Next Level Petty: Man sends woman an invoice for their date when she stops texting him.

145  2018-04-18 by TSwizzlesNipples


Here is a cached version of the Daily Mail content OP are linking to.

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Why? The Daily Mail is known for holding controversial opinions within its articles. It should not be tolerated. The outlet also is known for being highly biased and also publishing false and misleading articles.

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Daily Mail is known for holding controversial opinions within its articles. It should not be tolerated.

I’m so clicking more Daily Mail articles.

Fuck off, bot, this is Snappy territory.

bad bot

The Daily Mail is known for holding controversial opinions within its articles. It should not be tolerated.

Oi USER, you got a controversy loisence?

Either deprogram yourself now or write an equivalent bot for the Huffington poo.

HuffPo doesn’t promote hate tho

Don’t you hate hate

Only hate of mayos

I want HuffPo to go broke and close up shop. Unironically.

Why? The Daily Mail is known for holding controversial opinions within its articles. It should not be tolerated.

is this satire?

(((THEY))) would love to kno

The outlet also is known for being highly biased and also publishing false and misleading articles.

So you mean they're center/right?

must be some kind of /r/politics golem


The Daily Mail has a vaguely conservative bias and that means it's a bastion of alt-right hatespeech. Please visit the Root, Baffler, Vox, MIC, and Huffpo for the type of bias my programmer unironically thinks is objective fact. Because Drumpppff.

Daily Hate

This shit's just hilarious.

Would have been cheaper to pay to play

This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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That is a rough looking 23.

Haggard AF

It's so weird, she's not exactly ugly. She just looks like a middle aged woman that used to be attractive 20-30 years ago. How the hell do you get that kind of look at 23.

It's the effect of a thousand dicks inside of her. It's scientifically proven that the genetic material of men who inseminate women resides in their brain for their entire lives. Every wife you see is walking around with the dicks of every man she's been with before her cucksband, permanently residing in her addled brain.

It's a perfectly apt metaphor.

Lmao who cucked you man, it's ok

the alt right ruined my chances to get laid

I had a tinder date (don't judge) with a hot piece of ass. She was pretty dumb despite her economics degree, but she was really hot. I'm not sure how many confirmed kills she has under her belt, but easily 20+. Didn't care though.

Stupidly liberal. I mean ridiculous shit, and SJW as fuck despite being dumb and coming from a really rich family. But that's not a big deal, I learned to tune these people out and not engage them when I didn't have to. But last night I fucking lost it.

We went to some strange little hipster bar with a dance floor. Everyone was Soyboyus Maximus or Thotus Vulgaris, so it was pretty tame. Then they started "ironically" playing these stupid hiphop dance songs, like crank that soldier boy and teach me how to dougie, and this fucking tinder thot gets all liquored up and starts doing these fucking dances. Naturally I don't know wtf because I listen to speed metal mostly, some thrash or melodic death metal so I don't know what's going on. She's all like "come dance with me anon!" and keeps doing this dougie dance. I politely refused because wtf right? So then they play that "whip nay nay (neigh?)" song by that little kid, and she literally forces me onto the dance floor by putting my hands around her waist and then locking me and pulling me like some fucking horse pulling a cart.

So I fucking lost it. I totally fucking lost it. I let her know everything about black culture, their dances, stupid brainwashing songs perpetuated by (((them))), dropped like at least 12 megatons of redpills about (((them))) bordering on the 'caust denial, and it's like time stopped when I was doing this because it felt like an eternity. I started getting strange looks and someone turned down the music, because somewhere along my rant I must've started talking louder than I usually do and so most people heard me. The entire fucking place just got forcefed like years worth of fucking redpills. You don't understand. Everyone looked disappointed or pissed off.

I was gonna ask where you got the copypasta but then I saw the "anon", shame, it would have been funnier if it came from Reddit originally.

What brainwashing songs lol

Never heard of this guy before I like the song tho

Are you certifiably insane, or is it all just a fun troll?


Carouselis coccis. It's a medical aberration belonging only to Western women.

Lol. You're hilarious!

Not clicking, but still laughing!

I don't know, but I will say this if she was 40 and not 23 I would fuck her

You could still fuck her. Just pretend she's a MILF.

Would still. Could is a whole other story.

Cigarettes and sun, and what /u/Starship_Litterbox_B said

British people smh

She's from Indiana.

Don't let /r/bakchodi/ hear you say that.

British people born in Indiana smh

Whatever, mayos.

Actually reading the daily mail.

That's why I don't go for mayos. (But even for a mayo ... that's though)

I didn't even read it far enough to see her age, I thought "Hey, she looks alright for 45" when I saw her picture.

she look like shes 30

midwest, prolly does meth or heroin

It's not really different to what most women that age look like without makeup on tbh, everyone's just so used to the current drag queen trend that most women who don't wear it either look much younger or much older than they are.

It's not a trend, it's a lifestyle thank you very much,

Nice username, culture appropriator.

snally you won't look like this if you lay off the meth!

where did you get that picture of me??


She looks like she's wearing makeup though. And usually young women without makeup just look kind of tired compared to what you're used to, they're not covered in wrinkles.

Yeah, she's wearing make-up and her skin is a lot saggier than average, but she doesn't look particularly ugly to me compared to other women her age without makeup on. That probably means that she is pretty unattractive or that her makeup skills are shit I guess.

She is fairly attractive. She just looks old.

she is wearing makeup in that photo, though. IMHO she looks around 30.

Yeah I was thinking more like 53.

what 53 years olds are you hanging around?

Evidently the kind that like to claim they are 23.

Botox does wonders, dahling.

Well...she's from Indiana, so...

she kinda looks like a Vic Berger shop

I wouldn't rape her

Looks pretty good for an english woman.

wypipo age like sheeeeiiiiit

this tbh

She looks like my mom did at 48.

Petty my ass. Ain't no free rides on the cock carousel in 2018. The revolution has begun.


I agree with the sentiment but at the same time you can’t go to the casino and try to get a refund when you don’t win.

Bitches need to learn though. This ho likely has a bunch of numbers in her phone under "Free Meal."

finally a revolution I can get behind

my wallet thanks you

She'd look rough for 33

Article says she is 23, M8.

Roasties BTFO!

Petty my ass, with 40 bucks you could buy a 12 years old bride, a hut and 2 goats in some places.

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Unfortunately I'm in europe now and I'm a bit disconnected with my ancestral land and its practices, I spend most of my welfare checks on grooming teens (here apparently you can't buy them :-/ ) and trying to not learn their bastard gihherish language

Nigga in Europe you can get TWO 12-year-old brides for the same 40$, step up your child slavery game

To be fair, in those places the bride 12 year old bride is typically one of the goats.

Not unless you're a granny chaser or necrophiliac, you aren't


Meal: Amanda got charged $14.50 for Smoked Hickory Barbeque Pulled Pork Tacos which must have been the special that day as it's not always on the menu (chicken tacos pictured)

Top-notch journalism

imagine having to write an article where you have to describe every single food item on an invoice like this



Imagine going to university, studying journalism really hard and getting great grades, working hard as an intern, getting your first real gig, getting your first real big gig, you just can't wait for what the future holds and 15 years down the line you are submitting this to your editor.

How do you not neck yourself the first chance you get.

Man, i need to start reading the dailymail more.

Always quality articles.

It's the best place to go if you'd rather read a picture book version of current events. I've heard it actually has great long-form true crime articles too.

Comments: 2811

Can't wait to read all the intelligent responses from Daily Mail readers.

BREXIT MEANS BREXIT - on a glorified blog about a women receiving an invoice for tacos on the other side of the world.

This is why bussy > gussy.

I honestly don't think heterosexuality is working out to anyone's benefit.

Except for the dick in vagina. I like that part.

lol fag

She'd be fairly good looking at 23 though, fuck that shit she looks haggard.

I love the $1.99 processing fee he added.

Side note : someone should start a dating service like that. Where both parties agree to split the bill on a date if it goes nowhere.

In a normal world people would just split the bill on a first date in the first place. I don't know why anyone would expect a practical stranger to shell out 40 bucks for a meal for someone they barely know.

They make the most retarded apps for social retards these days. This could have some success. You're just looking at it from a too neurotypical perspective.

I don't know why anyone would expect a practical stranger to shell out 40 bucks for a meal for someone they barely know.

well women are mentally children soooo

well women are mentally children soooo

You can just say your a man child dude.

Women think that their abortions should be tax funded. Women are mentally children.

Women think that their abortions should be tax funded.

Lol. You don't actually have women friends or a girlfriend irl do you?

Well that was an easily won argument. Bring the big guns if you want to win.

You don't know why? For a chance to dip their ding dong in a lady

True, it's what makes the world go round.

All this time scientists have been fooling us with angular momentum for Earth's rotation, makes you wonder what else they aren't telling us.

(((Angular Momentum)))

if she's not willing to split the bill, she's not that into you anyway, betabux.

I agree, I aways go dutch for dates unless i specifically have an idea or show I'm asking to take her to.

Many times there’s the expectation that the man pays, but it’s not just women who give into it. i don’t like it when a guy pays for me because apparently to some men the price of the dinner is the same price to get in my pants. i just prefer to pay myself. can’t tell you how many times a man had insisted that he pays. literally.

me: no really that’s sweet but it’s okay.

him: no, i insist.

Men insist, because they get burned if they don't. Some women will offer to pay or split because they're "supposed to", but will drop you immediately if you actually take their offer.

that’s some BS. if i offer to pay for myself twice, and you keep turning me down and insisting, not only am i just gonna let you do it out of the politeness (esp if i like you and don’t want to be rude) but i don’t have any obligation at that point to beg you to let me pay for myself. i’ll either do tell the waitress i want my own check or i’ll just let you go ahead and do it.

if you’re on a date with a girl and she says she wants to pay for herself, and you go back and forth insisting you pay, she lets you, then she later on doesn’t wanna see you again, and you send an invoice for the food/drinks and say “i only insisted because i was going to get burned if i didn’t,” that’s the biggest cop out i’ve ever heard. if a girl insist on paying for herself and you buck her on it, that’s your choice.


Next I am gonna sue her for not wearing eye makeup.

wow, a literal spergout

Amateur whores get the bullet too.



$40 is a cheap meal now? White women are truly God's greatest mistake.

Half that was the drinks she bought

Getting loaded up on someone else’s dime and then splitting? Kinda inclined to sympathize with the dude tbh

The fact that she wasn't into the guy, still decided to order food and $20 worth of drinks on his dime, ghosted him, and then called it "cheap" says a lot about her. Then again, his autistic ass decided to do dinner for a first date instead of coffee or a cocktail. Either way, let's hope she gets kidnapped and stored in a freezer for her next date.

welcome to dating

Damn why tf did she have to order the most expensive shit? Chill out girl, you ain't pretty enough for a $40 dinner just for yourself

This case needs to go to the Supreme Court! We need resolution on it!