/u/feeepo makes the big time with his own feature in /r/FuckTheAltRight.

51  2018-04-21 by shitpost953


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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And most of his comments are from harassment sub /r/drama, where username-pinging is the lube the adolescent edgelads there ‘jerk each other with 24/7.

/u/devavrata17 feeepo is downvoted so much here that his one upvoted comment made us all clutch our pearls. we can't help it that we are constantly BRIGADED and this FALSE FLAG hate speech is upvoted to make /r/drama look bad


*EDIT: Now I’ve made the edgelord youngsters at /r/drama upset and they’re frantically tugging on my pant-leg for grown-up attention via urgent username-pinging. As expected. *

Lol I love how you insult someone for pointing out that you're wrong

And they’re pooping their pull-ups so hard over this post and comment string that they’ve created TWO posts (a.k.a. brigade calls) so far to demonstrate how upset they AREN’T. Lol. “We can’t be mad. See? We’re laughing. Haha. Haha. Haha. 😭”

r/Fuckthealtright is one of the last subs that should be talking about brigading

/u/devavrata17 is explicitly calling for harassment of someone. Everyone shoot a modmail to r/reddit.com linking their comment for explicitly calling for harassment of another user.

/u/devavrata17 unironically sounds like a 5 year old.

/u/devavrata17 I agree with everything you said.

Especially this part

the lube the adolescent edgelads there ‘jerk each other with 24/7.


You have been banned from participating in r/Fuckthealtright. You can still view and subscribe to r/Fuckthealtright, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Note from the moderators:

C’mon now—you should know that we don’t allow you kids from incel hq to toddle in here to poop your pull-ups. Waddle that full diaper-load back to /drama, Elliot.

Lmao, why are you so fragile /u/devavrata17?

Well, when I was a teen like you, there was no online, so I socialized and got laid. But you keep up your rich existence of 24/7 online vidya discussion and circlejerkjng with your fellow roddit incel trumpjugend about the tangerine-tinted septuagenarian you touch yourself to after your mom goes to bed, little dood! 😂

I unironically love this dood.

Mods should make that a snappy quote


As German this makes me cringe so hard it's not funny anymore. The fedora tier speech it's wrapped in doesn't help either tbh

lmao yeah it should be drumpfjugend amirite?

I socialized and got laid

/u/devavrata17 you sound like you've only heard of being a normal person through Reddit. Spambots sound more human than that

This poor fucker think all of this is real!

You toddled into the wrong sub, Elliot. This one’s for grown-ups. Your mom wants you to stop poopy-posting in the adults’ sub and clean up that stinky pile of crusty socks and stuck-together Ben Garrison Trump-fantasy-physique cartoons under your race car bed or her little manling will have to start doing his own laundry. Chop chop!

This is sweatyposting to the max.

For people who take pride in their adulthood they sure spend a lot of time writing zingers for their internet enemies

The mods here who are generally doing nothing changed the CSS just to humiliate him

He requires a black man to sexually satisfy his wife.

Lmao, why are you so fragile /u/devavrata17?

Wypipo always are.

Lol I got banned.

You should know that brigading incels from /drama will only get banned here and your comments removed. Use your head for something besides a Dew intake valve and zit repository, Elliot.

/u/devavrata17 why do you virgin shame?

TFW the MDE broken clock is right for once

Proud of that nigga

lmao great find

hometown boy makes good!

What happened to that retard, tho? I haven't seen his super-insightful, widely lauded comments around for ages.

Fuck r/drama honestly. They pretend they are just joking around but they are the biggest bunch of Nazis on Reddit, since admins usually ban any other Nazi sub that gets that big. I included r/drama in my RES tagger and half the genocidal comments on r/worldnews threads featuring a certain African country are from them.

Little did we know but apparently /u/feeepo's niggerposting seems to scare off retarded no fun leftcucks. Thanks, /u/feeepo!

/u/auner01 can I get blocked too?

/u/devavrata17 Imagine being enough of a buzzkill to not only feature the /r/drama pet nazi, but to actually contact admins in an attempt to get him permabanned. Do you know how hard it is to keep one of those retards around here? If he gets got it could take months to find a new one.

/u/devavrata17 ti caga in bocca

/u/feeepo's favorite pasta 🍝😋

Black privilege is the dogma of disingenuous white liberals, crusading white pedagogues, and holier-than-thou white conservatives, not to be diverged from, doubted, or disputed.

Definition: A privilege is a special entitlement to immunity granted by the state or another authority to a restricted group, either by birth or on a conditional basis.

What a mature provocative thinker. /s

/u/conspicuous_raptor It's sad that you feel the need to add /s to obvious sarcasm. You should avoid any peers who would interpret "what a mature provocative thinker" sans-/s at face value in this context. Anyone who does is malicious and isn't really your friend.

You should really stay away from these negativity-oriented communities. Like stop thinking about the alt-right so much - there are productive ways to combat bad ideologies none of which involve creating an environment where you fear retribution for saying something benign.

You would feel a lot better in general if you actually helped people who have been treated poorly by our society rather than losing brain cells by constantly talking about people who have already lost too many.

What a mature provocative thinker. #/s