Stack Overflow, toxic inhuman wasteland filled with white males

90  2018-04-21 by HINDBRAIN


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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In my workshops, I advise teams to avoid sarcasm and embrace nonviolent communication, 

??? At my workplace we embraced violent communication to weed out the weaker employees , honestly it worked pretty well.

Tech SJWs are the worst sjws dude. They're people you'd never want to spend a single second around.

Tech SJWs are the worst sjws

Indeed. I can never figure out why they attack existing platforms rather than creating their own.

Stack Overflow has a culture. She doesn't like it. K. She could create a site with a culture that she does like. But instead, she demands the existing site change its culture to cater to her personal preference.

Worse, her entire thesis is misandry. There is a certain type of culture that many men prefer. She labels it "toxic." She labels the male preference "toxic." That is no different from the fact that there's a certain type of culture that many women prefer. If I applied a negative label to that culture (hysterical for example) I'm pretty sure she would object.

Tech SJWs are the worst sjws

Indeed. I can never figure out why they attack existing platforms rather than creating their own.

That is their MO for everything, not just tech platforms. It's because they want everyone to follow their rules, not just some subset of users who will use the SJW-fied thing rather than the popular one. They are often untalented as well, and can't actually produce anything themselves.

I can never figure out why they attack existing platforms rather than creating their own

Because most of the time they’re looking to co-opt them. Most of the recent flaps about codes of conduct in open source projects have been by marginal/non-contributors trying to wrest control away from primary contributors

I can never figure out why they attack existing platforms rather than creating their own.

They do occasionally. Surely, you remember the smashing success of Imzy and

She could create a site with a culture that she does like

that would require actual work though. if she was capable of that she wouldn't be blogging on medium and "teaching kids to code"

Stack Overflow has a culture. She doesn't like it. K. She could create a site with a culture that she does like. But instead, she demands the existing site change its culture to cater to her personal preference.

No wonder these people always talk about suffering and "emotional labor" and how drained they are from fighting their fight. Changing the lives of 300 million people so they don't ever use certain words, phrases or hold certain beliefs rather than just toughening their skin must be fucking exhausting.

I can never figure out why they attack existing platforms rather than creating their own.

No startup could flourish under their retarded rules - the market is too competitive. Which is they always piggyback on other people's hard work.

There is a certain type of culture that many men prefer

lmao no one not on the spectrum prefers that "culture". The same guys defending autism in the tech industry are the ones who whine about how tech bros (read: guys that shower daily and have a sex life) are ruining programming. Tech is mainstream now. I look forward to the day when autists are no longer being hired and basic social skills are a pre-requisite. All you toxic little nerds who have built an identity around failed social interactions and imagined intellectual superiority will end up operating a console at a factory or some other position that doesn't require social interaction.

Found the whiny bitch who got a snarky answer on StackOverflow.

You also found the guy who plays video games and wants to make them, but doesn't have the marks or skill to be an actual dev.

Video game software developers earn less than $100k. If you have the marks, you are doing more lucrative things than death marching at a publisher.

Yup. The pay and the life-work-balance are precisely why I'm not.

Uh huh. So just so we're clear, you agree with the linked article that being insulted on stack overflow is a bad thing - a "toxic culture" as the OP says. And you convey your displeasure with the "insult culture" by ...calling people autistic virgins.

I only skimmed the article but I do agree with some of the stuff she says though I she's misidentified the source of the problem. It's not misogyny (not to say that there's not misogyny in the tech industry but being shitty on stack overflow certainly isn't misogyny when no one even knows the gender of the average poster) but instead it's the tech industry's acceptance of socially maladjusted little shits who weren't bullied enough in school. I think it's hard to understand why the article might at least partly resonate with anyone if you're not around the tech industry. It's not that I actually care what people say on stack overflow. I can deal with internet shittalk, I'm a mod of /r/drama after all. The problem is that this stuff isn't confined to Stack Overflow. It's the exact kind of thing we have to deal with in our coworkers. Nearly everyone has at least one coworker who thinks he's the alpha nerd. The guy who isn't as smart as he thinks he is, is constantly condescending despite being only mediocre at his job, the guy who can't control how loud his voice is and constantly interrupts in group meetings. There are a lot of toxic shitheads out there and until we bring back school bullying or at the very least stop teaching therapists to encourage verbalization when they tutor autistic students I'm going to support anyone who wants to call out the autists.

This post unironically hits the nail on the head tbh.

That said, Ill take the autists in need of a good bullying over this woman's SJW shittery any day of the week.

Too bad there isn't a way to send them all someplace where they have to fight it out and no one else has to deal with them.

This is hilarious coming from you lmao. But your point still stands.

To seriouspost a bit, I don't actually begrudge anyone their autism/anxiety/etc issues, and a lot of techies are basically decent people. That said, it's fucking frustrating when you just want to have a normal conversation and instead you get something about uploading consciousness to a computer.

I unironically can't wait for this to happen. I like my coworkers well enough, but their interests are just so niche and uninteresting that there's no real nexus to socialize with them. It makes it really difficult to piece together an adequate social life when no one around you wants to do anything normal people do. I'll gladly take the dudebros I used to rag on when I was an edgy teen over the stereotypical techies. Oh, how naive I was.

It's already changing. The era of the Chadtechbro is upon us.

Well, I work in the tech industry, and might be what you consider a Tech "Ess Jay Double U"

I'm sorry that we are not willing to tolerate your disgusting views on women and minorities. Worse yet, we want to treat them as equals, and promote a nontoxic work environment.

Then again you seem like a typical Trump tard, so perhaps my words are falling on deaf ears.

This is a good attempt, but you’re gonna have to step it up when up against ‘the word ‘exactly’ is sexist because women are bad at programming’


This bait is stale af.

doubt real SJWs would say tard 1/10

The phrase "deaf ears" is quite insulting , ableist and gross.

There is nothing wrong with the ears of the Deaf , unlike what you imply

I'm sorry that we are not willing to tolerate your disgusting views on women and minorities.

Did you even read the article? It has nothing to do with views on anyone. She doesn't like it because people don't sugar coat things enough.

What kind of weirdo actually reads the article rather than just the headline?

Lawyer here. We fully embrace snark, sarcasm, and general assholery in my office.

Those who make it two years receive a 20 year whiskey, a note that says, "You're still here," and a new case assignment.

I will say the weak leave within 6 months, the strong become aggressive litigators.

Chemist here. I'm receiving the same treatment here at the lab. It unironically make it feel cozy

Cull the herd.

Replace every instance of "Stack Overflow" with "reddit" and it all still works. This is just the internet in general.

The more important suffering on Stack Overflow is how the correct fucking answer is never the top voted one.

If you're feeling masochistic, look up the "What is REST?" question on stack overflow, and check the "accepted" answer. The answer has been mangled beyond recognition by turning it into a "community wiki". Just one of many examples.

Could you link to it?

I'm guessing OP finally accepted an actual answer, rather than the bullshit that you see right below it (2k points).

on Stack Overflow is how the correct fucking answer is never the top voted one

Popular vs. efficient

Stack Overflow is a shithole, though at times a useful one.

I always have to dig through a bunch of "why are you trying to do this" and "here's how to do it in a lanugage you can't use" responses. Like, just take the fucking question at face value you fucking nerds.

"How do I implement my own version of a priority queue in Java?"

Available answers: "It would be much more efficient to instead do that in Go/Rust/insert new bullshit hipster language that will be irrelevant in 5 years.

What I don't understand is why women complain about being underrepresented in the giga-nerd sector. Like, you should be happy that less women are retarded enough to care too much about programming and gaming

Are women underrepresented in programming tho?

  • Ada Lovelace is regarded as the first programmer.

  • Grace Hopper is responsible for COBOL, which even today runs the most mission critical software for fucking banks.

  • Margaret Hamilton developed software for the fucking Apollo missions, ffs.

I could go on, but basically folks need to learn their fucking history because saying women are underrepresented in the field is absurd and should be insulting to women as well.

You know who’s underrepresented in the industry? Fucking morons who can’t code. Their genitals, skin color, and preferences aside.

What people who complain about this really want to say is: “I want a piece of this cake, why won’t you let me have it?” and seemingly nobody has the balls to tell them “because you’re just not good enough at it”

Are women underrepresented in programming tho?

Yes, of my graduating CS class of ~300 we had like 4 women.

  • Ada Lovelace is regarded as the first programmer.

  • Grace Hopper is responsible for COBOL, which even today runs the most mission critical software for fucking banks.

That's like saying the Chinese make up a large segment of truckers because they built the early railroads.

I could go on, but basically folks need to learn their fucking history because saying women are underrepresented in the field is absurd and should be insulting to women as well.

Underrepresentation isn't historical and even claiming theyre historically respresented requires a whole lot of cherry picking.

You know who’s underrepresented in the industry? Fucking morons who can’t code. Their genitals, skin color, and preferences aside.

In my experience they are overreppresented.

I mean, universitys will trample each other to get a halfway decent female computer science major to attend, even more so if they're not white. Not a whole lot you can do if most women find computer science boring as hell.

Not a whole lot you can do if most women find computer science boring as hell.

You could write Medium posts about how tech is sexist and become an """Engineering Leader""" 🤣

Yes, of my graduating CS class of ~300 we had like 4 women.

I can guarantee you this is because the majority of them dropped out because it was too hard for them.

In my experience they are overreppresented.

Hey, you don't need to convince me that roasties are even stupider than this. We have plenty of evidence.

You know who’s underrepresented in the industry? Fucking morons who can’t code.

This, but ironically.

in backend coding, yes they are but only because they generally aren't interested in it. They are mainly into design and the bullshit fads, but finding a female who does anything like database and backend processing code is very rare.

The bullshit about females being discriminated against is complete bullshit. Not in a first world. Maybe some BFE shithole but not in a first world.

Agreed, but what’s BFE?

Butt Fucked Egypt

Naming three famous programmers doesn’t mean the industry isn’t like all guys. Have you ever seen Silicon Valley? It’s a sausage fest

Also most banks are running on Java and C++

And here I was thinking banks ran on Jew gold and sacrifices to Moloch

You know who’s underrepresented in the industry? Fucking morons who can’t code.

I see you haven't had to work with anyone else for the past twenty years.

I don't think the women-in-tech writers realize just how socially inept some sectors of tech are. Normal people have enough sense to realize that a lot of topics are extremely detail-oriented with very little practical benefit. Those topics just aren't all that interesting to people who can see the big picture (i.e., anyone who doesn't exclusively rely on System 2), there's no conspiracy to keep the normies out.

April Wensel has worked in software engineering at various tech startups over the past decade.

Lists 2 years of employment history over two jobs on her Facebook page.

You have 1% doubt?

Founder of Compassionate Coding (@compassioncode) | Engineering Leader | Keynote Speaker | Ultra Runner | Ethical Vegan

I can only imagine how insufferable it has to be to have someone like that in a working environment.

Naming variables requires large amount of empathy

well, she's right about there being a lot of condescending assholes on stackoverflow. definitely don't think sexism or whatever else has anything to do with it though.

Shh, they don't realize it, they think it makes them seem trendy. Let them have their cultural signals so they keep flagging themselves as people to avoid.

Stack overflow's formula makes for the worst internet community possible. Literally anyone can become a mod with minimal effort, and we all know how insufferable and pathetic those people can be.

They're helping everyone for free on some very difficult subjects. They can be as condescending as they want.

They're helping everyone for free on some very difficult subjects.

like what?



your logic is flawed. in what way does providing help entitle you to be a shitty person?

and plenty of people on stackoverflow help others while refraining from letting their own insecurity lead them to attacking strangers who know less than they do.

According to the article the mods there comb through people's posts and remove people being encouraging or simple thank yous and you're welcomes lol

Engineering Leader

Is that retard speak for "not actually an engineer"?

Probably means she's a """scrum master"""

"agile coach" lol


We're am I supposed to steal work for my car projects from now?

Medium: making your shitty blogs look legitimate.

This is why China is going to rule the world in less than a generation.

i don’t think so. look at the quality of the average chinese video game or website

I have been named a monster, and do not deny those claims. I am the monster that I fear we all can become. So sit back. Read, or listen, to someone who has passed between realms. Listen to the words of a fool. If they cannot make you less foolish, at least let them give you hope. For I, of all people, have changed."


Aziz Ansari.

side note: why are modern programmers so stupid? the company i intern for literally has run out of manpower because the only non-stupid programmers are 60+ years old and need 300k or are from another country and require 5 years of paperwork

the only non-stupid programmers are 50+ years old and need 300k starting or are from another country and require 5 years of paperwork

I could answer that, but no one here wants to hear the answer.

I'm ready. Give it to me.

50+ years old and need 300k

Call me maybe?

Thanks to stack overflow and non-languages like Python and JavaScript (particularly node.js) plenty of people can get into "programming" without having the first idea how to program.

Using python or node to build something is like assembling ikea furniture from a kit (the instructions included with the furniture represent stack overflow in this metaphor) and then calling yourself a programmer.

Also, there are very few "old" programmers, because anyone smart enough to succeed spends an absolute maximum of five years actually writing code before transitioning to management. Programming does not have a long lifespan, one because new technologies keep coming out and new CS grads will be more familiar with them, and two, because programming jobs are rapidly being automated out of existence, and will soon be largely replaced by auto-coding tools like the one Dassault is working on.

Using python or node to build something is like assembling ikea furniture from a kit

and java is like being let loose in an ikea factory where all the parts for all the things are in different bins and none of it is organised

Although I think language elitism is dumb, you kind of have a point to an extent. Not sure that Python and JS are "non-languages", they have their places...

IMO programmers are hard to find because nobody picks a lane, people follow the latest trends and languages and nobody gets good. Everyone tries to work for the next big startup, 9/10 of which don't last longer than a year, but each one uses a different set of devops tools and procedures, so half the time is learning about how to work in the environment, rather than actually working, which leads to learning.

That's why established businesses can't find good programmers. Who wants to learn PL/SQL and db architecture and work at big red when there's Swift on the table and you might get a piece of the next big iOS killer app. Who wants to learn ABAP and work for SAP when you can grab a book on node and spin up a million rest services for some weird little startup in the attic of a coffee shop.

Anyway, haven't you heard? No/Low Code is the next big thing...

Anyway, haven't you heard? No/Low Code is the next big thing...

I was still riding the "serverless" trend, I guess I have some medium blogs to read.

Oooh what about blockchain? I heard oracle was trying to get on that but nobody could really explain what they were going to use it for

side note: why are modern programmers so stupid?

Coding bootcamps.

I feel like I should drop my construction job and become a programmer. From what I read most of the guys are so incompetent that I won't stand out. Brb, faking my CV.

Oh no an anonymous person on the internet gave me the information I wanted but also called me stupid :(

In the first 2 paragraphs, a total of 51 words, she uses the word "suffering" three times. I am always glad when someone can immediately inform you of their outwardly disturbed nature and their creepy, learned response ideology.

This reads like the kind of suicide letter/manifesto someone would write before going on a shooting spree.

In all seriousness, like many geek communities, StackOverflow can be condescending and rude to outsiders (see: /r/atheism).

But ia more because they're literally autistic than with their gender and race.

Talking about lack of PE OH CE's

Half the Indian subcontinent is on Stack Overflow 24/7.

You can always recognize their questions too. Strange phrasings, asking for help while not properly formatting their question.

Thank you for your reply sirs.

booohoo someone helped me but was sarcastic about it and mean on stack overflow boohooo

I want to take my stiletto and crush his pussy balls. Be a man, you big pussy.

I'm sorry, I just can't take this author seriously. She doesn't even have a patreon link on her twitter.

Code does not care what your gender or skin color is. How these people make it to adulthood is beyond me.

Also OP is an agenda posting whore.

Somebody commented about posting it on /r/drama while it was down and I just wanted to cockblock him.

Fuck you

you shouldn't hate stackoverflow b/c of mayos, you should hate it because it's filled with nothing but hinduposts and low effort answers.

Look, if you're asking for people to give out free advice and you don't like their attitude, then just don't ask them for things. They're under no obligation to give you their free advice

One of the reasons why when I was just starting out I was too scared to post on stack overflow

Same here! I actually still don't; it's just not worth the risk to my emotional well-being.

LMFAO, how coddled can you actually be?

In the thread, Joel’s associate Anil Dash responded that Joel had come around on some of these issues. So when I saw Joel had posted a retrospective, I immediately thought, “Excellent! Joel’s going to admit that his elitism has hurt a lot of people and talk about how he’s going to fix the culture on Stack Overflow. All the tech bros who worship him will follow suit. There’s hope yet for the tech industry!”

- how this woman thinks people run organizations