From /r/relationships retarded cousin : why do eligible men (i.e. able to date 25 year olds) avoid 35+ yo women who open conversation with their urgent need to have children?

36  2018-04-15 by IAintThatGuy


Jews did this


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Of course they did. Good to see you back snappy.

I have no idea what I'm watching. Looks like an ad for mail order brides, but there's no prices.

seems like the lyrics are (in english):

"I am hurt, really hurt... ahhh".

If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.

Such a Michael Jackson vibe ...

/u/liamcoded have you considered the fact that maybe women a decade younger than you are just not interested in a man with a history of skipping around jobs, no money, no friends, no fun interests, who is, by your own admission, obnoxious (no one likes anyone who describes themself as "politically opinionated"), and, as the cherry on top, is a refugee who hates most Americans ("political views are mostly incompatible with most Americans, both on the right and on the left. And in hardly in a middle." "I came here as a refugee with a lot of baggage that I've been unable or unwilling to let go of."). I'm torn between feeling bad for you and disliking you because you seem absolutely insufferable.

The OP there is an old lady looking for a man to impregnate her before her 3 remaining eggs dry up forevere, I think you got it wrong.

naw bro I didn't ping OP

Ah got it. I might be retarded.

Well if you are, you are certainly in similar company

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

too young for you

Underage, got it. I'm very disappointed that high schools have given up on reading comprehension these days . You've been robbed.

Me being too young for your old wrinkly ass self has no bearing on my ability to understand how sad and desperate you are. You've only got about like five years left before your dick stops working, better go get to work.

Wow, how edgy and immature.

ur mom is edgy and immature

LOL that's adorable but I've got better things to do.

Pls, we both know that's a lie.

/u/HeraBeara biological truths (i.e. "Women are more fertile at a certain age") aren't "PUA/TRP shit". Sure those guys use some of those things to rationalize their actions, but you're missing about 5-6 steps in between where they bastardize those truths.

Ask yourself this: Is it biologically responsible to have children with a 40 year old woman? The risks are immense to both mother and child


Mayo woman

Dude, c'mon.

Oh, please show me where I have ever stated I want to bring spawn into this world.

I will wait...

That's not what they said, toots.

Is it biologically responsible to have children with a 40 year old woman?

OP in the linked thread is 35. I am 40. Is old Cucky wrong then?

He did not imply that you want kids, dude. He pointed out the dumb shit you were saying.

Oh man, you should have seen the stuff I had to delete! Total neckbeard shit...

Based on the reading skill you've shown in this thread, I'm not sure you're the best judge. Although you do seem to fit in well on a reddit relationships sub.

I saw it. Archives are a thing. I saw what you replied to with your "pua" comment and it's not that at all. You can keep playing dumb, but you're twenty years my junior. You know what you're doing

Yes, indeed I do know what I am doing. I would much rather be a positive force for someone trying to learn and better themselves than to tell them there is no hope. If that is the wrong way to live, so be it.

Yes, indeed I do know what I am doing

yeah that's why your 40, childless, without a partner and spending your free time moderating a sub for adults without social skills

Total neckbeard shit...

Or just stuff you didn't like that was based in fact.

I am 40


Old and ChildFree?

Begone spinstress.

Wow, did you stop playing Overwatch for 2 mins to catch up? Back to your Mom's basement, dude.

This is the laziest comeback.

At least my mom got married before 40 lol.

Is getting married something valuable in your world?

It makes you better than a dust queefing, old maid.

Oh, so in your eyes only being married means being in a loving, committed, sex-filled relationship? Cool! Glad to know your limited viewpoint.

If your partner won't marry you, they probably don't really love you. Lol

Adorable! First, not all women want to get married due to the legal aspects. Plus, I have zero interest in merging finances with another person.

What legal aspects would be bad?

I have zero interest in merging finances with another person.

You don't have to merge finances. Lol you sure your partner isn't just the nurse at the old folks home.

It’s ok. You don’t have to put on a brave face for us.

not all women want to get married due to the legal aspects.

lmaoooo. any woman saying "we're not getting married because of legal aspects" is lying to herself because the guy doesn't want to put a ring on it.

imagine being alone in your 40's and getting absolutely dunked on by a bunch of /r/drama autists

If you unmarried past 30, it’s time to join a nunnery/monastery.

or kys

Get 5 cats and go for crazy aunt status.

Nah. A girl's just gotta go for a careerless loser and turn him into a SAHD. It's the future of a lot of TRP guys once they graduate - like U/HealthCliff.

Who doesn't want to knock up an old woman and have a kid with 1/60 chances of being a /r/drama poster?

jordan peterson was right

About the lobster thing?

about women being unhappy while holding successful careers

he argues that women would be happier raising a family and being married

he argues that women would be happier raising a family and being married

We need to mod him...

I have seen men in their 40s with 35 and under as their age range. I received enough messages from them to ask one of them what's up with that, because it seemed absurd to me. The one I asked told me it's because he wants kids. I don't meet up with guys like that because messaging with them always reveals issues and immaturity, so you are not missing out on anything.

r/humblebrag right there.

I don't meet up with guys like that because messaging with them always reveals issues and immaturity

"People who don't worship me obviously have something very wrong with them"

Tinder is such a great way to find somebody /s

People are not commodies and thus do not change "market value". You are not helping make your point.

tfw when you hate MRAs so much that you deny the obvious supply and demand mechanics that are hugely important to determining how people match with one another.

If you saw off one of your legs this will probably affect the quality of people you attract. Believing this doesn't make you an MRA.

If you're in a place with 5% women (like on an oil rig), chances are even the obese one legged radfem will get some action.

Well, I got married when I was 32 to a 21 year old. The reasons are pretty obvious - younger women are hotter and stay hotter longer than older women, plus they don't usually want to have babies right away.

Women can bitch all they want but so long as they keep throwing their gussies at dudes with nice cars and good jobs, then the only thing you're like to get at 35 is a beta leftover.

Well, I got married when I was 32 to a 21 year old.

Everyone you know judges you for that. How much did she cost to ship from Thailand, btw?

Actually I'm the immigrant. I married my Australian wife in the US and then jumped over and applied for an ipso-post-facto spousal visa. I feel like the quality of life is better over here and I was able to get out of my house in LA before the market cratered and while the exchange rate was massively in my favor.

I have been to Thailand before, but only once. We celebrated our 10 year anniversary there. It was for the most part pretty nice, but they need to do a better job of protecting their environment. The private island we stayed at was almost pristine, but when we visited the mainland I was shocked with how filthy the beaches were. It's really depressing that your average middle class family would have to put up with that.

We celebrated our 10 year anniversary there.

Wait a minute....

I got married when I was 32 to a 21 year old.

So you're at least 42. I took a quick glance in your comment history and I see gamergate, Minecraft, manga, Katoku in Action, cringe anarchy, a wife with huge breast implants (three surgeries), a one-year-old baby girl, and Anita Sarkeesian. Is this how old "the kids at cringeanarchy" really are? Because that makes perfect sense, but it wouldn't have occurred to me.

Other than pointing out how awesome I and my life are, I don't really understand the point of this...? Also, if you're going to search my comment history you really did a poor job of missing out my fixation with traps and gilding bussy. For shame.

Well your theory was that women shouldn't wait to get married or else they'll end up with a beta leftover, but your wife married at just 21 and she's with you, plus she's voluntarily become a talking fuck-doll (.Y.).

Well your theory was that women shouldn't wait to get married or else they'll end up with a beta leftover,

Yep. Looks, I know that you're mad, but take heart, some day you'll have an over the hill bloated Stacey of your own, you just need to keep waiting until she's desperate enough to tolerate you.

I'm not upset in the least, just lawling at you thinking you're a catch. You fap to pics in /r/trashy, your wife is a walking freak show so that you can pretend she's a trap, she 2 weeks ago she gave birth to your baby, and since then you've spent your time talking shit on reddit, including a review of where the hot girls and uggos in Australia are. Surely she's Asian and has the famous white fever they talk about on /r/happas?

But, I am a catch. Wait... are you gay for me? Sorry, but unless you have feminine penis I'll have to pass.

So she is Asian.

No. I'm actually the brownskin - if you kept stalking my comment history all SWF style, you'd know this. I'm dissapointed, I thought you cared.

I saw you said you're Mexican for minority points in an earlier comment, that doesn't make you brown and I'm going to guess you're 100% Spanish white. Either way I've seen enough, your wife is married to someone who became obsessed with defeating Anita Sarkeesian in his 40s and that negates your original comment.

If I pretend to get really mad will you stop flirting with me? Because I don't want that...

1) why are people in their 30s on r/drama? Shouldn't you be at work or taking care of your kids?

2) you're idiots, my mom had me at 40 and my grandma had kids into her 40s. Most 40yo women are perfectly fertile, and the minority who aren't are genetically inferior and shouldn't be poisoning the gene pool in the first place.

1) why are people in their 30s on r/drama? Shouldn't you be at work or taking care of your kids?

Safe sex and dodging DNA tests gives 30+yo me time to shitpost.

2) you're idiots, my mom had me at 40 and my grandma had kids into her 40s. Most 40yo women are perfectly fertile, and the minority who aren't are genetically inferior and shouldn't be poisoning the gene pool in the first place.

And you're posting on /r/drama. I'm going to assume there are some extra chromosomes in your mix.

The good stuff is in the threads where u/herabeara deletes comments, since reality apparently has biases that she disapproves of. Scroll down near controversial to find it.

Saying men on average prefer 25yo women to 35yo women is apparently "PUA/redpill" and falls under rule 7 (which I surmise is "no arguing with u/herabeara while she's on one of her last periods")

Oh, I have an IUD so no periods for me!

Huh. Last I knew about it, IUDs didn't do that so yay for advances in gynecology!