/r/The_Mueller: r/subredditoftheday

88  2018-04-16 by Korn_Bread


The president is a citizen who holds the office of a public servant. The very idea that he should be above the law is contrary to our democracy and dangerous to us all. If Rod Rosenstein is fired, we need to take to the streets and bring this country to a halt until he is reinstated and law enforcement is allowed to do its job: protecting us.

We will not allow the work of 250 years to be thrown out to benefit a corrupt few. Our democracy is at stake.


  • If it happens before 2pm local time, protests will begin at 5pm local time.

  • If it happens after 2pm local time, protests will begin at 12pm the next day.

Q: Why Rosenstein? I thought Mueller was conducting the investigation?

A: While Robert Mueller's name has been more famous over the past year, it is actually Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General, who controls the Russia investigation. If you have Rosenstein's position you can simply stop the investigation. Worse, you can leave Mueller in place but simply not allow him to do anything, and never release any information about the crimes that were uncovered.

Q: Then why do people focus on Mueller so much when Rosenstein being fired is the real danger?

A: Mueller is the star player and Rosenstein is the coach. Everyone comes for the star player, but the coach decides who plays, and in this case if there is even a game. We need everyone to be clear that the real danger is Rosenstein being replaced. Firing Rosenstein is firing Mueller.

Q: Why is this being called a "constitutional crisis"?

A: If Trump is allowed to stop the investigations into his criminal activity, that will be an abuse of power that the founding fathers never intended when they wrote the Constitution. They did not intend for the president to be above the law. If he is, he can run a criminal enterprise out of the White House with impunity. He can commit any crime he likes and not allow it to be investigated.

The founding fathers absolutely did not intend this. That kind of autocratic rule is completely contrary to the democracy they were creating. They were very clear about their intentions:

"A government of laws, and not of men." - John Adams

Lmao commie fag

Lmao cuck fag

Hey, speaking of which, are you black? My wife is a discerning lady and she only takes the biggest bbcs.


Imagine being hetero

Didn’t Mueller say Trump’s no longer a criminal target in the Russia investigation? As in he’s still subject to investigation but not criminally?

“at the moment isn’t a criminal target”

Lame please delete shilling

Do you manually copy and paste this as nearly every response or do you have a program running a script?

This is their (rare) response to people who confront them:

You're a fascist backing the overthrow of our democracy.

You are the enemy of the United States and every good citizen in it.

Go to Russia. You are not welcome here or among any good people. We will never, ever forget which people in our communities tried to destroy our democracy.

Snappy quote NOW

So.,.,. it's a bot!


Holy shit you've been following me for days, huh


Holy shit you've been following me for days, huh

That was actually a response to a Nazi that was trying to use constitutional language at me, so I gave him a stuffy fuck you. Anyone can read it, go ahead. They'll see that I usually just tell you cringy little Trump Teens


If by following you for days you mean spend two minutes looking through your ‘tistic history of you banging your arms on the floor as you repeatedly post your spam and sending the same fascist accusations to people, then ya.

Now post bussy, or leave as an untamed lolcow

This quote is more fun http://archive.is/sdPsO

So it's treason then!

In RES you can save copypastas and your own personal spergs as macros and insert them in with a few clicks. Many copy paste spergs and copypastaers use it.

Lmao, now /r/drama is removing posts for being insufficiently anti-trump.

This sub isn't about drama, it's about hating daddy.

Are you retarded?

Imagine have no job and being able to protest riot whenever the fuck you wanted

Lolcows have to play if they want to stay. Going to have to bring more than spam to the table.

TF when your bot accidentally reponds to a r/drama thread

TF when your bot accidentally reponds to a r/drama thread.

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Amerilard drama is the best drama.

I haven't even read this but I know it's juicy.

Its terrific!

Fucking radical centrists got folks pegged. I agree, with post except the fact of he matter is the left can’t meme.

got folks pegged

hot, tbh.

i was recently listening to some comedian talk and they described snl as counterculture, and for the first time i understood the extent of how retarded the internet/confirmation bias has made people

I would have guessed they were mainstream but then I checked their ratings.

Just gas all amerifats and get it over with

"I really hope when Mueller comes for Trump, he softly whistles, “Farmer in the Dell”, Omar Little-style."


Delusions of grandeur.

DAE you cant talk about events without referencing popculture? #dumbledoresarmy

It's the only way they can relate to many of these concepts.

Zero surprise that the powers that be control people with pop culture. It's so easy.

Is that a MAGA fedora?

Why are people personally sucking Mueller's dick so much? He's just an investigator.

He's getting guilty pleas. People like Nunberg talk to him and change their tune immediately. He continuously laid on charges on Rick Gates until he flipped on Manafort. He made a informant out of George Nader! He's a talented man whose assembled a justice team around him.

lol, He's so talented he even found Weapons of Mass Destruction that didn't exist once.

Credible Source?


Russian bot

CSPAN but enjoying all the brand new accounts who've never posted here before calling me Russian lol

A link is what im asking four

CSPAN isn't verifiable? You aren't capable of googling FBI Iraq CSPAN?

You put more effort into your two posts then it would take to learn something most of us watched on TV or read in the newspaper lol.

Burden of proof is on you.

Lmao, Not liking my source doesn't mean i'm burdened to do shit, imagine being so dumb you think the FBI was anti-Iraq war lmao these kids.

Are you Russian?

Cause no literate American would actually think that the FBI is responsible for finding WMDs in a different country...

I have no idea what the FBI does because i'm a fucking retard


Wow how amazing it took a whole 10seconds of googling you moron.

Right everyone who you don't like is either Russian or Deplorable, person who created a new account because Trump won.

You remember the Anthrax investigation right?

So your source is a youtube channel with 25 subscribers that exclusively posts conveniently selected short clips about the Iraq War? From a channel called IPA, which is one letter away from IRA?

And you manage to fuck up your talking points (the anthrax stuff occurred in 2001, before the Iraq War) even though your entire comment consists of three sentences?

You're the worst Russian commenter I've ever seen.

Lamo, CSPAN isn't real

From a channel called IPA, which is one letter away from IRA?

You're a conspiracy theorist friendo

anthrax stuff occurred

All you have do to not look like a complete retard who doesn't know why they are talking about is google Mueller Anthrax and instead you display this amazing cognitive dissonance.

All you have do to not look like a complete retard who doesn't know why they are talking about is google Mueller Anthrax and instead you display this amazing cognitive dissonance.

but you've apparently done this and you still sound like a massive retard. I'm sorry, but I just can't apply any advice you give for the foreseeable future.

I'm sorry, but I just can't apply any advice

I knew this since I gave you advice on what you should do with that thing you call a dog Pal.

Ivan, I think you have a drinking problem

From a channel called IPA, which is one letter away from IRA?

You're a conspiracy theorist friendo

Don't take that part too seriously. I just really wanted to post a link to the Mueller indictment of your employers.

From a channel called IPA, which is one letter away from IRA?

so was it the election that broke your brain, or is it just the latest fixation for your untreated schizophrenia?

Nah-uh, watch this youtube clip that supports Daddy

Always the sign of a deep thinker.

Fuck now all I want is for a gay muslim Mexican immigrant to start winning NASCAR races after kneeling during the proceeding anthem. Bonus points if he smokes tons of weed and speaks exactly like Jon Leguizamo in Con Air.

The democrats on this sub constantly whine about agenda posting, then engage/upvote anything anti Trump.

This is mostly a shill sub at this point.

It swings back and forth, I just act up because I enjoy how many butthurt replies and the accusations of my account older then Trump running for President being a Russian Shill Long Con are.

If you just like getting yelled at before getting that bussy busted for being a naughty boy then you should have just said so.

That cartoon is fucking amazing.

I shill for Big Radical Extremist Centrism bucko.

are you retarded? did you even listen to your "evidence"?

He said "Sec. Paul presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm [its WMD ...]. *Our particular concern is that Saddam Hussein may supply Terrorists with [WMDs]".

He didn't claim to have found (or that the FBI found) WMDs at all. In fact he literally stated the opposite, that someone else said Hussein had WMDs!

did you even listen to your "evidence"?

Lol imagine being pathetic enough to effort post on drama because you like to agendapost

When you hear words do you actually parse what they mean or do you just zone out and make up stuff in your head?

Everyone who effort posts in Drama should do things i'm not allowed to say anymore.

You can say whatever you want, or have you been so sufficiently cucked that you aren't even a beta you are a full on omega?

M'lady Bacon Narwhals at midnight is all I read. I don't understand Weebspeak

So that cancels out what the poster above said how?

Oh my god people the above comment is sarcastic.

lol they're so upset

"Manafort dindu nuffin. He a good boy. He gettin his life together."

"OK, you're going to prison."

"It was him."

He's a talented man whose assembled a justice team around him.

Cape shit movie when?

They are partisan democrats, like most of this sub.

Are we?

Just like registered Republican Robert Mueller.

All the sneakiest democrats are republican

I used to hang out in /r/drama, but it's literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

They've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which that place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like they're are even trying to hide it. They've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence there, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that the sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave that sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and that place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than that place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

They know what's happening there. It's very obvious.

I used to hang out in /r/drama, but it's literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point.

Translation: Trump isn’t generally liked here and is openly mocked, must be a leftist circle jerk.

Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

Bullshit, this sub mocks trollX all the time and tumblr lefties.

And quit shilling for other subs

Translation: Trump isn’t generally liked here and is openly mocked,


I'm surprised; I would have thought r/drama would like him, since he creates, you know, drama. But more than creating drama, he's just a fucking drama queen. He is the rl lolcow, he just doesn't know it yet.

Because he has the power to actually fuck things up for other people rather than just being another whiner on the internet.

Oh ok sorry I didnt know

This is very obviously pasta.


They are partisan democrats, like most of this sub.

Dis so dumb

Reported for excessive partisanship

nah, the Dems are for equal rights for (((femoids))). That's in direct contradiction to the founding principals of /r/drama

This sub isn't partisan.

I can't wait for the_mueller to turn into round two of the_meltdown when Mueller finishes his investigation and doesn't charge Trump with anything. 🤗🤗🤗

A sneak peek:

"Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the announcement tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he free? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Drumpf to be locked up and Mueller to fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was colluding with the Russians and getting pissed on in Moscow???? This is so fucked.

Already got r/the_buller set up for that

I was half rooting for trump just to see the collosal meltdown that would happen on social media. Was the drama worth making reddit almost unusable and making zero progress in America for four years? Probably.

implying Trump's heart won't give out before the investigation ends

this is the only part that strikes me as unrealistic

The only thing I can honestly see him getting charged with is obstruction of justice; which would mean, if he just let the investigation go he would be untouched.

People around him though? Yeah, they be goin' to jail already.

Because hes prosecuting my political enemies!!

because the problem liberals have with t_d isnt that it's a creepy cult of personality, it's that it's a creepy cult of personality for someone that offends their sensibilities

because Trump is vocally scared of him and they make it sound like he's been flipping associates

It's because he's overseeing the investigation.

Why do people like Hitler so much? He was just a leader.

If you want a simple version of this.

They were told the entire election Clinton was the most bestest lady ever who was totally going to win so when she didn't it broke them down to find someone to blame rather than to accept their own faults.

So it becomes a new conspiracy or madhat theory to try to make up for them losing.

It's actually way worse.

Mueller is a Bush neocon.

He was the FBI director at the time and helped sell the story of wmds in Iraq to congress


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That shit hurts to read.

Will Gringlet Pluff ever recover?

u/dud-a-chum to u/trumpwonsorrylibs:

Your username suggests you’re at a constant triggered state and desperate to make someone as miserable as you are.

Uh u/dud-a-chum, have you ever heard that old saying about stones and houses?

Have you ever heard the saying, “if you support the fat orange moron you’re probably a mouth-breathing retard.”?

Do you have to practice to get that bad at banter? Because you seem to have made it into an art

I’m not bantering. I’m insulting you.

I don’t blame you for being too dumb to realize. You are a fat orange moron supporter after all.

lol guess again.

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god bless SotD

Haha old men haha laws hahahaha