Yep, these morons totally aren't pedophiles

82  2018-04-15 by MG87


Cool story, bro


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Shout out to this dumbass

No it's not,check the laws,it's illegal to DOWNLOAD the CP. They can't prosecute you for stumbling upon a video, hell they can't prosecute you for even searching CP.

Stop half-assing callouts.

/u/223pttocs, you're a fucking imbecile and you would have been better off as a blowie instead of infecting your mother's eggs. Go apologize to her immediately.

What do you have to say? Since you wanna talk shit where you think I'm not gonna see it.

Oh I know people would ping you, I knew you would take the bait Hook line and sinker, because you're fucking retarded

Stop trying to find a loophole when it comes to child porn you sick fuck

GTFOH with this shit, I was explaining to those guys freaking out spreading disinfo. You forgot to link the rest of the conversation ass wipe.

What happened to your bill badass post?

Gone, piss off, go get a job or something.

U mad?

Why should we GTFO, this is our lunch table and you can't sit with us

I'm not I'm walking by and trying to leave. I didn't ask for this. OP cherry picked a comment to make themselves feel better. I'm not tryna explain myself to everyone.

You aren't black don't say tryna you try-hard

That's pretty racist there bub.

Ping me and come to my fucking house bitch bring your whole fucking army cause you'll need em. Everyone in my house is ready let's go.

It's more that anyone dumb enough to say something like this should probably have the plug pulled from their life support

From 18 U.S.C. § 2251 general summary on

Any individual who attempts or conspires to commit a child pornography offense is also subject to prosecution under federal law.

Searching for child pornography is considered is illegal in 18 U.S. C. § 2251(d)(1)(A) specifically

Or just common sense would work, like how children can't consent. Believing internet cultists is probably bad for your brain.

I understand, from seeing cases and hearing people's experiences, and the conversation that my OC was posted in, I am right. Like I said, the other comments to the conversation weren't posted. The system we have now is fucked up. Of course you'll be flagged for your searches but they don't enforce those laws. I'm not saying I agree with the shit I'm just pointing it out.

You do realize that viewing anything on the internet involves downloading it, right?

Yeah I do, but the way the justice system is set up, a good enough lawyer, in the right state will get anything done. Like I said the other part of the conversation wasn't posted.

By good enough lawyer you mean your lawyer right?

Haha I don't have a lawyer, don't need one. Read the conversation where the comment came from.

What the fuck did you just fucking say, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Shut up and take my upvote!

user reports:
1: It's targeted harassment at me
1: It's targeted harassment at someone else

No, it's not harrasment to call your dumb ass a dumbass you mental midget.

someone claimed it's hrc and huma cutting a girl's face off and wearing it, which is believable considering what satanists do at rituals

/u/galvanised_computer, you are partially correct. Do Satanists remove the faces of children with a carving knife? Yes. But do they wear the dead skin mask like they're Ed Gein? No, they fuck the holes where the eyes and mouth used to be.

which is believable considering what satanists do at rituals

Sounds like something only a satanist would know...

/u/galvanised_computer, we're on to you.

only a satanist would know...

but he was wrong. Source

If I was a satanist I'd have a lot more money!

Us Jews cut baby penises, not murdered faces. Stop watching InfoWars if you want to get the facts right.

Oh, hi. Hope your day is going well.

Also, QAnon is fake and there is no video.

My eyes are opened. Stay woke

Why would you need to remove the face to fuck the eye and mouth holes? Get the fuck out of here, newfag.

Comes down to aesthetic preferences, really

Can you roll up a child’s head and stuff it in your cargo pocket for future use? No! Hence the necessity for Kid 🧒 Face 2 Go.

Not all of us! #notallpedorastsatanists

But do they wear the dead skin mask like they're Ed?

/u/Ed_Butteredtoast care to comment?

well, shill, that's what satanists do

New snappy quote?

humanity has believed in things without any evidence since the dawn of the species - i would argue someone who believes in nothing unless provided evidence, is in fact, the mentally ill one in this case.

This one too, pls

I feel like there's an legit philosophy equivalent of this stated somewhere else.

We don't discount the possibility because we know what Satanic rituals involve

And you know what they involve… how, exactly, /u/solanojones95?

Through research, duh. Like do your own.

Because they publish them, for any to find, for those who aren't content being willfully ignorant.

Published where, exactly? The Quartly Journal of Satan, Satanism, and Satanic Ritual?

I've seldom encountered anyone so proud of willful ignorance. Go shill for Satan with someone who gives a shit. That would not be me. Buh-Bye.

How can it be willful ignorance when I’ve asked you twice now to educate me on the matter? It’s not my fault you refuse to share your bounty of knowledge when asked.

I've seldom encountered anyone so proud of willful ignorance

And it's not often I see someone dodge a question that hard.

Where are they published?

I've seldom encountered anyone so proud of willful ignorance. Go shill for Satan with someone who gives a shit. That would not be me. Buh-Bye.

Mods. Snappy. Literally no excuse not to.

Have already done, and already blocked the user, so it's not my problem anymore.

But thank you so much! An unsolicited kind comment on today of all days means a lot!

What the hell are you talking about

BTW, have you seen the mockery of a "Report" dialog this sub has? Mods clearly don't take reporting seriously in this sub, so it's no wonder it's a Wild West free-for-all shoot-em-up in here.

Reported for white people nonsense.

Our best rituals aren't published honey.

Yes they are. They're written all over the bloody history of this world. And thank you for proving my point about your lack of concern for concealment by publicly outing yourself, as you all do.

Needless to say, you can go shill for Satan with somebody who gives a shit, which is not me. Buh-Bye.

They're written all over the bloody history of this world

That's not how writing works.

So when we hide symbols to taunt you (3) and to praise HIIM (pbuh) you don't even know.

Hail Satan.

what is with you people and satanists? why do some people legit believe satanists are some actual thing beyond edgy people trying to prove a point about religion in government? lol

Then those people are not Satanists. And if you're referring to yourself, then you've made yourself a useful idiot decoy.

You seem like someone who wants to be taken as intelligent. So stop bashing people for knowing something you don't. Find out from people who know, read, research, whatever it takes to become informed. Just stop being so proud of your ignorance.

What is with you people who come in here and throw shade on those of us who've done our homework, and won't bother doing it yourself?

>actually believing in satanists doing ritual sacrifice and cutting off faces for satan

>calling others ignorant


Bruh. You heard the man. Go and watch hours of rambling YouTube videos until you learn all of the secrets of the Satanists. DO YER HOMEWERK!!!

Just go on down to the local library and pick up any book and start reading and we'll start learning about satanism and Hillary Clinton raping babies? Not even gonna a recommendation on books?

Reading, what's that?

YouTube obviously is the prime source for finding the truth about society.

Try searching for stuff like "flat earth theories", "government pedophile rings hidden in pizza parlors", "why did the lizard people pick the Jews as their diciples on Earth?", "Am I smarter than a Jew?", "Holocaust is a hoax", "naked photos of the god emporer".

Enlighten yourself! Stop pointing fingers as us who took the time to do RESEARCH.

You're so cute. You want so desperately to be taken seriously. You keep following every lead that any youtube clickbait video, twitter bot account, or schizophrenic blog can promise you.

But you keep just finding leads, no hard evidence. You feel like you're just so close, that if you just keep searching you'll find it. You keep finding "proof", but it's never concrete, the normies just wouldn't understand all the circumstantial evidence. So you keep looking, and the cycle repeats. After a while you forget what evidence actually is and just take other peoples words for it.

Now you're in too deep, you can't back down because the only people who still respect you are other people who fell into the same vicious cycle that you did. You are all stuck in the lolcow barn, chasing after respect that some random people on twitter keep promising you.

And the saddest part of all, deep down you know I'm right.

What kind of turboretarded mongoloids are downvoting this amazing lolcow

Because they publish them

Where? Give me a link. Hell give me a link to a new sites talking about these videos

Listen to yourself. Gimme gimme gimme. Do your own damn research and stop pestering me.

Lol how does it feel to be a retard? Either link the sources or shut the fuck up

I’ve seen pretty a lot of gore videos, heard descriptions of way more that I didn’t have the stomach to watch. I’ve only heard of a handful of human sacrifice stories, and none of them have video proof, only police reports. None of them were satanic. The only face-flaying video I’ve seen is Funkytown, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t Hdawg flaying that video. I think I’ve done enough research on gruesome shit to confidently say you are full of shit. Back up what you’re saying with literally any source and I’ll shut up forever.

I'm not your research assistant, and you're not entitled to my time. Look for yourself. End of conversation.

You’re not a good faith participant in this community. Go be sad and lonely somewhere else.

But at least, as we can see from /u/Thots_begone_REEE, they aren’t sad and lonely. They found other crazy people on the internet to be sad and lonely together with.

At least I don’t hang around on bullying subs trying to feel better about myself. Drama sub posters are so fucking creepy.

That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me.

We’re not bullying you. We’re pointing out how everything you think, say, and do is ridiculously dumb.

It’s actually a public service and we’re selfless af.

I’m not talking about myself. I give two shits what you sad people think of me. I’m talking about you weirdos who post on drama subs. Your lives are so empty that you need to sit around on a website full of other losers and find people you think are dumb just to make yourselves feel better. You are sad, sad people.

Would it make you feel better if we pretended to hunt pedophiles?

Seriously, people have no idea how much effort and self-sacrifice it takes for us to deal with the LOLcow epidemic everyday

We're heroes, really

Drama sub posters are so fucking creepy.

Unlike the people fantasizing about videos where a child is cut up by their political opponent.

I mean, what else is there to do on a Monday morning?

Drama sub posters are so fucking creepy.

Says the guy from the "cutting off childrens faces and wearing thier skin" sub.

Le edgelord

of all the comments in the sub, THIS is the edgy one? See this is how we know your beliefs and opinions are total garbage

Le fentanyl. Le quickly.

Carfentanyl is even faster

Oof. That stings, Thots_begone_REEE. So how does a person get to the point where they're seriously discussing skinning childrens faces on a fan-forum to a namefag from off-brand 4chan? Is this your first cult?

Can you find where I’ve talked about this? You people are creepy.

Just accusing random people (especially who don't like Daddy Putin and Daddy Trump) of being satanist pedophiles than refusing to post proof of your claims

Please screenshot where I did that

I can do even better, here's a link to you defending someone accusing Clinton of being a pedophile satanist and repeatedly refusing to back them up. You should stop and delete your history before changing your life story.

Did you link to the wrong post?

No, have you been taking the wrong pills?

I'm sorry if it turned out you were taking the wrong pills and I hope you get better soon!

If we actually got you to kill yourself, we would have done more good for the world than you ever will.

I’m curious, what do you gain from being an asshole? I genuinely worry about people like you

You can’t reason with some people. I try sometimes. But other times it’s just easier to tell people like you to kys after repeated failed attempts to get you to communicate like a normal human being.

You people are fucking weird. Don’t you have more productive things to do? I’ll pray for you.

The way you feel about Podesta we feel about all of you. Wouldn’t you say the same to him if you knew he’d read it?

So you think of republicans the same way people think of pedophiles?

You consider yourself just an average Republican? You disgust me because its impossible to communicate even the simplest concept to you without you somehow twisting it into the stupidest shit imaginable. You are a machine that takes in normal words and spits out some mangled tangentially related garbage. It has nothing to do with your political affiliation.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Bullying Subs Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Just Unsubscribe Haha

Feel better about yourself yet?


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt-right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. Wil is smarter than the average cookie, they head to know he'd be on to them. Sad.

I’m curious. If anyone you disagree with is a nazi, what word do you use to describe actual Nazis?

Too stupid to even recognize the pasta, how are you discovering secret conspiracies again?

Nah I’m asking a serious question. Lately, any conservative has been called a nazi. The word is thrown around so much that it’s lost meaning. What will you call actual Nazis since the word nazi is so overused that it’s lost it’s meaning?

Well first of all, I don't think I've ever called someone a Nazi. Second of all, is it because of the lead paint eating that you're too stupid to recognize pasta or just the "Masculinity enhancers" from alex jones?

I’m curious, what do you hope to gain by harassing me?

Sometimes, people spontaneously gain enlightenment from an event that sufficiently knocks them out of their typical frame of thought. We’re trying to get you to see truth - this is all based in love for all sentient beings.

I'm trying to get you to realize how thoroughly you've been fooled by the right into believing that a man who talks about fucking his daughter is somehow good at running a country. It's been rare, but it's happened before.

Its okay to be white you white devil.

Well, never mind all that, /u/Thots_begone_REEE. This has nothing to do with this thread, but would you just listen to me for a little bit? See, I went to the local Yoshinoya today. Right. Yoshinoya. And the damn place was packed so full of people, I couldn't even find a seat. So I looked around a bit, and I found a sign that said "150 yen off". What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you idiots or something? Any other day you wouldn't even think of going to Yoshinoya, but if it's 150 yen off, you all flock in here? It's just 150 fucking yen! 150 yen! And you're brining the kids too. Look at that, a family of four going to Yoshinoya. Con-fucking-gratulations. And now the guy's going, "All right! Daddy's going to order the extra-large!" Shit, I can't watch any more of this.

Yoshinoya should be fucking brutal. Two guys sit facing each other across a U-shaped table, and you never quite know if they'll suddenly just start a fight right there. It's stab-or-be-stabbed, and that's what so damn great about the place. Women and kids should stay the fuck away.

Well, I finally found a seat, but then the guy next to me goes, "I'll have a large bowl with extra gravy!". So now I'm pissed off again. Who the fuck orders extra gravy these days? Why are you looking so goddamn proud when you say that? I was gonna ask you, are you really going to fucking eat all that gravy? I wanted to fucking interrogate you. For about a fucking hour. You know what? I think you just wanted to say "extra gravy".

Now, take it from a Yoshinoya veteran. The latest thing among the Yoshinoya pros is this: Extra green onions. That's the ticket. A large bowl with extra onions, and egg. This is what someone who knows his shit orders. They put in more onions, and less meat. A large bowl with the raw egg, that's really fucking awesome. Now, you should know, if you keep ordering this, there's a risk employees might write you up. This really is a double-edged sword. I really can't recommend this for amateurs.

And you, /u/Thots_begone_REEE, well, you should really just stick to today's special.

You’re just mad because no one wants that larded bussy of yours.

Show us on the reddit alien where /u/spez censored you?

Boomers truly are the Greatest Generation.

Well that’s just not true.


Are you saying that you were telling lies on purpose?

Nice try shit eater. What a moronic name you've got.

oh oh do me next

Announcement to r/drama: DO NOT seek out child pornography. I know you mean well but it could be used against us ;_;

I can totally see SRD trying to trick us into viewing child pornography, but I'm too wise for that old trick.

risky click of the day

good bot

woof woof

bad bot



worst bot

Considering how people here constantly demand to see the buttholes of fellow /r/Drama posters, I think the don't-seek-out-child-pornography ship has sailed and fallen off the edge of the Earth.

I think there's something in the sidebar somewhere about only barely legal bussy being acceptable

Our mods are so lazy though, can we really be sure?

Our mods are so lazy though, can we really be sure?

Dunno man. Some of them just like to swing the banhammer.

This place has a sidebar?

This is like telling the sun not to shine

The annotated /u/CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX:

I want stills, and carefully selected clips from the video proving what I already know to be true. I feel like I need to see it just to confront what pure evil is, because every time I see things like this it spurs me and motivates me to fight just that much harder.

Note the clever use of “fight” as a code word for “masturbate”.

It's hard for people to understand, I'm sure, and they will chalk it up to morbid curiosity but it's more like I have to shed tears and release anger in empathy for those the cabal have taken.

We leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine what “tears” and “anger” are codewords for.

It doesn't even have to be Hillary, it could be any type of satanic sacrifice ritual of any high profile celebrity or politician. Anyone ever compromised and blackmailed from Epstein island, to Marina Abramovich's private parties.

IOW: “Sure, I could be totally wrong in everything I’ve been saying as far as specifics go. But so long as the odds prevail and one of the literally millions of rich, elite people in the world can be shown to be a pedo, I’ll get to pretend like this is evidence that all of them are wrapped up in some sort of sick, disgusting, child porn ring that will give me mental fodder to whack it to for years.”

On a more selfish note, I want to feel VINDICATED, I want to shove it in people's faces that denied it all this time and tell them they were absolute fools for not seeing what was right in front of them.

Translated: “Look, I’ve been wrong about every other delusion I’ve had in my long, miserable life, and it’s really starting to wear on me. And so I am praying to god that just this one time I can be right with one of my crackpot theories and pretend my life wasn’t one big, long, wasted descent into irrelevant, insane, ranting into the ether.”

Trick question: he doesn’t have thoughts. He just repeats memes.

is it cum


Inb4 grandpa #🕒tick🕞tock🕦 suspension

Meh, fuck him.

Hillary Clinton is a pedophile? What?

Of course not, don't be ridiculous

She has kids killed to eat their adrenal glands to achieve immortality

There is a debate about whether she wears their skin or not, personally I think that's just a myth

Oh, what a surprise, one of (((them))) is covering up the truth behind the skin-wearing of a Clinton.

She's doing a pretty poor job at achieving that, she seems to need a wooden prop stick to hold her up for speeches at this point and can't make it up a flight of stairs without having a little tumble.

Imagine looking around at 6000 years of religion, from worshipping nature to Tom Cruise and then, AND THEN, picking trump as your god.

"Grabem by the gussy/bussy!" Getsem every time.

What the actual fuck is that sub? It looks like T_D and /r/JordanPeterson fucked and the baby had Down syndrome.

Trust in God, Qanon, and Trump

Tells everything you need to know about them.

Warning: don't seek to view any HRC Vid relating to child rape.

/u/galvanised_computer, what if that's my fetish?

I’m confused.


We know Hillary is pure evil from Cathy Obrien’s testimony on youtube

And do the autists here believe this?

HA! I'm fucking crying here.

This is like a Facebook thread

I can't believe that these dummies haven't figured out that they are being used to promote a conspiracy that a small group of people are profiting from.

(((a small group of people)))