r/slatestarcodex bans scientific racism; scientific racists object (bonus r/drama callout!)

37  2018-04-17 by nmx179


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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u/pm_me_ur_obsidian, as mean pinging is a bannable offense, would you be so good as to come down to r/drama so I can be mean to you directly? Fair enough if you don't want to, I know you're sensitive about "bullying".

Fucking sperglord racists thinking their kind belongs anywhere but the gas chambers. When has something being true ever mattered in politics?

/u/the_reason_trump_won sets a good role model for any aspiring dramanaut. Take notes, kids.

Retard: <retarded statement>

t_r_t_w: Kys

Mod: Benned

t_r_t_w: Ackshually you benned wrong person

mod: Oh u right

He was banned in the end, but he was banned doing what he loved: being a smartass

Ratnerds get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Lol OP is sperging out in linked thread, calls r/drama to come to his defense.

calls r/drama to come to his defense.

I was pretty obviously calling r/drama to come and call me a sperg. Thank you for obliging.



You take the good, you take the bad, you take em both and there you have the facts of life (that blacks commit more crime)

posting on a subreddit about a blog from a long winded beta turbocuck

What's wrong with you OP?

Eh, I guess they're tired of some people's shit.

What the fuck is that sub? Some weird atheist cult or something? And whats "HBD"?

Human bio diversity is a factor in large scale biological studies usually based around the difference in intelligence between races. Absolutely no one wants to touch it or fund research into it further because you could potentially be the guy that discovers certain races are less intelligent than others. Some people will scream from the high heavens that its purely racists who believe in it but the reality is for any sort of large scale study you need to factor it in and we still are not quite sure why and likely wont find out soon

HBD= how bout dat

It's often prefaced by "cash me outside"

This, coupled with a sudden influx of new accounts from r/Drama and elsewhere courtesy of our recently departed mod

Oh, oh, this is interesting, apparently there was some mod drama as well! Do you know what was that about?