The only economics we need.

125  2018-04-16 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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That true snappy, you can't put a price in a good bussy.

Bullshit, the free market can always deliver buddy at a fair price

The free market does not suffice. Bussy is a human right and a certain quantity should be provided by the government free of charge. (starting with daddy's)

If it's post autistic, none of you fuckers would be alive when it's imolemented

God I hope so

How about if they're referring to the time after autism takes over the world?

No one can see past the event horizon of the autisticularity. All we have are theories.

I'm only 1/4 autistic, should be fine.

3/4 down syndrome?

Hey I'm not autistic. Some of us are just regular ol' retards.

por que no los both

los wall. el beautifulo wall

No we post autisticly, we're not post-autistic.

post-autistic economists also "assert that neoclassical economics has the characteristics of an autistic child"

TIL economists communicate with each other the same way that Battlefield players do.

Even worse. At least battlefield players don't use horrible butchered math to zing each other.

It's a political movement, based on some petition signed by a thousand french students / rumpelstiltskins.

It's not a type of economics, it's literally hot air. No theory, no framework. Nothing falsifiable, no predictions.

Like all edgy teens, they just want everything to be different. But they don't know how to make anything different that works, so they stomp their feet and demand that the people who actually know shit do the work for them.

Remind me again why we haven’t nuked the French yet? Horrible culture, horrible people, horrible atrocities in their name, horrible blasphemy against Islam

My only regret would be Jacques pepin but i’ll Get over it

Because they come up with terms like "post-autism economics".

Horrible culture

Sauciflard pinard>burger coke

signed by a thousand french students, almost 20 years ago.

and basically no one has ever used that stupid term since then.

until a brave english Wikipedia volunteer ("I was never good at math lol.") decided to write this article about it and link it on all kinds of articles about real economics.

Btw, the french wiki article is titled "Mouvement des étudiants pour la réforme de l’enseignement de l’économie" aka "student movement for reform of econ teaching." Significantly less cringey.

Robert Solow adhered to the "main thesis" of the French students' petition, but criticised the "opaque and almost incomprehensible" debate that followed among academics

Sounds like /our economic theory/

The French term ''autisme'' has an older meaning and signifies "abnormal subjectivity, acceptance of fantasy rather than reality". However, post-autistic economists also "assert that neoclassical economics has the characteristics of an autistic child"

You can't even make this shit up.

No, you dense fuck. Post-bussy economics is the good shit. There's an excess supply of autism in this subreddit and an excess demand of bussy.

More like autistic posting economics haha

Ed has a PhD in that field

Leave it to the frogs to think of up of some overly verbose, incomprehensible drivel, and mistake it for intellectual output.

French """""""""""intellectuals"""""""""""

I'll stick to my non-ableist economics.