Be warned Mayos: the cops are coming.

6  2018-04-17 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


This, but unironically.


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Damon Young is the editor-in-chief of VSB and a columnist for And he's working on a book of essays to be published by Ecco (HarperCollins). Damon is busy.

This is why we need a universal basic income.

Other articles by Damon Young:

Why We Don’t Trust White People’s Potato Salad, Explained

How to Make White People Uncomfortable

What We Mean When We Call White People ‘Colonizers’

How Racist Would You Be if Black People Could Actually Be Racist?


I just want to add that Michael Rappaport is probably blacker than Damon Young.

Switch "white" and "black" in that article and it becomes an argument for THAT Starbucks barista getting a raise?

That sounds messy

I’ve never felt uncomfortable around black people but then again I’ve never been a white woman with an interracial fetish either.