Why is this subreddit so good right now

50  2018-04-16 by throwawayforme9000

I just can't put my finger on it, but I think a certain user getting banned has made this it a lot better.


Fuck you, we're always great


It's not, it's still garbage.

Still garbage, but slightly less so.

When and why did he get banned

This but someone answer this time

Don't think it was bussy, so I'm clueless.

Was probably a mean ping. I got a three day timeout recently for pinging someone meanly

i got suspended for "violent content" a few days back for saying something about genocide lol

Have to make sure those are targeted calls for genocide against those who deserve it, such as wypipo

it wasnt even targeted it was about as general as you could imagine

trumptards should be banned on sight lol

good thing it had literally nothing to do with him then huh

also im pretty sure theres already a hugely faggy drama sub that bans people

theres already a hugely faggy drama sub that bans people

yeah it's /r/drama

who did we ban


I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole.

nobody here touches anyone else as far as im concerned

flaired as: unironic soyboy


I requested it myself.

soyboy pride.


She bullied /u/ZombiUnicorn.

I thinks it’s because of a certain dinosaur πŸ¦– poster

You might say we've entered a new era of delightful posts.

Nobody gets banned from reddit

Only shadowbanned

Why is this subreddit so good

+50k drama was a mistake.

30k was the sweet spot

Shout-out to the old drama, like that cupcake store bullshit

Shoutout to Hell's Kitchen. That was some good shit.

We should move to a new, smaller sub at some point. Like /r/retarded or /r/bussy

Literally who?

They call it retard Ed

😴 😴 😴


>so good

>literally no drama in the past 24 hours

I like my women like I like /r/drama: drama-free.

And like your woman, a drama free r/Drama doesn't exist.

Reaction like this only makes him stronger.


apparently its fact now

She must be yuge.

Any subreddit is good compared to SRD.