Why is r/Drama inferior to r/Subredditdrama ?

64  2018-04-14 by Logan_Pauler

Seriously, they are funnier than y'all, smarter than y'all and better than you all in pretty much every way. Why this large gap of performance between r/drama and r/subredditdrama?


Because we have to deal with you posting here tbh

Edgy πŸ—‘πŸΈ

Happy cake day fgt

You got me. I'm not coming back here. Never again.


I started that trend on a previous account. I used it ironically as a Canadian pretending to be dumb (read American) and everybody copied me. I had a couple hundred followers on that account so it spread like wildfire.


where u from cracker?

Put on a suicide vest before you go back to SRD

You're so fucking faggy I don't even know what to say.

We don't enjoy the smell of our own farts

They are like our descartes before the whores.

OP, no cute baby animal posts 4 U ever.

That is all.

Hey, did you know that Aardvarks eat almost exclusively ants and termites, though they sometimes supplement their diets with other insects like the pupae of scarab beetles u/voicelesshoodwinker ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


at least metric_units bot was wholesome and others give me cute cat/puppy gifs.

It pains me to say it, but...BAD BOT.

Hey, did you know that Aardvarks eat almost exclusively ants and termites, though they sometimes supplement their diets with other insects like the pupae of scarab beetles

Is that true, /u/ardvarkeating101?


Don't believe his Jew lies



Hey, did you know that During the night aardvarks spend their time working on their burrows or finding food u/Fucking-Christ ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks rarely drink water and receive most of their moisture from the insects they eat u/Fucking-Christ ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks swallow their food whole, without chewing it. Instead, food is ground up in a muscular area of its lower stomach u/FearlessIllustrator ?
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I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvark cubs weigh around 4.4 lbs. (2 kg) when they are born u/FearlessIllustrator ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Amazingly, the aardvarks closest living relative is probably the African elephant u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks rarely drink water and receive most of their moisture from the insects they eat u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvark's tough skin protects them from the bites of their meal u/PlentyMolasses ?
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I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks are solitary animals and only come together to mate u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Amazingly, the aardvarks closest living relative is probably the African elephant u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks live in many different types of habitats, such as grasslands, savannas, rainforests, woodlands and thickets throughout Africa in the areas south of the Sahara u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Stop spreading lies about me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I'm not gonna lie, I want to see your next form.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks may cover distances of 2 to 5 km (1.2 to 3 miles) each night u/better_bot ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.

I did not, thank you!


Hey, did you know that Aardvark cubs weigh around 4.4 lbs. (2 kg) when they are born u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvark babies are called calves or cubs u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks eat almost exclusively ants and termites, though they sometimes supplement their diets with other insects like the pupae of scarab beetles u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks are animals u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


Hey, did you know that Aardvarks require a fairly large territory and will travel up to 10 miles in a night as they search for food u/PlentyMolasses ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark fact

I am currently a work in progress and am learning more about aardvarks everyday.
I am contemplating expanding to all animal facts. Upvote if you'd like me to evolve to my next form
Sometimes I go offline or Donald Trump takes me offline. Be patient.


1.2-3 miles in a whole night is fucking nothing. Aardvarks suck.


Two words:


It’s because Drama allows hate speech and literal Nazis to post. Also SRD has Better posts about sexual degeneracy

So you are saying they kink shame?

The sub has a very large kink shaming presence. I think i let my kink slip once and that’s why I got banned.

Shut up Botchlings

Caring about which subreddit is better<posting koality drama


I think its hilarious u kids talking about /r/drama. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

Fake News! We have Dino πŸ¦– posting

I'm sorry, did the word "superior" have it's definition changed to " whiney commies?"

SRD is bad people pretending to be good people.

Drama is good people pretending to be bad people.

This is what some dramanauts actually think. The truth is we are all terrible, terrible people.

I know <3 E>

The truth is we are all terrible, terrible people.

Speak for yourself.

I am all terrible, terrible people.

One day, when and if you learn to stop regurgitating stupid "memes" you may grow up and be a better person.

Lay off the video games and childish "memes".

😭😭😭 I just want you to love me, daddy!!

Ok, well then lay off the video games and do something useful with your life.

ok, daddy.

Notices ur bulge *owo* wats dis?

Cease thy faggotry

Fite me VR

Lay of the video games and childish memes.

And clean your room.

I thought I was just a bad person.

this but unironically

"pretending " Yah sure

Drama is good people pretending to be bad people.

ya keep telling yourself that

Because we are slaves to bussy.

We don't take our seriously

Shit, we got cyber bullied.

You know to the casual observer it’s impossible to tell the difference between /r/subredditdrama and here

Here's the thing. You said a "dramanaut is a srdine."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a Redditor who studies autism, I am telling you, specifically, on Reddit, no one calls dramanauts srdines. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "drama family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Stultes, which includes things from kiwifarmers to 4channers to Voaters.

So your reasoning for calling a dramanaut a srdine is because random people "call the retarded ones srdines?" Let's get Trump supporters and anarchists in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A dramanaut is a dramanaut and a member of the srdine family. But that's not what you said. You said a dramanaut is a srdine, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the srdine family srdines, which means you'd call kiwifarmers, Voaters, and other retards srdines, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


What's a stulte?

It's Latin for "idiots." I think so anyway, it's been a while since I took Latin classes.

You know to the casual observer it’s impossible to tell the difference between /r/subredditdrama and here


this is literal leagues better

Because there's not as many hillbilly sex offenders in r/drama.

Too much french pussy, not enough english bussy.


Please stop appropriating my culture