Should I give up on white people?

29  2018-04-16 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


Why did he have any expectations to begin with?

Too much Rachel Maddow

Toxic masculinity strikes again.

Hmm let me write literally anything about race in America. Wait! People are saying mean things to me! Truly an outcome no one could have predicted.

Unlike Odysseus, who tied himself to the mast of a ship so that he could not fully respond to the songs of the sirens, I ask that if you are prepared to be wounded, to be haunted by the joy of love, compassion and vulnerability, untie your ropes, leave the contrived masts of your own undoing, step out into the water

You'd think he'd choose a different metaphor than comparing White People to a hero, and himself to seductive lying murderers.

He's basically asking them to kill themselves. Has he even read the Odyssey or did he deem it too white?

/>Greeks />White

tfw the foundation of western civilization isn't white

At last do you truly see.

This sub is for black israelites. Julius caesar? He was black.

We demand reparations from the Holy Roman Empire.



We wuz imperators n shit

Some people think Septimius Severus was black. He was born in Africa and there are paintings of him that show him much darker than his wife:

According to the murilard definition of black you could a fit a sizable portion of the Mediterranean into that.

Literally everyone born south of Reyjavik is a nigger.

they were Greeks and shitz

could just tie a black dude there instead LOL

You should give up on yourself and tie it off.

Yes. We don't care

Ya mayos so kewl they don't care about anything

Black people need to get over their fragility tbh

George Yancy’s new book,” Backlash: What Happens When We Honestly Talk About Racism in America,” is an outgrowth of the response to his 2015 essay “Dear White America.”

sociology was a mistake

>Writes a book

>Writes another book about the first book

i actually remember i got home from work one day, turned on sportscenter and that jemelle hill abomination sportscenter was on and they were shilling "dear white america". I dont think ive watched a non live sporting event on espn since.

And that's a big part on why ESPN is slowly dying.

and that's a good thing!

and here’s why

LOL ur mad

? It’s tiring that I can’t watch sports discussion shows without political activism but I’m still living. I wouldn’t say I’m mad.

writes racist column

people get angry at him

now a victim

writes another racist column

State of new york times

You can't be racist towards mayos, sweaty

Have you read the column besides getting triggered by the title autist tard?

Why these people think these pieces will do anything but backfire is beyond me

thats the point, so then they can do a follow up piece where theyre the victim

its the classic sjw play

Btw, entirely unrelated, but do you still believe in pizzagate? And if you do then do you have any predictions saying when Hillary is getting arrested, or at least ping pong pizza is getting closed, and how you are going to change your mind if it doesn't happen?

lol that you feel this strongly about it but ill play along entirely unironically for you if you like

pretty much every hollywood actor and dc politician rapes babies and does all the eyes wide shut shit, every child actor gets gang raped

not because they believe any satanic shit or whatever but because its america and jewy af and you have to do all the pretend illuminati faggotry to get anywhere or be famous

hillary will never be arrested and neither will anyone else barring some fuck up leak like the jimmy saville and bbc /british parliament, because the system is set up to protect and enable them in the west

and ping pong will continue to post pictures of babies being kissed by men and drag queens covered in blood because theyre connected enough via david brock

anything more than that is disinfo shared by old people on facebook

and how you are going to change your mind if it doesn't happen?

lol omg id better conform i wouldnt want random people on the internet to think badly of me

while were here jews did 911 and the syria gas attack a few days ago and americans fell for it again

lol, wow.

i mean tbh people though jimmy saville raping cancer kids on their deathbeds and then also later on in the morgue after theyd died was a wild wacky conspiracy too but he did it, and the childrens hospital staff all knew

same with all the english parliament being pedos and that guy in that band, theyre all high profile famous people that secretly fuck babies

just lol at anyone who thinks america is immune

fucking america

if anything they rape way more babies

Lol, that sounds like an excuse to believe whatever you want and I say go for it.

its called a precedent

there was a literal pg style scandal in england and people in charge of the country were fucking kids, but apparently thats completely ridiculous and americans would never rape kids and oh hollywood exists nvm

the whole metoo thing was a distraction

they sacrificed dudes like kevin spacey and pretended nobody else was involved

im sure he was going to parties and fucking kids and being drunk and gay all by himself amirite

What kind of "person" runs around trying to start tickle fights over pedos? What are you compensating for?

i just think its dumb how adamant people are that pedos are a conspiracy despite it happening repeatedly under your noses

people think being anti pg is an intellectual position because some pedo on tv told them to

Blah blah blah pizzagate. I get it dude, youre retarded.

exhibit a right there

No u

Oh dear. It's retarded.

This is great, do you have like a column or something that I could read?

peopel are reading culture of critique maybe thatd be cool

This but unironically.

and you have to do all the pretend illuminati faggotry to get anywhere or be famous

Does this apply to Taylor Swift? Are you saying? Are you fucking saying?

jews did 911 and the syria gas attack a few days ago

Hey, that one was done by the British! Stay on script.

British Jews, duh.

Angry pageviews are still pageviews

You need to understand here. Pieces like this do a few things.

A) They give white liberals something to virtue signal over.

B) They give something for the SJWs in question to screech about when the backlash comes.

'I wrote this article demanding justice for my people. Then the white people attacked."

"How my innocent article caused a white backlash and here are a few tweets to confirm the backlash."

Being a ‘good’ white person or a liberal white person won’t get you off the hook.

Don’t tell me that you voted for Obama. Don’t tell me that you don’t see color. Don’t tell me that I’m blaming whites for everything. To do so is to hide yet again.

That was in 2015.


>Should I give up on mayos?

Published by NYT and Liveright which make up the whitest people on earth.

> Thanks Professor Yancy for your thoughts,” one woman wrote. “The system is racist. As a white woman, I am responsible to dismantle that system as well as the attitudes in me that growing up in the system created. I am responsible for speaking out when I hear racist comments.”


well im pretty sure most of white america has already given up on black america like 20 years ago so this dude is a little late to the party

In reply to the title, yes

Can't wait till the world is ruled by mutts (muslim mongrels). It will be paradise.

Only the mayos keep us from happiness.

lol, all of the NYT comments are unironically down with the mayocide

Should you give up on white people? Yes! It's not your job to save them. Our ancestors broke free of their chains a long time ago. Only white people can free themselves of theirs. As kind as we black folks feel we need to be to everyone, this one they have to do for themselves. They're killing themselves in large numbers, others are reliant on psychotropic drugs to feel.

Those threats are pretty abhorrent but holy shit this fukkin guy tho



/u/watermark02 on triggered minority alert!

The ability to trigger mayo spergs is a gift which should not be taken lightly. Good sir, you must spread your gift around until not a single mayo sperg remains who is not in a state of autistic fit. Great things may come of this, you mustn't abandon your duty to humanity.

Killing mayos is the new punk rock!

I wish I could quit you whitey

Bite the curb motherfucker