Alex Jones has (for real this time) officially (no jape) lost his shit (seriously)

247  2018-04-15 by Oh_hamburgers_




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The pool boy really wants to leave.

>MFW Alex Jones sucked your ding dong once

I don't remember this episode of the office

it was one of the less popular ones due to Jim not being in it.

๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… even fucking Alex Jones now shits on Trump๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜›Imagine all little trumptards going "Daddies are fighting reeeeeeeee"

This is brilliant! Alex was never the same after that fight he had with Cenk๐Ÿ˜ด

Alex was never the same after that fight he had with Cenk

Explain, dammit

Imagine getting into a fight with Cenk Uygur and coming off looking like the bigger sperg. That has to be some sort of breakthrough.

Cenk Uygur is gay. I'd hang with alex jones over him

[I mirrored your link hooktube so people can watch it without monetizing google(

If the product is free then you're the product, faggot.

omg really? thanks Suckratese

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ur gay

Lmao, he put the bunny ears on Cenk.

Why do I get the feeling these dudes are all great friends when the cameras aren't rolling?


What is he saying here?

Something is intentionally censored out

Here's another angle of the whole incident:

Chunk Yogurt said: "Didn't you admit that you lied about Elliot Spencer you piece of crap?"


Alex Jones literally thinks that someone hurting his fees is assault.

That's just white culture

there is no 'white culture'. Just ameraburger culture.

Alex Jones is about as alpha as the little rich kid threatening to have his dad sue you

That's the joke.

Man, Iโ€™ve seen people unironically think heโ€™s tough so many times

For years I thought he was just a god-tier troll but now I think he might actually be retarded

Alex bones would fuck you up faggot

U prolly rite

Don't tell anyone, but Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks.

I thought both Jones and Zyklon Ben were satire.

We live in darkly hilarious times, boo.

Jones is a professional shit stirrer. Trump's approval is going up, so he's going contrary to that. It's literally his job.

Beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ญ

He was legitimately losing it last night, it was something to behold.

At some point between angrily spinning chairs and yelling "Fuck Trump and fuck his family" he suggested that he had been under mind control, just throwing everything against the wall. At least he's standing by his beliefs in a way, I guess.

So in a scenario where Daddy had sex with Roger Stone is it technically a MMM threesome because there's 3 dicks involved?

Who does the 3rd one, deep into Trump, belong to?


The deep state.

The Balls Deep State.

The Richard Nixon tat on Stone's back

Ugh. Figuring out all the positions they're doing is as complicated as playing a game of Factorio.

*looks shyly at feet* are chu sure? *eyes light up* i'm a 21 year old professional big dick male, i can actually obtain alcohol with my own money and id *confidence induces a bulge to grow as i puff my plum chest out in a super hero stance* i know you're probably wet with anticipation of my arrival *smirks* m'lady. are you sure you don't want me to provide the alcohols and the ding-dong as well?

"I never sucked any ding dongs"

BRB jumping off a bridge, my dreams are dead

I don't know about you, but I get really horny whenever I see Alex Jones host info wars. His thicc body makes me sexually exhilarated and on many occasions I have found myself ejaculating on my computer screen. His manly conservative stature could make any sexually active individual have feelings for him.

On separate occasions I tried calling the live Infowars show to confess my love for Alex Jones. I repeatedly go over in my head what I'd say to him but I never have the courage to do it. Sometimes I think I should describe to him the sexual fantasy I have of him where I am dominated by him in bed after he consumes one of his male vitality products. His cock would grow 15 inches in length pulverizing my asshole and it'd feel great. This fantasy is what gets me off now a days.

A couple weeks back i made my own Alex Jones love doll to satisfy my sexual desires for him. I bought an inflatable blow up doll on amazon (real high quality one, sent me back 400$ but it was worth every penny) and a large dildo called "the great American challenge". Thanks to my creative craftsman's ship I was able to print a good photo of Alex Jones's face and tape it onto the blowup dolls face. This somewhat worked in making my fantasy become real. But something feels missing.

It is no secret that I am a huge fan when it come to eating ass and as of a few days ago my mouth has been watering whenever I see Alex Jones bend down on his show. This has caused me to reach a climax like no other. I can't eat out my blow up dolls asshole since those dolls weren't meant for receiving rim jobs.

I hope this message reaches someone who can help make my dream come true. I really want to eat that mans prefect thicc ass. As of now, I'll just have to make due with what I have ๐Ÿ˜ข

This, but unironically.

come on now, how could anybody, straight or gay turn this down?


This is what peak performance looks like

Honestly looks pretty healthy for his age

What the fuck.

He didn't say "will never" ;)

This really gays my frogs

Boy's been hitting the chili pretty hard lately

Bill Hicks is in his prime.

The real question is, would you rather experience WW3, or a video of Trump sucking a ding dong?

Iโ€™d go through WW3 just for the opportunity to see that video

id mouthfuck your dad to see that video.

Would you get mouthfucked by his dad?... lets lay all the cards on the table. I wanna know where your line is for a DT BJ video.

id let his dad shit in my mouth for that video.

This man is a national...nay, an international treasure.


Lol, imagine this sub being actually modded by alex jones.

Are you kidding? Just imagine the love/hate relationship he and some of our regular users would develop.

It'd be that Amy Schumer copypasta irl.

I see Amy Schumer Alex Jones as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her his exterior AND her his personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her his bussy repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Amy Schumer Alex Jones is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her his quivering, malformed cunt bussy with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she he makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her his bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb ass as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her his ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Amy Schumer Alex Jones does it for me.

Five Points to Hufflepuff-Puff-Pass.

Huffleton Post

I'd pay money to see him and /u/pizzashill go at it

I think pizza would spontaneously combust

You know, P-Shilly is wrong about a lot of stuff, but I like him. I wouldn't want to subject him to that sort of abuse.

Alex the Autist being autistic.

Well, at least the guy is fucking alive.

Unlike millions of zombies floating around.

I get it, it's Alex Jones but it's ironic that we are at the stage where normal human reaction is relegated to a manic schizoid and the height of sense and sensibility is "told you so".

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Alex Jones melts down after being cucked by Donald Trump #maga +15 -
Young Turks Flip Out On Alex Jones +4 - Enjoy.
Alex Jones And Roger Stone Interrupt The Young Turks Republican National Convention Coverage +1 - Here's another angle of the whole incident: Chunk Yogurt said: "Didn't you admit that you lied about Elliot Spencer you piece of crap?"

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He sounds like that lonely, drunk, old man at the bar that can't stop mumbling stupid shit

OP how butt hurt are you Hillary lost

This comment reveals the deepness of your own butthurt, friendo. the one claims "butthurt", must hurt.

I'd give you a hug but I don't want to touch you.

I want to... I want to badly.

This is the correct feelings and actions I have with lolcows -- except for Jewdank.

How does making fun of a lolcow drama factory fat man equate to someone being injured over some bitch losing the election>?

Lol, I voted Trump.

Lol, I voted Trump. Doesn't mean I can't laugh at Alex Jones breaking down.

Lol this post is all reeeeeeeeing about alex jones and daddy

Make that next fentanyl shot a big one

You gonna send me some chief?

What, you don't even have money for drugs?

Typical centipedo

Nah just donโ€™t wanna hit the ghetto ๐Ÿ™

Nah m8, you get the high end opiates in the suburbs with the WASPS.

Exactly ^

the lady doth protest too much, methinks.

This guy has surpassed Glen Beck in the 00's

"At least it's not ww3" is this really where we are now

"There's no video of President Trump sucking any ding-dongs."

ELI5: Now that I know I can't fap to this, how is life even worth living?


Can't Alex Jones see that Daddy getting us into a war in Syria is just Daddy's way of keeping us out of a war in Syria?

It's like he doesn't even understand 4d chess.