Somebody puts together a comprehensive summary of the person almost single-handedly responsible for making the /r/zen the most dramatic place on reddit, which in turn spawns more drama.

86  2018-04-15 by snallygaster


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

ahahahaha, that's amazing. Ewk actually put some effort into fighting back. There's a dossier about Ewk's other on and offline activities floating around, but it can't be posted here because it's dox out the ass.

Would you able to dedox it? Would love to see it.

I'm not sure, but I'll take a look.

Can you penetrate me?

Cool, thanks!

To briefly add to the linked summary, somebody recently sent me links to ewk's old metafilter account wherein he was a rape apologist found after he made (this post). He has a pretty large internet footprint

/r/zen remains one of the best places on reddit for drama. it has the near-perfect combination of smugness, kookiness, and moderators who are too uncaring/lazy to do anything about it. it's almost like /r/drama, except they believe what they say.


God damn, I just looked around there, I’ve never seen so much fucking smug

All the "smug" subreddits have and have had nothing on it. /r/zen is the original and it will remain when the others fall to ruin.

I feel like ranting to strangers on the internet about enlightenment and whatnot is totally not zen. If these chucklefucks were zen, wouldn't they like, not have a computer. Going on reddit is like, the exact opposite of meditation, and it sure as hell won't help you achieve nirvana.

Ha! I remember, in my younger and more foolish days, that I too once felt as smug as /r/zen does now. Of course, I have since grown, and my self-satisfaction has only increased with time. I sometimes long for the youthful naivete of their smugness, it was such a simpler time, before I became burdened with grandeur of smugness I feel now. Indeed I find it mirthful how smug you consider /r/zen to be- my belly ripples with chortling, my every throat-hair guffawing at your ignorance. There are depths of smugness that a mind such as yours could not even begin to fathom, so let me not confuse you by explicating their complexities. Simply understand that /r/zen smugness is a frail imitation of that which might be. And that which might be, I have achieved. Nothing personnel, kid.

Ah this is the guy who starts shit with the Buddhism subs by claiming Zen isn't Buddhist isn't it?

Yeah, he compares it to things like Scientology. The mods ansolitely refuse to ban him even though almost every thread that gets a modicum of traction gets derailed by him or as a result of him.

Here's my take. /r/zen is a shithole of purple dreck where high schoolers pretend to be enlightened. Ewk says something simple like "zen isn't buddhism" and they get so incredibly butthurt and prove that they really aren't all that zen.

shithole of purple dreck where college kids pretend to be enlightened

That's most of reddit, but relatively few subs have people like Ewk shitting up the place.

We have ed

And pizza.

They literally wrote a book about their version of zen, so I assume that they either: a) actually believe what they say, or b) have been unsuccessfully trying to start a new religious movement and failing miserably.

I'm not really sure which interpretation would actually be better.

Well, that's not exactly what I'd call peaceful meditation.

/u/ewk /u/woodrail since this post is going to be removed soon, is there anything you'd like to say about this in a neutral forum?

I dunno. I mean, it makes no difference to me. I don't think I ever actually hold back much.

You seem to be mostly interested in internet slapfights. Maybe this is a more appropriate sub for you?

I'd give /u/ewk the shirt off my back IRL.

You aren't honest. I'm not asking you for the shirt off your back.

I'm asking you to discuss Zen in the Zen forum... and you refuse.

Would you give me yours?

This is getting hot.

Thanks for blessing us with your presence, Master Ewk

I've been stuck on this koan for awhile, could you help me?

What should one do if one sees the Bussy?

That isn't a koan.

Problem solved.

Ask anybody: I'm a problem solver.

Ask anybody: I'm a problem solver.

Were I to judge based solely on the contents of this thread and the one to which this thread links I'd suggest that this sentence is exactly one word too long.

I guess standards of evidence aren't really your thing?

I've heard that some people think the moon really isn't that big... sounds like you'd fit right in there...

I guess standards of evidence aren't really your thing?

I'll assume you're as well-versed in the English language as you are Asian philosophies since you clearly didn't understand that "were I to judge based solely on the contents of this thread and the one to which this thread links" was meant to indicate that it wouldn't be fair to judge based on such anecdotal evidence. I'll charitably assume that in your extensive research into the secrets of the far east that you never stumbled upon anything that would educate you on how to identify or process humor. As Buddha, or maybe even Confucius might say, "It's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard."

Confucius say, man who run before bus get tired, but man who run behind bus get exhausted.

"Just a bot trying to brighten up someone's day with a laugh. | Message me if you have one you want to add."

I would generally banish any bot who dares set foot in Snappy's domain, but I enjoy ethnically insensitive humor.

Dude! That is still totally unfair! Did you not see the links I've posted in this thread to resources it took me years to dig out of the internet?

Don't even get me started about Buddha...

Possibly the wittiest comment ever made on r/Drama.

I think these people need to spend more time meditating than talking about it on reddit.

Zen Masters reject meditation: "Western Zen" is really evangelical cult Buddhism, invented by Dogen, a guy from Japan, and mostly spread to the West these guys: /r/zen/wiki/sexpredators

The background on r/Zen is that we have a bunch of new age Buddhists who all claim to be messiahs and all want to promote themselves as meditation teachers... I've shut them down with basic research, and they send me messages like this:

Here is the summary of the many ways they've been thwarted: r/zensangha/wiki/ewk

All masters meditate, my uninformed friend.

By whatever name, tradition or age.

Some frauds may profess to teach things that aren't true, or seek excessive publicity or power while traveling down a path that doesn't end in the enlightenment that we seek, but all masters meditate.

It doesn't have to be sitting under a bodhi tree, it might be sitting in a car with the radio blasting on the way to work.

It doesn't have to be sitting in an ashram in lotus, it might be racing along a singletrack mountain trail on a bicycle.

It doesn't have to be in any position, place or time. But it can be anywhere, anytime.

All masters meditate.

If you can't quote Zen Masters then why pretend you are talking about Zen?

I can quote them:

I bet you don't even know that "meditation" is a mistranslation: r/zen/wiki/dhyana

If you can't quote Zen Masters

I would like to refer you to my posting history:

I'm always quoting zen masters, because what I say is straight from the source.

Yeah you're pretty good at content deception but we might be better.

I don't know why you think a bibliography is "content deception"... have you been to college?

If you meet the Buddha in the lane, feed him the ball

The Zen Master Phil Jackson

You need log off and meditate.

Quiet your mind, calmly.

Start by monitoring your breath. Literally pay all your attention to counting your in-breath..... hold.....exhale......count it and the seconds of the breaths and holds.

Pay attention to completely exhaling. Most people only exhale 80% of the previous intake, and it causes a minor co2 buildup in the lungs that is better if it is prevented.

Time it and practice it and before long, you'll notice that it becomes second nature and you don't have to focus on it anymore or pay that close attention to it. Then you can begin to experience the truest forms of meditation.

Perhaps at some point along your journey, you may seek out higher expressions and experiences, such as advanced yoga, sensory deprivation chambers, extended anaerobic exercise, folk music and dance, or other things I won't mention here.

I get that same sort of advice from all kinds of religious nutbakers... you need to accept Jesus as your personal savior... you need to sacrifice a goat to Baal... you know why people like you want to give me advice like that?

You are afraid of my questions.

Now, I'd guess that I've done more meditation than you... I would guess I'm probably better at it too... and you know what the big clue is to me?

I'm not afraid of your questions... in fact... I dare you to ask them...

Some people say I do it because I enjoy watching illiterate religious trolls choke... but that's not true.

I do it because when you can't ask, and you can't answer, then you know something about yourself. I do it to give you the gift of self knowledge.

You're welcome and stuff.

Okay, I've got a question. If you're so wise, then why are you constantly sperging out at redditors?

Maybe he realized the true key to zen enlightenment is autistically chronicling the actions of every poster in /r/zen and informing them of any and all errors in their actions?

I don't think anyone can prove I'm wise.

I think we can observe that you're not

Problem solved!

As I said, I'm a problem solver.

you need to accept Jesus

The subreddit has a wiki on the sex predators involved?


The argument is that not only are those people evangelical Buddhists and not Zen Masters as they claim, it turns out they were also sex predators.

Involved with zen, not with the subreddit ffs.

I'm saying that those sex predators claimed to be involved with Zen... but they were not being honest about history or Zen teachings... and on top of that, they were also sex predators.

I don't really care, brother, it's just fucked up that the sub has a sex predators wiki.

So you think a wiki page detailing a history of sex predators posing as Zen Masters is... more fucked up... than the fact that a bunch of churches have sex predators posing as Zen Masters?

You can see how it might sound like you are sort of missing the reality there... right?

You really aren't terribly bright, are you?

It would be embarrassing for you if that was true, wouldn't it?

Thanks for further illustrating the point.

Sorry for your loss.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or if you think your responses make sense. Either way, hats off to you.

And now you've met, ewk. See OP.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Ewk has repeatedly claimed that Zazen has nothing to do with Zen, but Carl Bielefeldt, who ewk says "counts as everybody", stated that

[P]robably few Ch'an monks, […] actually escaped the practice of seated meditation. The Sixth Patriarch himself, in early versions of the [Platform Sutra], leaves as his final teaching to his disciples the advice that they continue in the practice of tso-ch'an (Wade-Giles notation of 坐禪; pinyin: zuochan, Japanese: zazen; "seated meditation"), just as they did when he was alive. In the Litai fa-pao chi ("Record of the Dharma Jewel through Generations"), the radical Pao-t'ang master Wu-chu (pinyin: Wuzhu) (714-77), whom Tsung-mi (pinyin: Zongmi) saw as negating all forms of Buddhist cultivation, still admits to practicing tso-ch'an (zazen). Hui-hai's Tun-wu ju-tao yao men ("Essentials of Sudden Enlightenment") begins its teaching on sudden awakening by identifying tso-ch'an (zazen) as the fundamental practice of Buddhism. Ma-tsu (pinyin: Mazu) himself, though he is chided by his master for it, is described by his biographers as having constantly practiced tso-ch'an (zazen). According to the "Ch'an-men kuei-shih," ("Regulations of the Ch'an Approach") Po-chang (pinyin: Pai-chang) found it necessary to install long daises in his monasteries to accommodate the monks in their many hours of tso-ch'an (zazen). Such indications of the widespread practice of meditation could no doubt be multiplied several fold. Indeed the very fact that Wu-chu (Wuzhu), Huai-jang (Huizhong), Ma-tsu (Mazu), Lin-chi (Linji), and other masters of the period occasionally felt obliged to make light of the practice can be seen as an indication that it was taken for granted by the tradition. We can probably assume that, even as these masters labored to warn their disciples against fixed notions of Buddhist training, the monks were sitting with legs crossed and tongues pressed against their palates.

Bielefeldt admitted Dogen didn't study with Rujing.

Game over.

Who cares about Dogen?

Can't address the fact that a cult leader lied to his followers?


I realize that I said cruel, hurtful things to you last year and again--I'm sorry--but I do need to remind you that your anti-meditation and anti-Dogen views about Zen have been totally refuted.

Like, decimated.

Troll can't quote Zen Masters, says he is "really sorry" he doesn't study Zen.

You need to learn how to crop images.

...I'll put that on the list of things to do. My windows laptop, my very very expensive windows laptop, got fried last year. So I've switched to Chromebook and embraced teh heavenly cloud. There is a bit of a learning curve... but hey, I'll just stop studying Zen so I can learn to properly crop images on a chromebook, shall I?

It's certainly a better use of your time.

"Better" according to... whom, exactly? You'll pardon me if I stick to Zen standards in the Zen forum.

Everyone who's not an idiot.

Ah, well. I don't mind being an idiot... you?

As long as I'm not as dumb as a "zen master", I'm ok.

I think you might have wandered into the wrong forum for that goal...

/r/drama isn't for idiots like zen "masters". It's for the truly enlightened, radical centrist.

OMG! What forum am I in?!!

Holy Internets! I've been drama'd.

For a while

I'm on a Chromebook too!

With all respect to you and your point of view that ewk is very noticeable. Mentally healthy person can't be abused and harassed on reddit. If ewk can become your problem - you should learn to reflect. Hatred is a disease. If something like this bothers you - that's a problem, not this something.

Attention all bussy busted lolcows read this and than do some self reflection

It's like that cult leader explaining to his disciple that it's her problem if she's offended by him screaming "Fuck you!" at her.

Or, as a great man once said:

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha


read this and than do some self reflection


I remember him on there from years ago, how is he still going?!

I'm all for allowing retarded users to speak their mind (i.e., this subreddit), but how have they let him completely trash that community for years now?

It really just takes one or two people to wreck a place. I think letting silvertongue run rampant is what jump-started SRD's downfall.

At least some of the mods are his sycophants, if not his alts. And so they let him run free while the rest of the community protests in vain. There's like one huge explosion of metadrama over it every two months, and the time between those just consists of slapfights started by/over Ewk, arguments about a guy who thinks he's the 7th patriarch and other colorful individuals, and the occasional poster who unwittingly wandered in after dropping acid and seeing reality for what it is. The place is incredibly toxic and therefore a goldmine of drama.

I guess its one of those things where anyone who was serious about zen and understood it would by definition never want to discuss it on an internet forum.

I don't think you're even meant to discuss it IRL tbh.

Yeah that was a more grounded in dharma than anything I've read on that subreddit :)

beyond "how do I stop my ass from hurting"

Lube, right? The answer is more lube.

You're incredible, like a living Dramapedia

That makes so much sense, poor bastards need a proper Reformation

Also I need to find this 7th patriarch character now

What was that which you just said about me, my friend? I think you ought to know that I have completed my time as a novice-monk, and I've passed through the Gateless Gate, and I've lived for over 300 cycles of rebirth. I am trained in anapanasati and I'm the most senior bhikkhuni in my local sangha. You are nothing to me but just another human being worthy of dignity and respect. I will have compassion upon you with loving-kindness the likes of which has never been seen before in the Cycle of Samsara - you would do well to remember these words. Do you believe that you can say these things and still escape the principle of dependent origination? Perhaps you should reexamine those beliefs, brother. As we speak I am contemplating the importance of accepting your words with detachment and equanimity, so, without malice, I advise you to prepare for the storm, young one. The storm of suffering that afflicts all living creatures in this world. You are trapped in a cycle of death and rebirth, child. Not only am I extensively trained in the Mahayana Tripitaka, but I have access to the entire Pali canon as well, and I will use its teachings to their full extent to help alleviate the suffering within you which causes you to say hurtful things about others. You could reach Nirvana anywhere, any time, and I can help you achieve enlightenment in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with the study of Koan. If only you could understand what evil karma these words of yours would sow, perhaps you would have had the wisdom to keep silent. Nevertheless, this was beyond what you have been prepared for, and so I promise that I will do my best to ease the suffering that you have brought upon yourself. I will teach you the path of the Bodhisattva and you will revel in it. Your suffering may yet reach its end, child.

Ohh nice. I am staunchly opposed to effortposting, but have considered doing a writeup on this guy in the past because I've always found this drama particularly fascinating.

Ewkpates insults others more often than any other user, using terms like illiterate, troll, liar, nutbakers, etc.


For trying to reach zen, these guys spend an awful lot of time coming up with cases against eachother.

It seems kind of funny that instead of just being happy and making the most of their life right now, they decide to not only engage in this shitshow, but also strive for some far-off ideal while being increasingly pretentious about what's most "correct". Seems like you're dragging your balls through broken glass for years and years for nothing.

Maybe I'm missing something and I understand meditation is good for stress, but it seems like it'd be better to just live now and make shit happen currently rather than chase some constantly complicating idea of enlightenment with hundreds of gatekeepers eager to tell you that you're not truly "enlightened" and don't know the proper way or haven't read enough.