/worstof sides with paedophiles when it advances the narrative

16  2018-04-16 by UnexpectedLizard


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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/u/PhysicsisMyMistress India is a shithole though, even without the rape.

How do these people not see the double standard.

  • Call India a shit hole? that's racist.

  • Call the united states a shit hole? That's not racist.

  • Call China a shithole? That's racist.

  • Call The UK or any European country a shithole? That's not racist.

SJWs are literally cancer.

I, too, hate filthy shitskin curryniggers.

pizzashill is alt-right, confirmed.

Because usa and Europe are mayo countries. Its completely justified.