A Preview Of The New r/drama

38  2018-04-21 by dramahomo


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

It's a known fact that reddit admins get 0 bussy.

Terroristic heterosexuality.

Fuck this redesign.

For real. old.reddit.com 4 lyfe



Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

close some fucking tabs jesus christ

My altar is set up at the feet of the ram gods.


The absolute state of +50k subs r/drama.

I've been around since ~ 35k subs, so there.

Chromium is the best browser of all time, any platform.

>Imagine unironically using chromium

Oh, wait.

Using Firefox like you're some annoying open source guy from 2007 is much worse tbh. Desktop Safari too and Edge is a joke

I use firefox because what other browser allow to have 100 tabs of porn open in background ?

That browsers name is chrome.

>Being this wrong

On iOS it's just Safari but with an Android skin. Every other platform tho it's the best

iOS isn't a platform

not using Chrome

The absolute state of +50k subs /r/drama. Are we srsly that hipsterish?

>Imagine needing 16 Go of ram just to open 10 tabs of gay porn.

Oh, wait.

le RAM meme trolololol

Nice try /g/fag. Firefox quantum has multi threaded processes and is known to leak memory like a bitch lol.

Still better ram wise than chrome, tho.

R u using 16GB of RAM on Chrome? Way too many tabs and extensions

Oh, you activate Pleb mode. I don't fuck with that.

CSS doesn't work.

So no flairs, banners, or side bar images? Are they integrated a different way to do that?

They'll add CSS later. Its difficult to implement, so they're prioritizing other stuff.

They always say it's a great idea to ignore incremental changes and go for the complete overhaul of your brand. Customers love this and it never hurts a company's image.

Idk m8, I find it to be pretty decent having gotten used to it. Switching between posts with the arrow keys is nice.


Tbh the sidebar should be open automatically

If I remember correctly, it remembers your choice.



They're customizable, m8, and they're not actually discord-style emoji. They're a badly-named way of doing user flairs.

You do realize that emojis are a badly-named way of doing user flairs, right?

Imagine using turning on CSS. LOL

Does that mean no giant Tay?


God I hate this trend in design

Try the compact view in the redesign.

You have to enroll in the beta for that, right? If so then nah I'm keeping the old design as long as they'll let me.

You have to use beta for the redesign anyways. Also, after the redesign is the default the old design will still be an option.

Ohh okay, its not as bad as i thought then.

It;s because he's using the cards view instead of the compact or classic view.

Gross, not one taylor to be seen



was the voat migration just a meme because the site was down or was that actually a real idea someone had?