/r/Coontown is back

188  2018-04-16 by IAintThatGuy


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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The "spez approves of it" in the sidebar gives the whole thing away. Guessing it's a deranged AHS poster.

Welp, at least their naming creativity is on point

surely you mean free speech is back

And just after KKK Grand Wizard /u/spez decided to legalize hate speech on his Nazibook... 🤔

Well racism is now a core value on Reddit according to /u/spez.

r/againsthatesubs on suicide watch

Maybe you should take a peek inside the sub first 🤔

yeah, kind of a weak showing TBH. Looks like just two or three accounts looking for a site-ban.

Seems to be 90%+ one guy (not counting the shit-flinging)

Seems to be a false flag to get the admins to take another look at banning hate speech

Could actually work if more than 3 people were in on it

Yeah cause there a no actual racists on this site rite

Yeah, but they're on milliondollarextreme, surrounded by their buddies.

Making a new sub with that css and not inhabiting it doesn't make any sense. It looks more like a message than anything else to me.

I remember the days when you could take a boy out back with a whip and teach him that his name is in fact not kunta fuckin kinte

Gonna see that body swinging

I prefer /r/storefront

White powerstrips!

awwww yisss

To think someone spent all that time designing that banner only to see it disappear when thst sub inevitably gets banned within the week.

I wish I had that much time to spend in to scream about minorities... but I'm busy with a job and a family and doing all the stuff those subs say that "white people" should be doing. I guess I could divorce and give up custody, quit my job, and move in with my parents so I have all the time in the world to make creative race-realist shitposting. Fucking spergs.

It’s bait, mate

  1. No cucks or liberals

  2. No Zionists

  3. No whining about this subreddit, spez approves of it

  4. No promotion of degenerate practices, including racemixing and the denigration of White society as a whole

  5. Blacks are allowed, so long as they recognize their proper place in society

Sounds fun

Blacks are allowed, so long as they recognize their proper place in society

See, they invented intersectional racism.

The autism that video is so potent, it should have it's own Drugs, Inc episode.


/u/AnnoysTheGoys, I am declaring it your mission to go and get banned from that sub.

That cuck has never achieved anything, doubt he's going to start now

Calling it now: some AHS sperg tantruming about /u/spez refusing to ban t_d is behind this

Yeah, the whole "spez approves" thing is a dead giveaway


also the "want to further Whiteness", imo. The whole <adjective>-ness is a purely left wordconstruct, I've never seen the right write it.
The whole sidebar reads more like that of a lefty-sub with words switched to right wing stuff. just phrases and words that don't feel like a mayo would slur out during

That's racistness.

Lol. It's actually a r/drama brigade

Non-Americans are welcome as long as they abide by the rules and further the goals of a White Society as well.

No promotion of degenerate practices, including racemixing and the denigration of White society as a whole

News articles pointing out black crime, especially black on White hate crimes. Calling out the homosexual and trans agendas is also welcome, but we ask you post mostly about blacks and help further a Nationalist, Patriotic agenda. Trump support is a must, he agrees with us, as he has shown through his actions over the years.

Whew; that was a lot to read and quite different from what I'd expect from a community that hates on black folks.

IIRC, the old CT was more about hating Black groups (à la Chimpout) and those who date such people, rather than furthering any sort of 1488-scented agenda.

In addition to the usual stuff that you'd expect, it also had their share of rants/posts/comments from those who aren't straight white men, combined with how any post/comment that bashes a non-Black group (especially Asians) typically gets downvoted to oblivion.

Zionists and globalists

Anyone who's really jwoke knows that those 2 things are the same


No one who actually posts on alt right subs uses that term, same with . "White Society"

Trump support is a must, he agrees with us, as he has shown through his actions over the years.

The alt-right has turned on Trump and the "shown through his actions over the years." is bait

The wording in this post is so close to what you see on leftist subs

This was clearly written by some faggy leftist trying to make a point


Lmao @ brigade

racists absolutely BTFO, 2009 style

How did you even find this, OP? 🤔 🤔 🤔

So it must be the AHS crowd running the brigade.

As usual.

Not brigading. Conquering.

Fucking retards once again getting triggered by welfare fraud and not tax evasion despite tax evasion actually costing the govt more than pennies, i sorta wish i never took econ/stats so i could live in ignorance

You sound so euphoric in that moment.

Depression and alcoholism aren't euphoric.

Theres always fentanyl...

How do you solve tax evasion though?

If you start cracking down, then the rich and the corporations just move to Ireland, because they have the money to do it.

Make a law preventing them from using addresses outside US

So any company operating in the US must incorporate in the US?

Lol looks like it got brigaded hardcore. Juicy drama whenever a sub’s content is completely contrary to its purpose.

It’s like that one barely literate boomer’s conservative meme sub /r/liberal_logic or whatever it was that got flooded with posts making fun of him

That's why the Donald needs to be banned just to put it out of its misery

Banning t_d would be top tier drama and comedy gold; but all you’d do is break the containment chamber and get redhats screeching in every single sub.

Also eewww seriousposter 😷😷

That's why the Donald needs to be banned just to put it out of its misery

LOL, u just mad.

Yeah, I'm sure you're not just a butthurt faggot.

It’s bait, mate

Quality bait at that

Also, check out /r/fatacceptance for more subs getting perverted (or saved)

Finally some good news in this dreary hellscape called life.

I give it a week.

Optimistic. I'd be surprised if it makes 48 hours, now that it's on the radar.

Banned one hour ago

lol. All the baity shit about "Spez says he approves of us", and the "please please ban this sub" masthead, I can't work out if it's a false flag or a genuine retard. Hilarious, either way, though.



Why are you so retarded?

They regard "white purity" as sister-fucking and so did xim's parents?

get out of here with that racist shit

White ain't a race. It's a disease.

Stay bitter. It looks good on you. :)

Nothing looks good on me. (How'm i doin'?)

Please, put your clothes back on.

smears self with marinara, grimaces in nihilistic angst

Stay bitter

throwaway to defend white-rights bullshit on reddit

peak fragility

Says the person saying racist shit and then downvoting people who make fun of them.

Their intelligence is delayed.



How are the upvote/downvote ratios on the latest posts not considered a brigade by that bug-eyed shitdick of a Reddit CEO again?

Admins themselves can't decide what is a brigade.

Happen to have a link to it? That sounds amazing.

Brigade is just a code phrase for "normal reddit behavior that upset people whose opinion of the site we give a shit about, so now it's bad".

My favorite: "we have reached /r/all and are BRIGADED AND HEAVILY UNDER ATTACK."

Africa is brigading europe irl, mayos there are pretty salty about it.

why do you care?

its just a shitpost as far as i can tell to make ahs sperg

and by the posts in there currently it looked like it worked

Banned as of an hour ago

This subreddit was banned due to being unmoderated.

Inb4 it doesn't last the day.

Is this parody, or are (((they))) really such a bunch of fuckwits?

u/Str8OuttaTheBoneZone I must report back to my Zionist masters, please advise.

lolol rip

Badmins strike down another!

The part about being approved by /u/Spez (while true) sounds like parody.

Def parody, this seems like bait

65 readers 632 users here now


The way they keep reiterating Spez approves of it and the large presence of AHS, SA, and El Chapo I’d say this could very likely be a false flag operation. Look at SA they had to add making fake hate accounts to being against their rules after the admins busted them several times.

u/motorizednoodle nice sperg out, dont you have a job to go to or some fentanyl to snort?

Found the trumpturd! The smell gave it away...

with a response time like that i guess not. seems amphetamines are more your speed, huh? i guess thats what it takes to fuel a 50 comment per hour shitpost spree

seems amphetamines are more your speed

Wouldn't be reddit without a pun.

You are amazing.

You never say anything of substance despite actually living on Reddit.

You just say Trumpturd, walphone, Trumptrog, Republicunt, and Okluhomer over and over again ad nauseum.

You're both impressive and pathetic at the same time.

I like you. You are someone that will do well in /r/drama.

"Okluhumer"? zat some sort of degenerate west texas blowjob or something?

Is this a bot? Can this be a bot?

Wow you're so badass you post gifs of fights now I'm scared


You're trying too hard. It's not happening.

/u/Str8OuttaTheBoneZone, what's it like having your own retarded sub taken over?

Where do dinosaurs 🦖 fit in that society?


Spez approves

“The demand for racism exceeds the supply”

This is clearly a direct response to Trump pooping on AJones and AJones refusing to suck ding-dongs.

After digging deeper on this, it appears this is AHS's and TMOR's attempt at thwarting /u/spez 's "allowing" of hate speech. In other words, it isn't meant to do anything but stir up reactions in an effort to push admins into taking a "better" stance on hate speech. What amazing times we live in.

The irony of setting up a false flag and then immediately confounding the plan by brigading and trolling the sub is gold.

I saw the top posts and got confused, then realised you guys are brigading lol

Maybe they are just baiting ya'll?

you guys

/r/againsthatesubreddits more likely

You have to go back

Time to photoshop a bunch of advertising photos onto /r/WelfareWatch to make the admins reeeeeeeeee

All part of the plan, the liberals running the sub will come across redpills so potent they'll be forced to turn HH17 6.5. It's what happened to pol, ironic nazis led to unironic nazis, then became furries and sexual degenerate trap porn watchers.

It's more false flag than the 9/11

Well, I guess as long as no one doxxes anybody they'll be free to say whatever nasty things they want to about darkies, slanties, sandies, and beaners! The Constitution is safe another day!

Saw the submissions. Am I getting trolled hard?

So what's with the idea of Jews working with Blacks in undermining America? I thought the relationship between the Jewish community and Black community deteriorated a long time ago. If we are really pushing it, they would be both doing without each other's help instead.

So what's with the idea of Jews working with Blacks in undermining America?

It's an old trope for north american white supremacists. "The Turner Diairies" starts with a fantasy about that.

Yeah but that trope is clearly out-dated if they even bothered with checking the news recently. I have read an article about a week ago and it was talking about how the Jewish community and Black community went separate ways.

That was clearly Jewish propaganda. You see they control everything on the internet except two or three subreddits, for some reason.


Well those guys won't last much (or at least I hope so lol)

It rarely lasts. Coontown revivals are a fleeting pleasure.

Aaand they're gone. That didn't last long lol

Corrupting world governments and eating Christian babies sounds dope. I’m circumcised and everything and I’m ready to start work tomorrow. Since these guys definitely exist, I just need to know where to forward my resume.

Every time I saw someone mention [slur]town I always figured it was niggertown. Coontown doesn’t even sound good.

Well when they banned /r/niggers, soon after the admins realized they should keep a close watch on any sub with "nigger" in the name. So it was /r/coontown for a while. Most nonsensical name was "/r/bixnood".

bix nood is an old 4chan racist meme, its from one of the a. wyatt mann cartoons

I think it's even obscure by 4chan standards.

its definitely old, like rickroll old

u/shitpost953 you're all over this. I have to say you're trolling has made me a fan. Thought you might like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/comments/8cnh55/new_altright_sub_rwelfarewatch_from_the_sidebar/?utm_source=reddit-android

Wow I am handsome.

What's going on in that sub? 180 subscribers and some posts are as upvoted as 800.

Benned as of 2 minutes ago

Its banned

It was banned for lack of moderation so I requested to be a mod for it.

Bot sayeth no.

Banned from Reddit. Apparently you aren't allowed to watch welfare.

Coontown will rise again.


Sorry I gave you false hope.

Most of us here are on welfare so IDK.

What is r/coontown ?