Long boring argument about trans people on SRD. Not even sure why I'm posting it now.

24  2018-04-19 by Standard12


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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They fucking don't. At all.

It is interesting that in a fight between gender and sex, it is the sex that has to change.

Not gender.

I don't think my childhood home had nearly enough lead in it for me to understand why all the sardines are so pissed off at /u/NaraLeao

Is there evidence that trans people are murdered at a higher rate than average?

counter-evidence yeah

Mostly just in brazil, as far as I know. It's mostly focused on those who do sex work.


Not in my Christian household

Mentally ill men that were sexually abused as a child think that being a imitation woman will fix it.

lol. gay.

I'm not gonna ask there, because fuck that, but isn't the very fact of seeking medical help in order to transition basically the same as acknowledging that gender has a biological basis and not a cultural one? Otherwise people would just act in accordance to whatever gender identity they identified with.