WTF is subreddit's political stance?
6 2018-04-19 by StrictSetting
I see people making fun of libtards, Nazis, alt-rights, etc. I'm fucking confused. Is this a left-wing or right-wing sub?
6 2018-04-19 by StrictSetting
I see people making fun of libtards, Nazis, alt-rights, etc. I'm fucking confused. Is this a left-wing or right-wing sub?
1 HauntedFurniture 2018-04-19
Our main platform is the extermination of white people, but other than that we swing both ways.
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
As a black, communist feminist, I think I found my platform
1 El_Jefe_Yaqui 2018-04-19
Mayocide when?
1 CisWhiteMaleREEE 2018-04-19
Hopefully the platform has a ramp
1 Ultrashitposter 2018-04-19
Enlightened centrism, and we've got far leftists and far rightists to keep the balance.
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
I'm a radical centrist so I guess I belong here.
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-04-19
FYI, radical centrism is about ending human existence.
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
I think you're mistaking radical centrism with communism
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-04-19
I thot communism was bad
1 shallowm 2018-04-19
Ask yourself this: what's the political stance of reddit? You see people making fun of libtards, Nazis, etc.
Now take that and add more autism and flaming to it. That's basically /r/drama.
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
Oh yeah that makes sense. If you don't mind me asking, what's your political stance?
1 Cdace 2018-04-19
I believe Dinosaurs 🦖 should be given reparations for the genocide committed against them. They lived on this continent long before humans come with their so called “civilization”(something dinosaurs 🦖 had long before them). Dinosaur 🦖 Nationalism is the only correct political stance
1 whenweriiide 2018-04-19
Unironically agree. The demise of the dinosaurs was the biggest mistake in Earth's biological history. Went from chad 50-ton beasts on land to the animal equivalent of virgin manlets running around the forest canopy. LAME
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-04-19
1 Starship_Litterbox_B 2018-04-19
It's your momma's political stance, being a fucking whore.
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
My mom's too fat to be a whore.
1 Starship_Litterbox_B 2018-04-19
Oh yeah? Yo momma's so fat she can't be a whore.
Beat that!
1 GeauxHouston22 2018-04-19
1 icyhat 2018-04-19
Mother fucker, it's called whale hunting for a reason.
1 TransRacialPygmy 2018-04-19
Radical centrism.
1 TSwizzlesNipples 2018-04-19
This is the one, true path.
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
Oh hey, that's my political stance. I guess I finally found my home.
1 NormanImmanuel 2018-04-19
Centrism, but of a radical variety.
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
Radical centrism is my shit.
1 Marblehornets01 2018-04-19
Retarded bait question #37495726 thank you /r/drama mods this has been a wholly pleasant experience
1 StrictSetting 2018-04-19
M8, this is not a b8. But m8, I rate 8/8.
1 DistortedLines 2018-04-19
Yea you're just a teenager
1 Fonixxx 2018-04-19
I guess most of the autists here don't give a shit about politics. We're just here for the lulz
1 newcomer_ts 2018-04-19
That's exactly why net result is centrism.
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-04-19
we are VHMET's
1 braaaph 2018-04-19
1 captainpriapism 2018-04-19
were just a fun loving group of cool dudes that dont take it too seriously, just post some stuff and join in
you dont have to be rigid and uptight loosen up and say tranny or something
1 SageTestini 2018-04-19
lmao you rage seriouspost here all the time FOH
1 IqtaKadabra 2018-04-19
he's an Aussie, can you blame him?
they're bootleg americans
1 imnotagayboy 2018-04-19
Our stance is that whites are the niggers of the west, and need to be exposed as such.
1 El_Jefe_Yaqui 2018-04-19
Bussy enthusiasm, Mayocidal tendencies, autistic insurgency, and radical centralism are the core values of r/drama.
1 icyhat 2018-04-19
The political leanings of this sub is fuck if I care.
1 whenweriiide 2018-04-19
We just let it all hang out, man