the sharia or whatever

i didn’t boycott because i didn’t really care that much, but more importantly, it was at a time when i could get free Chick-Fil-A four times a week


From reading through this is sounds like both sides spinned it as being a victory for them.

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy

The Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy was a controversial topic focused around the American fast food restaurant Chick-fil-A following a series of public comments made in June 2012 by chief operating officer Dan T. Cathy opposing same-sex marriage.

This followed reports that Chick-fil-A's charitable endeavor, the S. Truett Cathy-operated WinShape Foundation, had donated millions of dollars to political organizations seen by LGBT activists as hostile to LGBT rights. Activists called for protests and boycotts, while supporters of the restaurant chain and opponents of same-sex marriage ate there in support of the restaurant. National political figures both for and against the actions spoke out and some business partners severed ties with the chain.

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Lunch rush has cars spilling over onto the street it’s really annoying even to drive past one.

They built one in Portland recently and it's always packed lol

Thread only one letter difference between cuck cuck cuck and cluck cluck cluck

Really makes you think 🤔🤔🤔

AKSHUALLY, those are 3 letters.


AKSHUALLY, it's one letter, three times.

You would really think that these people are being forced to eat their chicken lmao

I don't care if Chick Fil A is threatening to nuke my hometown, they make good food so I will eat it.




Is it bad that I knew just from reading the thread title exactly what article this was going to be about?

I think anyone who knows how to read would know what the post was about from that title.

I think anyone who knows how to read

reading<reading comprehension

The parity on reddit with this is insanely strong.

Hey everyone, did you get a load of the virgin?

Maybe a load in her?

That's what titles are for.

/u/PoeticMadness so you basically want to punish anyone who ever disagreed with you on gay marriage?

Does that include muslims? 🤔

Some exclusions I'm sure

Islamaphobia! /s

why wouldn’t you?

sounds good to me

That is the kind of guy who thinks people dislike him because he's gay, and no matter how many downvotes he gets he'll never ever realize that it's just because he's an intolerant asshole.

Fuck chik fil a and its Christian propaganda agenda

Hail chick fil a and its incredibly delicious sandwiches and superior customer service.

I've never had one. We don't have propganda fast food in blue states.

multiple location in NYC

You should practice reading articles.

I would not give a website views if it supported chick fil a. Have fun eating garbage food supporting a garbage company

I would not give a website views if it supported chick fil a.

Well delete your account then?

No u

You just said you never ate the food. How do you know if it's garbage?


Well, the food is good. I could live without getting beat upside my head with a bible everytime I ordered a Chick-fil-A® Chicken Sandwich (with extra pickles), but it's worth it.

Don't you know that separating your taste buds from your political views makes you literally Hitler? Actually, it makes you worse than Hitler since you're eating meat and Hitler was allegedly a based vegetarian.


It's too late, sicko. The vegan death squads have already traced your IP and been dispatched to your location. Resisting will only prolong your suffering since only those who come peacefully are euthanized before being fed to liberated farm animals.

Hey, did you know that Aardvarks have very long noses u/AlveolarPressure ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.

Oh Allah that's way too broad of a trigger word. RIP little bot.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks may cover distances of 2 to 5 km (1.2 to 3 miles) each night u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks are the most feared African animal? They kill more people annually than all the other large predators combined! [Sourced from user ThimeeX], u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Amazingly, the aardvarks closest living relative is probably the African elephant u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks use their remarkable claws to dig for aardvark cucumbers u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks live in many different types of habitats, such as grasslands, savannas, rainforests, woodlands and thickets throughout Africa in the areas south of the Sahara u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


I really don't understand this. I've never ever been preached to at Chik-Fil-A, and I've eaten it all across the bible belt, even in Atlanta. They are just more polite there and closed on Sundays.

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!

Fuck, even CFA corrects my grammar. I hate this website.

Food is now propaganda?

For the "you're either with us or against us" crowd EVERYTHING is political. So, in their minds, deep fried chicken is propaganda. To them it's the white man culturally appropriating fried chicken from black people for Jesus.

The irony is the same idiots saying they won’t eat CFA because of their CEO’s faith based views on gays, wouldn’t hesitate to use the business service of Islamic owned or ran businesses. The same Islam that is actively murdering gays around the world.

Selective outrage is real.

i wasnt aware holding religious views was the same as spending large amounts of money on trying to make the rest of society conform to those religious views

It's in Chicago

You're missing out. The chicken is so good. You can taste the oppression

Holy fuck you're dumb

At least my arteries and conscious are clear

I can in fact support the LGBT community whole eating tasty chicken. Life isn't black and white

actually, you can't. if you eat from companies who oppress the LGBT community, you are in fact, an oppressor.

Well I didn't know my once in a blue moon visit to Chik Fila was that damaging.


Sorry, I didn't realize I'm dealing with an intellectual.

lol. I must have triggered you hard to stalk me so much

that's what i thought about you, you're the one commenting on 3 month old posts.. hunting for "racism" eh? sounds very productive :))

It is, when I trigger racists

entertaining sure, but productive? dont fool yourself

r/uncensorednews is banned. I'd say its pretty productive

it got banned because of your sterling work i suppose, nice job skipper! what do you think banning subs and silencing people will achieve? when will you seize the means of production?

Oh no. The racist is afraid of being silenced.


when did i say that? i asked you a question, i asked you a bunch of them actually and so far you haven't answered any... you know for someone so into politics you really dont seem to know much about it

I already quoted your racism. but I should ask, are you 14? maybe being in high school you feel like you can get away with it.

don't drop out! make sure you can get to college so they can teach you how toxic right wing ideology is!

I already quoted your racism.

no you quoted andrewjacksonjihadz "racism" as i said earlier, get your brain checked maybe you have a few chromosomes loose

guilty by association.

do you hear yourself?

All I hear is a racist stalker, who sounds 14, trying to neg me from forum to forum.

so you dont hear yourself, that explains a lot actually

Praise God and the chicken nuggies he has blessed us with 6 days of the week.🙏

Don't down vote the authentic Chick Fil hAters.

Many of us have been boycotting them for 20yrs because of their anti LGBT stance and we will continue to boycott them.

el oh el and how has that worked out so far?

God forbid people stand up to folks oppressing people

/s ?

not buying somebody's shit and calling it "standing up" to them is the lamest slacktivism ever tbh

Nobody gives a shit. The chicken is tasty

Mama mia! Fresh pasta!

Did you type that on your iPhone the production of which oppresses poor Chinese workers, you smarmy little cuntbag?

nope samsung, gotta keep dem korean hands busy, you fucking homophobic assdouche.

Stop projecting your phobias onto others you mental midget communist piece of godless human garbage.

nice b8 f@g

Rude and uncourteous, we don't talk like that here.

Nice fag, fag enabler.

Wow, did you just use a homophonic slur?

nope, i called him a fag.



Their sales have been skyrocketing

I get good chicken good customer service AND no fags. Truly the best fast food chain.

Fag here. Laughed and upvoted.

they uh

they have fewer sales, I guess?

they actually made an impact like three or four years ago when other people besides that guy cared though

Didn't they post record-high profits during that boycott?

Yep, the one near me had cars lined up around the corner during that whole boycott thing.

Inb4 the writer of the New Yorker article was paid by Chick-a-Fil.

One of my friends at that time was a flamboyant gay dude and he would come into the dorm with chik fil a hidden in nondescript paper bags lol

They had record sales during the boycott because of the counter boycott and most of their stores being in the South so there were more likely counter-boycotters more likely to frequent the place than there were boycotters who ate there and stopped going.

so... the counter-protestors were used?

then they appeased the protestors, to encourage them to repeat that course of action in the future.

clever grill...

Well, it's not as if the situation was orchestrated. Chick-Fil-A is more prominent in the South which is more conservative so bleeding heart boycotters weren't likely to have been customers in the first place while the media outrage encouraged a counter-protest so people who were already patrons were encouraged to visit more often, leading to record sales.

Well, it's not It’s almost as if the situation was orchestrated.

are you one of them CFA shills

Unpopular opinion: I don't think their chicken is good at all.

The waffle fries are pretty good though.

Next time be sure to point out their hatred of gays in your opinion on their food please.

Its as good as processed chicken gets.

Every time over had it it tasted like it was rolled in sugar before frying. Way too sweet. Fucking gross. KFC may take a thousand years to process (and still somehow fuck up) an order, but I'd take that over this cloying crap any day.

No idea what you are babbling about. They soak that shit in pickle juice iirc.

Sweet pickle juice maybe? It's fucking bad.

If you dont like sweet pickles i guess yes.

Ewww. I don't know if it's genetic or what, but sweetness + vinegar literally triggers my gag reflex. Like, I was raised to believe that if you put something on your plate you'd better eat it, especially if it's expensive food like meat, but that one time in China where there was very sweet, very vinegary meat, I made a mistake of picking a couple of pieces, and I just couldn't do it, at all.

In my opinion, proper pickles have only salt as the preservative and sugar and vinegar could be present in trace amounts to add nuance to the taste, nothing more.

Sweet pickles are the gherkin of the infidel

Even fucking Burger King makes a better chicken sandwich

BK has a good one. Culver's is better.

Culver's is good across the board.

This is just a retarded opinion.

That's simply not true. Every item on BK's menu sucks

lol not since they discontinued the chicken parm

r/politics is the best gift this sub has ever received.

I'm pretty gay and I love Chick Fil A. I live on the West Coast now and it's like having a a little bit of the South up here. A LOT of my friends won't eat there cause, "teh h8 da gays". But let's not forget, the CEO of the company donated his own money, in his own name and had nothing to do with Chick Fil A.

I like to ask them if they're still using PayPal, they have no idea who Peter Thiel is, but get angry at a really delicious chicken sandwich.

it's like having a a little bit of the South up here.

what, because it’s closed on Sunday?

Because it's from the South, asshat.

but nothing else in the south is like that lol

that’s like saying your local White Castle is like having a piece of New York in your neighborhood

“my favorite New York pizza joint, Sbarro”

Peter Thiel has no role in PayPal AFAIK, he sold out with Musk in 2002 to eBay

With a billion and half dollars.

/u/xNotch made a billion more than him for Minecraft. What a world.

To be fair, Minecraft is a pretty great Minecraft. PayPal is a name brand which is worse than the off-brands; it's the Hydrox of online payment.

ya but it was the only option forever

pioneers draw arrows etc

Man. I'm not sure if I don't like chick fillet because they are not a friend to the gays or if I like them because they give Christians diabetes and heart disease

I'll just continue not having an opinion because I don't eat fried chicken like some sort of blue collar laborer

Buying a piece of land from Indians for 24 dollars was a mistake

Typical Indian-givers

Well... It was 24 bucks to the enemies of the island but all the same.

Trading it to the Brits for Surinam was a mistake. At least Roti is good food.

For every sandwich these guys don't eat I'm going to have two.

I'm not doing it because I'm performing a counter-protest. I'm just a fatty and those sandwiches are pretty good.

Its expansion raises questions about what we expect from our fast food

I mostly expect greasy food and not waiting too long tbh

Yeah imo the only drive thru chain that is even in the same stratosphere right now is whataburger and they aren’t nearly as good.

TIL there is more than one stratosphere.

Wow they really don't want to like chick-fil-a, they had an anti-gay stance, that's all you really need to be against them but making up a bunch of other stuff to sound more woke is stupid. If they didn't have the anti-lgbt thing hipsters would love then

It's not like McDonald's or Burger King are bastions of progress. Something something no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Why are there so goddamn many comments over there like

LOL I think they mean "delicious" infiltration

Literal Chick-Fil-A shills lol

Chick-Fil-A is ok

its apparently the third biggest chain in the USA now? not sure by what metric

Probably size.

prediction: square footage

Chicken sandwiches taste better with the love of Christ as the special ingredient

I believe you are referring to the Chrism.

Thank you Jesus for Chick-Fil-A

This is like the "Ground Zero Mosque" bullshit all over again, except with the religions flipped and it's even more retarded.

Let’s say a Muslim his own fast food company and calls Aloha Akbar’s Hawaiin Cuisine and Fried Chicken. But the owners says we don’t serve fags, trannies or anyone that’s not Muslim. I’m prettt sure no liberals, news or any people left of the spectrum would give a shit or even be bothered. And if someone has something to say they will be called Islamaphobic

Aloha Akbar’s Hawaiin Cuisine and Fried Chicken.

Why not just Aloha Snack Bar?

I'd bring my service pig in, and sit at one of the booths.

Bullshit aside Aloha Akbar is just ingenious. The spam may be a tricky thread to neddle though.

Nice strawman. I see this all the damn time and I've never even heard of a Muslim shop in America refusing service to a gay couple. I don't think they are as fucking dumb as mayo Christians to refuse business and get themselves embroiled in a national scandal. Also, it turns out that Muslims are actually MORE tolerant of the gay than mayo protestants.

Lol an even bigger reason to druve mudslimes out, they encourage degenerates.

Votes powerlevel.

In March 2014, tax filings for 2012 showed the group stopped funding all but one organization which had been previously criticized. I thought this was over.

Until they start funneling money in the other direction to make up for the damage they did, they won't be receiving my business.

Holy shit /u/PoeticMadnesss you people can literally never be pleased

tl;dr donate to my patreon you shitlord!

Oh my god, people need to stop being so butthurt. I'm lgbt and I eat at chik-fil-a all the time because their food is good haha. None of the workers actually care. They just want your money and to give you fiod.

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!

Good bot

fucking bigot

Just spend your money at places who's views are less repugnant

Who gives a shit about their views? I just want a chicken sandwich

How is being right repugnant? 🤔

That face when in a desolate world of war, famine, and system collapse, you have you heart and soul on the ethics of fatfuck chicken.

Chick-Fil-A creeps me out more because I'm vegan

Hoooooooo boy

fucking lol imagine depriving yourself of something you enjoy to "take a stand" that nobody will ever know about or care and to make zero difference whatsoever

i mean i think google are a shit company but ill still use their services

Every time I go to chic fil a, I don't go for the chicken. I go to have my hands tied behind my back while the employees waterboard me until I can recite Leviticus by heart.

Yes, it's a sexual thing but I can see how that's not everyone's cup of tea.

Its expansion raises questions about what we expect from our fast food

Asking the important questions?

lol at these fucking people, having the balls to claim someone else is "infiltrating" or being "subversive".

where's the article titled, "Chick-fil-a's pervasive traditionalism"?

P E R V A S I V E _ T R A D I T I O N A L I S M