Are people with face tattooos stable, rich, and employed? If you say no, you live in the 50s

88  2018-04-15 by xKillerDreag




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It’s 2018 and people with face tattoos are completely retarded

I have hand tattoos and I agree.


They should only let you get a face tattoo if it says “UNEMPLOYED”

Well this is uncomfortable.

What would you say the percentage of people with face tattoos is on Working vs Prison?

Look, I wasn't trying to say that the girl with the word Damned was hireable... just that not all facial tattoos should be condemned. But this thread has brought a reign of downvotes on a lot of my old comments and it's not a whole lot of fun to be getting messages that aren't exactly... friendly.



Dammit Ed, take some melatonin or something. Your sleep problems are starting to affect the people you love.

Lol but seriously tho. I didn't like the post. That's it. I'm not saying remove it. People clearly enjoyed it it's just that it was boring for me 😅

If you don't have anything nice to say, maybe you should just 🤐. I don't want any negativity in my r/drama.

Your comment are stressing me out 😓. I downsnozzled you ⬇️️👎😣

We'll get through this bb. We always do.


Maybe it's the country I'm from, but tattoos on face/neck/hands are essentially shorthand for "I'm lower class and staying that way"

I think this is the case everywhere except maybe New Zealand, maybe. I have hard time believing people who comment in trashy aren't lower class and staying that way in the first place.

It's worth noting that the people who are most likely to persist in an online argument are the ones whose time is worthless enough to keep going

Not according to the internet history of my boss.

I find that applies to people who also tattoo their arms, especially with something edgy and think they are an "artist".

Nah, arm sleeves are ok. They just scream "edgy hipster" as opposed to "violently lower class"

yeah, edgy hipsters can still grow out of it and end up owning an HVAC installing company by their 40's

Its pretty universal. Lol

Fucking casteless.

Unless you're some type of "artist".

depends on the artist

"I draw on walls with my own poop during meth binges" is technically a type of artist

You have dishonored the proud Yakuza.

/r/trashy is full of trashy people for some reason.

Face tattoos don't make you unemployable, unemployable people get face tattoos and since most hiring managers aren't 20 year old redditors they know this from experience.

Exactly. People who get face tats probably don't have a lot of ambitions beyond saving up enough money to get their next face tattoo.

Or hit of whatever.

Even people with face tattoos will tell you this.

Unless you aspire to be a tattoo artist or a sound cloud rapper.

That implies a soundcloud rapper is even aware you're in the same room as them because they're midway through their latest semi-lethal cocktail of xannie bois.

Imagine getting tattoos in 2018, shit is so boring 😪😪

Yeah it’s all about turning your dick skin inside-out right now. Pretty lit tbh

Shit, I'm still nailing mine to a board like it's 2017.

As a general manager in some backwater 3rd world country, I wouldn't hire a retard with face tattoos besides maybe a contractual warehouse labour job. Might even help since he'll likely scare off muggers in the dead of night when trucks are allowed to deliver their goods to malls. On the other hand, Duterte probably already killed everyone with face tattoos hopefully.

In America the people with face tattoos know this, and benefit from it. Many forms of welfare here depend on people looking for work. They have to apply for jobs, but since they are lower-class degenerates they don't actually want to get a job. The face tattoo helps them avoid being hired.

Welfare is a mistake. Thank goodness we don't have that here



If you need a day job, you aren't rich. Poor fags, smh.

Idk hate to be the contrarian but, I’ve seen some pretty decent face tattoos that would actually fly in the corporate setting.

Okay please show me this tattoo that'll impress my Japanese consulting clients

Moving the goal posts much?

Overruled, please continue



In the work force

Absolutely Haram

I don't believe you. Show me proof.

There wasn't as single one of the hundreds on there that would fly in any but the very most laid back corporate settings. BTW, I've worked at a few different .com startups and Silicon Valley wonderkids and none of them would be OK with this stuff either. The most radical things I've seen are stretched lobes and the occasional septum piercing.

No need to get hostile bro I’m just thinking out loud

I'm not hostile? I was just saying I didn't see anything that would fly in a corporate environment.

Oh I feel ya bro. Just took the down vote personally

No downvote from me friendo.


True, it's not as offensive as the typical face tattoo. Still a job killer though.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 832

Narrated by 'Abdullah

Allah has cursed those women who practise tattooing and those who get it done for themselves, and those who remove hair from their faces, and those who artificially create spaces between their teeth to look beautiful, such women as alter the features created by Allah. Why should I not then curse those whom Allah's Apostle has cursed and that is in Allah's Book?

If this doesn’t end the debate right then and there I don’t know what will

and those who remove hair from their faces

Maybe the veil is necessary.

Allah has doomed the kafir to a life of ignorance to the superior unibrow. It has been noted by the prophet’s companions that in his spare time, the prophet (pbuh) would often ponder about the beauty of the unibrow, which he has said “parallels the sexual joy one would normally acquire upon observing the bouncing breasts of kate bint upton”

The Prophet was a Kurd? Explains a lot tbh.

Removing the unibrow is actually allowed for women, the prohibition is basically only on the eyebrows, and doesn't include the hair between the eyebrows, mustache hair, or beard hair.

Here are two fatwas on the topic:

ما حكم الإسلام في إزالة شعر الوجه، واقصد بالذات منطقة الشارب إذا كان الشعر فيها ظاهر أو متوسط، هل يحل؟

لا حرج على المرأة في إزالة شعر الشارب والفخذين والساقين والذراعين، وليس هذا من التنمص المنهي عنه

What is the ruling on removing facial hair in Islam, and by that I mean the mustache area if the hair on it is visible or medium in length, is it allowed?

Answer: There is no harm in the woman removing hair from the mustache or thighs or lower leg, and that is not from the type of plucking that is forbidden.

ما حكم الإسلام في نتف الشعر الذي بين الحاجبين؟

يجوز نتفه؛ لأنه ليس من الحاجبين

What is the ruling of removing the hair between the eyebrows in Islam?

Answer: Plucking it is allowed, because it is not part of the eyebrows.

Yeah I know, I was just taking the piss

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: لا تكذبوا علي فإنه من كذب علي فليلج النار

إلى جهنم وبئس المصير

It’s not like the infidels on here would convert anyway.

Nothing wrong with tattoos. This is a time where i dusagree with a drama thread. Its not the 50s anymore.

Edit: to clarify about the scarification, he's a young man from an unknown (because I never asked) tribe. It's part of his tradition and heritage

Cultural traditions are a bit different from getting "Damned" on your face or a huge brony on your forehead. Just saying.

And now all I can imagine is a dude getting a tattoo of another dude on their forehead.

I mean these days you gotta consider that you'll be working with clients of some sort from Asia.

If you have any visible tattoo let alone one on a face they won't deal with you or your company since they'll see it as a personal insult to send someone like that.

So unless its backend non-client facing work and plan to stay there you really shouldn't get facial tats