Pitbull butthurt currently developing in /r/dankmemes of all places.

51  2018-04-19 by KnotAFurfag


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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TFW your dog has more testosterone than you

I want my doggy to pump me full of his testosterone ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Settle down Whitney.

Literally prepping the bull.

User Reports:

1: white people nonsense

Only 1?

It would be amusing if my SO had a bull named Pitt though

Pitbulls are the wypipo of dogs

Fun game for any pibble content.

(Thanks to the absolute nutters at r/dogfree)

Surprisingly not shoveldog

Here we go again, /u/GeauxHouston22...


I'm thinking there is quite the overlap between people who excuse pit bull behavior and those who excuse basketball american crime

basic etiquette to keep your dog calm such as not approaching quickly or looking into their eyes

/u/Halmesrus1 - what other tips you can give out to people to know their place around your dog?

Pls donโ€™t tag me in another subreddit. Just use google if itโ€™s that hard to understand how dogs react to human mannerisms.

I just happen to disagree that I have to adjust my behvaiour due to a unpredictable nature of an agressive dog.

And that's exactly what douchebags who obtain such dogs salivate over, pardon the pun.

Then get the owner of said dog to research how to train their dog to show less aggression. If the dog is in a state where it would out and out attack then it is almost certainly raised improperly. Pit bulls arenโ€™t inherently violent it depends on the specific dogs heritage and the training they receive from their owners.

My problem in the thread was the blanket statements being thrown around not realizing that in most violent pet cases the owners are just as responsible if not more so.

Oh, so I'm supposed to both act submissively towards the dog and lecture its owner about proper training?

lecture its owner on proper training?

But not too loudly.

The Pibble Defense Force's strange, contradictory arguments are reminiscent of how a victim in an abusive relationship might rationalize constantly walking on eggshells to keep the peace with their unstable partner.

Then get the owner of said dog to research how to train their dog to show less aggression.

So pibble aggression is innate then?

Am I saying pits are peaceful? No.

Everyone is acting like they are murder machines but theyโ€™re just animals with higher levels of aggression.

Untrained or lightly trained pit bulls are still dangerous Iโ€™m not arguing that. My argument is that you CAN train your pit to not be excessively aggressive.

Reading is hard but keep trying and one day you will get it.

Occasionally dramanauts will intentionally act retarded in order to sound politically incorrect

Yeah, to make the person that holds the contradictory views look dumb. But that sort of fails when the person already publicly agrees pits have innate aggression.

None of that is in the comment I quoted retard.

And so you think not quoting something means they didn't say it? You act like you are catching him on something when it is clearly a stance he already publicly stated. Yes, they agree pibble aggression is innate. Good job showing them by repeating what they said back to them!


If you canโ€™t control the behavior of a non sapient species then you probably lack intelligence.

What's your explanation for dropping this slice of mental retardation?

if your neighbor gets a pitbull then you know you're living in a bad neighborhood

Or a recently gentrified one, pibble rescues are in vogue with all the yuppie mayos looking to maximize virtue signal points from their choice of pet.

Gross. This girl in my last semester's english class got a pit and was arguing how nice they are and how "they were originally family protectors."

Girl yea back in like the 1800s, it's 2018 now and that thing is gonna bite a kid to death like they always do

they were originally family protectors

"Nanny dog" is a total lie. I wonder how many people that tidbit of bullshit has indirectly injured or killed over the years.

Enough that I don't want one in my neighborhood.

I love all dogs, and yea I will acknowledge that there are some pits that can be nice dogs, but it isn't worth the risk that one day they'll snap and eat someone's face off like the always seem to inevitably do

I could meet the pibble nutters half way if they would source from breeders and stop being such bleeding hearts about pit rescues. There are so many more-or-less healthy dogs in our shelters awaiting adoption, I don't understand why we have these organized efforts to adopt out "rehabilitated" rescue shitbulls specifically. When any large dog โˆ’ let alone a pit โˆ’ is raised from birth in a fucked up, abusive, fight-or-flight inducing environment that is devoid of even the semblance of healthy socialization with other dogs or humans it will grow up with a dangerously stunted temperament, and no amount of rehabilitation can fully rectify that. It's so irresponsible to be adopting these out to families with the assurance that they are safe around people and it really pisses me off.

Implying thatโ€™s a good neighborhood. Way too many hipsters

I'd rather be surrounded by cringy IPA-sipping douchebags than regular violent crime and gang activity.

Holy shit, I went on a date with a 4'11" hipster chick, and she starts talking about what a big adorable baby her pit mix rescue is. Then eventually she lets on that he's extremely aggressive towards men, and I would never actually be able to enter her apartment. I've met other chicks in the same situation, and I feel like they're so tiny and spineless that the dogs not only think they're the alphas in the house, but actually are the alphas. We have literally spent millennia molding the most beta animal possible, and these trendy adult children somehow manage to reverse roles with them.

Golden retriever Master race

Responsible for 49% of all child maulings while amounting for 16% of the population(of dogs).

Really makes you think.

It's not the pitbulls fault, they're suffering from stereotype threat - people think they're going to maul children, they act nervous, it makes the pitbull nervous, boom, a mauling happens.

The only solution is to fix implicit bias about pitbulls to mitigate the effect.

people who aggressively dislike pitbulls also REEEEEEEEEE if you try to say "well it's possible that not every single pitt is a vicious murderer you know"


False flag


How badly were you maimed?