It's 2018 and your bullshit monogamy is standing in the way of progress. Get the FUCK out of the WAY.

73  2018-04-19 by Starship_Litterbox_B


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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But how do you get your boyfriend to start dating other guys?

Bro. It's easy. Dudes are awesome. Dudes know how to rock a cock. It's actually a really easy sell.

Asking for an open relationship is an express ticket to dumpsville (population: you), or at least it should be for any self-respecting guy.

Self respecting guys will learn that 2D > 3D eventually.

Isn't having a waifu like being in a really open relationship?

If you ignore the “ethics” of it, this is decent advice for manipulating a guy into marrying you. Create urgency and all that.

Basic sales tactic really

I admit to falling for the two for one deal tho

Yeah, but then you end up with a loser.

Lmao of course her husband looks like a numale soytard

Lol, bye!

If you need to date other people for him to propose he ain't "mr right".

And I say that as a meat bicycle.

Going on dates with multiple different people ("friends") isn't that uncommon, especially in more populated areas.

Using it as a tactic to get one guy in particular to propose to you is problematic and will probably backfire though if he does the same thing.

In the end though one of the two people will end up happier for having tested a larger sample size and found out who is most compatible.

This doesn't work very well for sparsely-populated areas or uggos though.

  1. Criticise
  2. Complain
  3. Compare
  4. Coddle
  5. Correct
  6. Control
  7. Change

Huh, it's actually like TRP for grills.

They forgot the 8th C though; Cock carousel

It literally says don't do those you retard

Can you read?


If you’re still dating other guys you ain’t got a boyfriend let alone a ready baked husband. The Sun dating advice is equivalent to asking an Incel how to charm women.

Make him divorce you by fucking other guys!