An analysis of /r/SubredditDrama and /r/Drama

27  2018-04-15 by Etra

/r/SubredditDrama is where most of the drama that arises across the various subreddits of Reddit is frequently posted. The obvious reason is that everyone knows, or quickly learns, that the users of /r/Drama can be highly toxic so they choose to contribute to the more friendly subreddit. However, I’d venture to say a good majority of the submissions to SRD quickly devolves into, if it doesn’t start as, a circlejerk of people trying to out virtue signal one another or make “jokes” with the intent to be upvoted and recognized by certain “power users.” I won’t even get into how pathetic it is to feel validation from that. Aside from the criticisms of the general users of SRD, there are also the problems with moderation.

One of the first things any new subscriber to /r/SubredditDrama will discover is the rules that must be followed to have a submission remain up. I’ll freely admit to testing out the boundaries of what is and is not allowed with submissions I’ve made, which is why I’ve had around ten posts removed for various rule infractions. If every user had to follow these rules, there wouldn’t be a problem. However, there exists a group of users who have the “privilege” of being friendly with the moderators or are, in fact, moderators themselves.

If you search through the submissions of SRD, you’ll see that any submission by a moderator or certain users will quickly be commented in by other moderators or certain recognizable users. These comments frequently have absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the post but will act to promote the post to bring it more visibility. It’s also quite common for these submissions to themselves be breaking a rule but, for some inexplicable reason, are not removed by a moderator.

In my opinion, /r/SubredditDrama is adequate for the user who occasionally browses when a particularly controversial submission reaches the front page. But for users such as myself who have been around since before the creation of both /r/SubredditDrama and /r/Drama, and have been able to observe the growth of these subs, I can unequivocally say that despite the problems SRD has, /r/Drama is absolute shit. But it didn’t always use to be that way.

Back in the golden years of /r/Drama when the majority of the moderators were actually active and had not yet become bored with the subreddit and become inactive as a result, it was “fun.” Although maybe “interesting” or “amusing” would better describe the sub. Those adjectives can no longer honestly be used to describe /r/Drama. 99% of the users are trying too hard to be edgy or regurgitating some popular meme to fit in and feel some sense of belonging. Probably for the first time in their entire life. This is also true of SRD. I’m tired of it and I can guarantee I’m not the only one. My proof? Look at the list of moderators on both subs I’ve mentioned and look at each of their activity. Some are still active, but not in the subs they’re supposed to be moderating. These people used to be active enough in the sub to be made moderators, but they seemingly no longer care sufficiently about the sub to contribute to it.

Over the next couple weeks, you may notice some users who were at least somewhat active who will no longer post on /r/Drama or /r/SubredditDrama or both. I won’t say all of them were my alts because it’s likely users may choose not to post for whatever reason in a complete coincidence that has nothing to do with me. But I’ll admit some of the accounts were actually me messing around for fun. But both subs have become boring and it’s your fault. If you’ve ever posted some idiotic meme to fit in, if you’re a moderator who allows your friends to break rules with no repercussions, if you had to take your ADHD medication to have the attention span to read this post, then this message is for you: lol, faggot.

Tl; dr: /r/SubredditDrama = /r/Drama in every way that matters.


On point.

lol keep yourself safe


Goodbye Ed


The coup attempt left /u/AnnArchist scarred and deformed, but he assures us his resolve has never been stronger.

But our power users are cooler than their power users so it's totally not embarrassing at all to suck up to them.

Bussy or GTFO.


Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

I can't believe you put that much effort into this. It was accurate, but it is a lot easier to say big subs are shit.

I can't believe you put that much effort into this.

I wrote the above post a few weeks ago but I just didn’t feel like posting it at the time. However, last night as a result of a cocktail of Vyvanse and Dilaudid, I decided to proofread my post then submitted it. I think the total time it took to type it all up and edit it to not exceed the word limit took about two hours.

It was accurate, but it is a lot easier to say big subs are shit.

I didn’t want to simply say “this sub sucks” because that’s been said by what I’m guessing must be hundreds of users from this sub and from users of other subs over the years. I wanted to at least provide some reasoning for my opinion. I think my criticisms of both /r/SubredditDrama and /r/Drama are valid but if anyone disagrees I’d like to hear their reasoning.

Also, something interesing happened and is continuing to happen. I used at least two of my alts to reply to this post with the same types of posts I’m criticizing this sub for, and those posts are being upvoted. You have to admit, that is pretty funny and really only serves to prove me right.

Why even bother with alts?

If I were the one of the typical dregs of society that frequents this sub I’d say “plz no kink shame.” My real reason for using alts to comment like a normal /r/Drama user was to demonstrate just how shitty this sub has gotten. I think I’ve successfully shown that with every upvote those comments have gotten. Or am I wrong?

I meant in a general sense, not for this post.

A while ago I posted that I’d use one alt to say something then use another alt to argue with what the first alt said. I’ve done this a few times and each time the intellectual giants of /r/Drama, and even /r/SubredditDrama once when one of my posts was linked, took a side in manufactured drama. There’d be the usual “keep yourself safe” and the same boring insults, but none of the creativity or wittiness that /r/Drama had in the past. And of course SRD circle-jerked about how mean my posts were and assumed I was just another alt-right troll form /r/Drama. The self-professed high-brow drama subreddit SRD didn’t even realize I was parodying a Trump supporter.

So I guess my answer to why I use alts is because in a way, it allows me to control this subreddit, regardless of how minimal my influence, without having to degrade myself into becoming a moderator. I know that’s both somewhat sociopathic and also pathetic, but at least I’m fully aware of that. I’m not sure the same can be said for the majority of the users in this subreddit.

I guess in trying to answer your question, if I did at all, I’m really just taking the opportunity to shit on /r/Drama users. It’s amusing, though, that only a few of them will even bother to read this post because of its length and so most of them won’t even know they’re being insulted.

I usually read what everyone writes when I stop in a thread unless it is Ed spam.

Well at least you are enjoying yourself with the games of alts and seeing reactions. Goading people into reacting to trolling can be fun. It is too much effort for me though. I do like getting reactions but I never really try hiding where I hang out. That does tend to ruin things.

I’m not bothering with alts anymore. It went from fun to tedious. Maybe some people would notice a cessation in certain accounts’ activities. but I doubt it. Being observant had never been something Redditors, and /r/Drama users in particular, have been good at.

Despite what so many of the new users to this subreddit say, serious posters are the lifeblood of /r/Drama. Without them, we’d be left with the monotonous repetition of memes like “bussy” or “keep yourself safe” in every thread regardless of topic. Oh wait.

Well I mean I am not going to argue that. I don't really like spam either.

I think the total time it took to type it all up and edit it to not exceed the word limit

The character limit on self posts is 40,000 characters, while your post was 3909 characters. Why did you have to take special care to not exceed the limit? Did you shave off over 30,000 characters during editing?

I thought the limit was 4,000 characters. My mistake. Why do you care?

I thought the limit was 4,000 characters. My mistake. Why do you care?

If you edited out over 30,000 characters, I was going to ask if I could see the original, because that's a lot of text.

I'm sorry you failed at becoming a power user. Better luck next time!

Power users are the lowest form of scum, even worse than mods

IDK nothing is worse than the mods TBH


Can you reduce this to like 6 emojis for me? Cause I'm not gonna read your long ass manifesto on autism

Golden Age SRD >>> Golden Age Dramuh

Etra you are very boring and i dont care even if you are right.