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32  2018-04-17 by mukumukum


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Why so curvy?

All male feminists are cucks but not all cucks are male feminists. Since the remaining traits of male feminists are similarly unappealing it's clear that a male feminist will always be worse by default.

I hate your title so much.

What is the title? My phone is old so I see a bunch of squares.

Someone on Askmen ask what is worse male feminist or cuckhold.

It is all in cursive. Annoying as shit and terrible to read.

How did you do this?

๐“œ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ ๐“ญ๐“ธ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ฎ ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ฎ๐“บ๐“พ๐“ช๐“ต ๐“พ๐“ท๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ญ๐“ฎ

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The Queen's English motherfucker, do you speak it?

That posh jibber-jabber? Do i look like i employee a fucking pรขtissier cunt?

๐“ฒ ๐“ฏ๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“พ๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ญ ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ฝ

idk - at least the cuck won't rape you?

You should keep yourself extra safe for using that font





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There's a difference?

/u/hatcheling No one cares what you don't like, also the sub is called askmen not askbitterwomenwhoneedtointerjecteverwheretheyarentneeded

I don't know what to tell you dude. I don't decide what makes it to the top- others do. Some days they like what I have to say, some days they downvote me into oblivion. Try writing better comments if you care so much about fake internet points.

I don't care at all about karma. Lol I have never even offered a answer on ask men. I was just contemplating what kind of person ( I guess you) is so self important they feel a need to interject themselves when the point of the sub is obviously for you not to be giving answers. Any comment?

I'm glad you asked! I was lurking the AskMen sub for the first few months as a Redditor, because I, like you, figured it wasn't really my business to comment - as that would defeat the purpose of the sub, right? I'd respond to comments every now and then but that was about it. And after a couple of months, I asked - in some thread pertaining to who gets to post on the sub and how they felt about women responding. The answers I got is that they don't mind it at all. So little by little I started responding more. I still refrain from responding in threads that explicitly ask for MEN'S opinions, but if the question isn't gender specific - I'll respond if I have something to say.

Why don't you just go to askreddit? Lol Like I still don't get it. My main confusion is why you feel that your answers, as a woman, are desired in askmen. "I do it because I can, the mods don't care" is kinda dumb.

I mean, you stated it yourself.

as that would defeat the purpose of the sub, right?

You dont see how "As a woman" answers in a sub called askmen reeks of self importance? lol Like this mindset baffles me, I am not even trying to be rude, i am honestly confused.

In my defense, I don't think I've ever used the "as a woman" intro. I comment there as a person, not to give a female perspective. And I do frequent AskReddit and AskWomen too, but I enjoy the climate the most in AskMen. More varied questions, not heavily moderated and there's more levity there. AskWomen can be really serious and it's a bit of a downer, tbh. AskReddit is TOO unserious a lot of the time (and reposts... The reposts.)

So AskMen is my Goldilock sub.

In my defense, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever used the โ€œas a womanโ€ intro. I comment there as a person, not to give a female perspective.

Seems like there just be a sub for that. Like ask people or something.

And I do frequent AskReddit and AskWomen too, but I enjoy the climate the most in AskMen. More varied questions, not heavily moderated and thereโ€™s more levity there. AskWomen can be really serious and itโ€™s a bit of a downer, tbh. AskReddit is TOO unserious a lot of the time (and reposts... The reposts.) So AskMen is my Goldilock sub.

So it's about you intersecting yourself because it feels good and the fact that the sub isn't for women to answer questions is just not your bother. Lol OK. I mean, you could just explain to people in the future that it's all about you and skip all the explaining.

Do you post to Reddit as some kind of public service? I'd guess not. We do it because we feel like we have something to contribute, and for our own amusement. I won't say you're wrong - you're more than entitled to your feelings and feel free to downvote myself and other women when you see us, but, for your own sanity's sake - it's just the Internet. You're still getting the male perspective you came for. Upvote the contributions you feel add to the conversation and just relax. It's not up to you or me what gets to stay on the sub, so let's make the best of it.

Do you post to Reddit as some kind of public service? Iโ€™d guess not. We do it because we feel like we have something to contribute, and for our own amusement.

Yeah, but I don't go to asktrans subs and give people answers about the Trans experience as a cis dude because it's fun. It defeats the point of the sub regardless of my amusement.

I wonโ€™t say youโ€™re wrong - youโ€™re more than entitled to your feelings and feel free to downvote myself and other women when you see us, but, for your own sanityโ€™s sake - itโ€™s just the Internet.

I don't even use vote mechanics. I'm content with just telling you you are being entitled and dumb.

Youโ€™re still getting the male perspective you came for.

Obviously not when women like you are stealth posting to give answers people assume are coming from men, because the sub is askmen.

Itโ€™s not up to you or me what gets to stay on the sub, so letโ€™s make the best of it.

The best of what? If you are actively making the sub bad, because you are using the sub as your askreddit2 it makes it less enjoyable by default. Lol

Stealth posting? My flair is "actual human woman" ffs. It's not like I'm hiding my gender.

I guess you've picked your windmill. I can only wish you luck in the future.

Lol my windmill

"Hey, quit giving top comments as a woman on ask men. It makes no sense and fuck up the subs purpose."

I am obviously delusional. Haha

Dude, again - I don't decide what gets to be on top. I only get one upvote on my posts, and I can't even control that one.

That's compeletely beside the point. You are answering questions on askmen as a woman. Like do you need me to do this in hand signals for you how you are being dumb to validate yourself?

I'm not playing dumb. I know that I'm a woman answering questions posted to AskMen. Thatโ€™s allowed. If you have a problem with it, I suggest you take it up with the mods.

I don't have to take it up with mods. I am just telling you that your ego is astounding and you are shitting up the sub. I am sure there are plenty of things I could do on reddit that are allowed but shit up every thread I go into but I don't do it because not everything is about me. Lol

Wow, little ol me fucking up an entire sub? I'll have to call my dad. I bet he never thought I had it in me. He'll be so proud!

It's almost like women posting top comments when the purpose of the sub is the exact opposite of getting their opinion dosent involve just you. Ego. Wew.

For fucks sake. It's MEN making some of my comments top fucking posts. If they didn't value what I contribute - they wouldn't become top comments.

Up votes don't mean anything. It's not the point of the sub. You aren't a man, but you are giving people answers they are seeking from men. Like I said, I could probably get up voted on ask subs I'm not relevant to but it dosent change I am subverting the subs purpose.

I am sure people seeking male advice are always psyched that as a woman you feel the need to give your opinion where it is not requested via top comments. OK. Some people up voted you, the subs name must be a mistake. My b.

If upvotes don't mean anything - why are you so focused on top comments?

A top level comment is what people on reddit call things like direct answers on ask subs and elsewhere genius.

Aaaaahhh! I thought you meant when you sort comments by "top", "new", "controversial" and stuff. TIL, thank you for that.


Sorry, I'm foreign.

auto tune voice:

'Male Feminists! Rapists in Disguise!
Male Feminists! More than meets the Eye!'