user dares to assert that not all black men are violent criminals in r/MDE, is met with an expected amount of extremely racist, vitriolic backlash

69  2018-04-17 by theidiot223


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Stating the obvious, Snappy

TIL despite making up only

He didn't learn this today

so, a genuine til post then

Easy way to fix this problem is mayocide.

If you don't like the stats, just change the source data.

/u/BeerCanThick why are the jooz so thoroughly superior to whites when it comes to intellect and success?

they cheat theyre not smart lol

implying the rest of successful people aren't cheating

This is why you aren't going anywhere CP, you're miles behind

uh no i just said thats what they were doing i didnt say nobody else does

but cheating and nepotism doesnt make you smart, just like white people werent automatically smarter during segregation by virtue of being in charge (i mean lets be real though they were smarter overall lol)

Stop getting so buttmad you nerd

im just trying to explain playa

if i give important jobs to all my white buddies that doesnt automatically mean theyre smarter than the failed black applicants

and jews giving favours to other jews doesnt make them clever but it does add to the shifty scheming stereotype

Does this make you an affirmative reactionary?

well no because its hypothetical

lol ah, the old reddit butthurt-a-roo

no i'm not doing the link


Let's be real the Jews are smarter overall lol. This is legit only partially ironic

i mean if they were smart they probably wouldnt keep getting kicked out of countries for blood libel

If they're so smart why do they cut part of their dicks off?

So do most non Jewish Muricans. There's a reason America's the world police

This is a good comment and I'm truly upset to see it labelled as controversial on this sub.

Cutfags be salty

So it was nepotism that got the Ashkenazi Jooos all those nobel prizes?

if youre the guy giving out the awards you can give them to whoever you like

Have you used IQ statistics in your "totally not mad lol" rants bogan?

tbh iq is a shit way of measuring intelligence but its funny to parade the stats around and also say jews are in control so they faked their own scores

also if jews were so smart theyd figure out a way to stop people hating them

Giving a legitimate NatSoc perspective on this: Jews are successful because they operate as a united, tribal identity while whites tend to be more individualistic and dismiss such in-group unity as nepotism and corruption. Many NatSocs think whites should begin showing the same kind of unquestioning in-group loyalty that Jews show, so we can take the power back. However, this begs the question of whether or not it's truly worth it to become a bunch of hypocrites just to come out on top.

Upvoted for the accurate case study.

Giving a legit autism-free perspective: the same "tribal identity" is evident in "Irish Catholics" in every big city in the Northeast, and despite being in the USA longer than the Jews by a couple generations, they're lucky to make it to middle management positions.

This is why we need white identity rather than Irish/German/Russian/etc identity. WASPs need to help their retarded ginger brethren.

That's a tall order. WASP identity in this country is built on supremacy over Potato-Americans.

We need to unite against the Jew. Even Italians could join in, even though they aren't white.

The Irish Catholics in middle management don't call themselves Irish Catholics

Only because we're woke.

Did I say woke I meant drunk.

irish were legit persecuted though, jews never

"Well gee I was only stung by 200 wasps when I walked by their nest, don't generalize the 3 wasps that didn't sting me"

All niggers violent, unintelligent animals and the world would see a net increase if every nigger disappeared.

I love your comment because it promotes the mindless drama that I thrive on

I also hate your comment because it sucks

I love you both

I like how you only show up to shitpost about the black people you're desperately afraid of and then run away, back to your altright safe space where you and the rest of your bleached manlet e-friends can pat yourself on the back for being "superior," though to what no one knows.

I strongly hope that you find the courage to park your car on the train tracks tonight, but we all know that white nationalists are only good for wasting tax dollars and saying dumb shit on the internet.

I like how you only show up to shitpost about the black people you're desperately afraid of and then run away

Meanwhile in reality

Why do niggers act so tough on the internet but act so scared in real life? Is it due to their lower height and higher amount of estrogen that make them such cowards and subservient to white people?

Ahaha. /r/Drama fears the /u/feepo

We fear feeepo as much as we fear contracting smallpox from tainted blankets in [current year]

3 different comments in the same drama thread, what's gotten into you today?

wow you're different today, did mom start dating tyrone?

He’s fighting with his bull.

being beaten up by

Nothing he does counts as fighting

I actually meant an emotional argument, a lover’s quarrel. Obviously not an actual physical fight; the idea is hilarious.

act so tough on the internet but act so scared in real life?

You get the Projection Award® of the day.

wahhh wahhh wahhhh

Sorry I couldn't hear you over your terrified blubbering, wanna try again?

You may be the dumbest person on this sub, which says a lot

Not while u/dropperneck still draws ragged, fentanyl-laced breath


I hope you get hit by a bus that sends you traveling towards a sea of erect black dicks, imapling your anus on one before they lift you up and throw you onto another dick, continuing this process until your asshole is no longer recognizable as anything but a cup of African American cum

lol the utter state of dudes like you

What, better than you in every possible way? Stay in your lane (and preferable lie down in it) you descendant of criminals, no one gives a shit about Australian opinions up here in this rarefied air.

no i mean youre trying to act all bold and be against something that doesnt exist because youre very easily influenced

and youre all emotional and angry because of it LOL

do you sit around seething at the thought of the spooky alt right totally being nazis and stuff

"man imagine if they were scared of a black guy how sweet would that be thatd totally justify my faggot attitude!"

you descendant of criminals, no one gives a shit about Australian opinions up here in this rarefied air.

australians > americans

also youre shit at australia jokes, say something cutting

like for instance the american founding fathers raped their slaves

emotional and angry

bro you're just an abject retard. it doesn't make me angry, though I do have sympathy for your parents, and you're right that this is an emotion.

spooky alt-right

you're not fucking spooky either lol. you're all the same, 165lb soaking wet, 5'8" at max manlets who say things like "man imagine if they were scared of a black guy how sweet would that be thatd totally justify my faggot attitude!"

i'm just telling you what the entire world knows: you're an abject coward who says racist shit on reddit because you're neither strong nor charismatic enough to get away with it IRL. you guys are the least frightening thing in the world, you get punched out by women in dreadlocks lol.

also youre shit at australia jokes

meh. you hang on to literally everything that my country does and post 8 hours a day in a subreddit dedicated to our president. I think that's a joke enough tbh.

bro you're just an abject retard. it doesn't make me angry, though I do have sympathy for your parents, and you're right that this is an emotion.

you do though dont bother trying to hide it

you have generic nerd rage at the "alt right" or whatever just like a bunch of the slower dudes in here, its common as fuck

you're not fucking spooky either lol. you're all the same, 165lb soaking wet, 5'8" at max manlets

if that was the case you wouldnt be panicking about nazis taking over, it wouldnt even be an issue

i'm just telling you what the entire world knows: you're an abject coward who says racist shit on reddit because you're neither strong nor charismatic enough to get away with it IRL.

lol projection much

personally i think youre angry because you know irl activism fails and you cant affect any sort of change whatsoever, and youll have to watch as the overton window moves to the right until were deporting everyone and gassing jews en masse

you guys are the least frightening thing in the world, you get punched out by women in dreadlocks lol.

uh i think you might have misinterpreted that video dude, moldylocks got laid out by a 5 foot manlet and exposed as a hairy porn fetish actress

meh. you hang on to literally everything that my country does

no i just cheer trump on because it pisses the dumber ones of you off

go the fuck back to /r/AgainstHateSubreddits you nigger faggot


imagine getting this upset over someone saying no-no words on the internet

but look at this one he isnt murdering anyone right now

Still havent overdosed yet feeps? That's too bad! One day soon hopefully

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

All you’ve proven to me is that you don’t know shit about wasps either

You need more black poontang in your life, broski. You'll thank yourself.

I hope you get hit by a bus that sends you traveling towards a sea of erect black dicks, imapling your anus on one before they lift you up and throw you onto another dick, continuing this process until your asshole is no longer recognizable as anything but a cup of African American cum

So, blacks are sub-human and are prone to crime BUT their genetics are so powerful that if they sleep with a white person, the offspring produced has 100% black characteristics and will elimate the white's bloodline.

...How much fucking hentai do they watch everyday?

It's more like you have a fine wine (white people) and you add shit to it (niggers), the little spec of shit will be the only thing people will notice in the fine wine.

Can't disagree with that sound logic!

You're more of a Boone's Farm than a Domaine de la Romanee Conti.

Can't think of any shitty white people, huh? I get that you're probably illiterate, but do you also live in a house without mirrors?

why do you comment here, literally no one ever agrees with you lmao. Just stick to mde

What kind of loser only chooses to comment in places where people agree with them? I mean aside from the overwhelming majority of redditors.

it’s just like...why? Does he enjoy getting made fun of?

Wahh! Wahh!! Why does the ebil Yahtzee not get bullied out of here! <:'( Why doesn't he stick to his safe space?? Wahh!

lmao fuck off retard


imagine wanting reaffirmation from this sub lol

Does Jew blood taint people as well? I just found out I'm just slightly Jewish and I was wondering if I need to gas myself.

Depends what degree of Mischling you are. Here's a handy chart!

how have you not been banned lmao

What do you think this sub is? We don't ban lolcows.

I meant by the admins

What would they ban him for though? He's no worse than most of T_D.

TD doesn’t allow racist bullshit. Quit making things up.

lol ok

Okay, show me an example that hasn’t been removed

Waste of time, because the nifty thing about dog whistles is that they allow you to plug your ears and screech "NO U" whenever someone calls you a racist.

Wow imagine that, someone demands evidence for your belief and all you can do is REEEEE and claim it isn’t worth your time.

Tbh this isn’t worth my time either, but proving my point and triggering retards is worth it in its own way.

Yeah, I'm the triggered one. You rekt me.

I obviously did if you're claiming something is true and are looking for any way to avoid proving your claim.

Do you think "Burn the coal, pay the toll" is racist?

Very true (and brave)

They usually say thug and urban youth not nigga with the hard r

tru tru

lolcows are supposed to be funny

His impotent rage is funny to me.

this is sort of like how any redeeming qualities you might personally have are diluted in the bowl of liquid shit that is the rest of you

So, blacks are sub-human and are prone to crime

Nah, it's the ebul white man who forces them to commit all those murders, because being ~oppressed~ produces an irresistible compulsion to shoot your neighbor in the face.

if you take a big glass of clean water and put a little bit of shit in it then its all now shit water

its not like "oh theres just a tiny bit of shit its still mostly water"

its not really a sub to discuss the nuance of social science, its to make semi ironic jokes about black people and jews and see who takes the bait

oh look we have a semi ironic racist right here

"lol you're taking the bait XD"

you cant out irony mde, youre way too serious and driven and they literally dont care

the only reason it focuses on race atm is because thats the hot button topic that makes people stupid

you during a literal nazi rally: "lol great b8, i'm really enjoying the subtle irony of angry speeches about jew conspiracy".

im not sure if you realise but yes the point is to make you over react and jump to dumb hilarious conclusions like youve done there

because watching people over react and get real worked up about nothing is funny, people are dumb

lol do you think feeepo is a master troll?

better than 99% of people in here

"omg white people omg gay sex" yawn

All he does is say nigger. Le master trole

it makes people respond earnestly and with emotion, which is more than mayo jokes do

master troll

Has never happened, anyone who calls themselves a troll isn’t a master at anything but debating

lol jokes on them xd

You were only pretending xd

i mean that might apply if youd said fuck off retard instead of buying into it and arguing seriously like a bunch of fags

How did I buy into it with my two line comment where both lines ended in xd

I didn’t even capitalise the D his is some very low effort posting from me 😎

I completely agree with u but ur kinda sounding like an SRDine

semi-srdine, semi-drama poster, I'm a synthesis of the two sides, seeking for the worst of both worlds

Oh come on, the "only pretend to bemoan the downfall of Western Civilization" act is like the most transparent shit in history

no its real but people put on a show for what you want to see because youll literally believe anything and its easy to distract you while we deport everyone else

hey look over here im offensive whoops your mexican family is gone

MDE is the living embodiment of

its just comedy lol why does it make you get so angry when youve never even seen it and dont understand what its about

imagine someone raging at eric andre, thats you

Just because I find them endlessly mockable doesn't mean I'm angry, though it seems to be people's go-to defense these days. Can't bant just accuse the other guy of caring.

At this rate I give it a year before all comments are just "u mad" "no u mad"

youre not really mocking them though, youre just getting offended like ghazi does to this sub

ie not understanding it and taking it at face value

ghazi think theyre mocking us too

the vitriol kinda comes through dude youre clearly not just having a laugh

like do you think its "alt right" or whatever, honestly trying to figure out the source of some of this weird ass hostility

Well they're supposed to be ironiposting alt-righters who can take a joke, but every post in r/drama where they flood in bitching and downvoting everything has told me they can't really take a joke at all lol

so when drama goes into relationships or trollx to shitpost thats because they rustled our jimmies with their superior trolling skills?

theres some real hostility somewhere deep down in you and its fun and wholesome to bring it out for everyone to enjoy even if i have to sperg a bit and post a lot in the process

Edit: 100% honest the more I sit here the more I actually think I understand MDE better than you do

you get angry at it and conflate a random shitposting sub with the guy who made it and did years of content beforehand so tbh i doubt it

I have an idea, next time you see me making a joke about MDE, try making a joke back and we'll take it from there

i just find it funny how this sub turns into trollx when it comes to mde

they outclass you guys in every way

let me step in then, uniroinically

kikes use nogs to ruin the world

both can burn

You haven't been raked yet?!? Wtf

"ironic racism"

Right lmao, mde is just filled with edgy 15 year old racists.

Sam Hyde fucks kids too.

i said semi ironic

Thats it. Time to use genetic engineering to convert Mayo dna into Black dna.

not too long, not too short, well thought out comment which goes against the circlejerk and isn't racist. -100

nah. +40

libruls cucked again epic style

tfw Nigerians who don't have a droplet of mayo in their veins are easily the highest-performing immigrant group in the USA, beating every single Azn demographic handily.

West Africa is underrated in general tbh

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits is thataway, /u/theidiot223

also, keep yourself safe

At least we can all agree that once you go black, you're a single mother.


Yeah, the environment putting very different selective forces on Africans compared to other races over thousands of years, making temperament and intelligence vary strongly by race.

In terms of "selective forces," black people evolved in one and only one environment. Nigeria is Ethiopia is Sudan is New Guinea.

/u/Light_From_The_Sun, for the sake of the white race, please never reproduce.

lol good

I really think Rap music and culture is a huge problem That know one talks about.

as opposed to glorious MDE which is the epitome of wholesome humor

Given that their leader fucks underage kids as well.

Know one

the only problem with that post is that repeats the same tired arguments that most of those people have already refuted and taken a look at, thats where all the low level "nah" shit comes from. mde is so past racial awareness its rapidly becoming anti whites again

Neck beard nest yikes

I just yikesed in my pants 😫

MDE clearly has struck a nerve with the hypocritical drama users.