TV subreddit arguing over Jordan Peterson

27  2018-04-21 by Standard12


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Pretty bad interview, tbh. Kinda all over the place.

Just like your mom, haha.


>Not having two dads

Imagine being raised by gussy.

What if the two dads were FtM dads???🤔🤔🤔

I should really read that book of his that I bought.

After I clean my room.

Next week.

Eh, find the audiobook on YouTube.


Didn't realise how controversial Jordan was on reddit.

u/King--Noctis, you're on a first name basis with Jordan Peterson? What's he like?


Is your name a reference to FF15? If so, is it true the game feela unfiniaged and rushes the plot?

Aye it does a bit. Pretty fun though.

fuck off nerd


u/mike_gainor what makes you think your ideas deserve to be taken seriously?

That's subjective and up to someone to decide for themself. I'm much too biased to be able to make the decision for you. But gun to my head, I'm secure enough not to be vulnerable to demagogues who get rich pulling levers of fear. Also I'm good at parallel parking.

I'm secure enough not to be vulnerable to demagogues who get rich pulling levers of fear.

Which liberal clickbait internet shitrag told you to believe this?

Really, is that all you're bringing? And you started this exchange? Weak. Weak as shit.

I disagree on Peterson necessarily being a demogogue, and I do like some of his ideas. But what I think we both can agree on is you bringing some solid bantz 😚


/u/harryhusen, I like how you whine about downvotes/brigading all over the thread but when someone else claims the same who doesn't share your opinions you deny it.

Glad you like it

Also all the bonus spam from deleting your comments everytime they go negative. /r/television sucks so anyone who makes it even a bit worse is good in my book.

Yeah, its not the sect brigading the sub thats the problem, its those trying to inform. Buhu.

Now you get it