Remember that Facebook Live beating of that mentally disabled kid? One of the assailants got a 3 year prison sentence

78  2018-04-22 by HodorTheDoorHolder


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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thanks, hapabot

Imagine a white kid got a 3 year sentence for kidnapping and torturing a mentally disabled black kid.

Whatever city it happened in would already be burned to the ground.

Have you seen how white people "protest"? It's all smiles, lattes, and pink hats. Even the "March For Our Lives" photos are filled with people smiling and having a great time like it's a music festival.

Mayos are a self-flagellating kind. They torture themselves to ward any attention away, until they snap and turn into /u/feeepo.

A fate worse than death.

Mayos need a sprinkle of airborne lead poisoning in their childhood to metastasize into cases like /u/feeepo and grandpa tick tock.

music was a significant part of the civil rights movement though.

All we need is Kendall Jenner handing people Pepsi's and it'd be like perfect.

it's almost like mayos are less inclined to violence

Fuck off immigrants, the milkocide is law here.

Depends on what kind of Mayos.

Mid 18th century Britain disagrees

"HAha! remebr that ting 300 years ago!! that compeetly negates your point regarding modernn day amerikkka!!!"

Holy shit you sperg out easy. You gonna start shooting in your hand and throwing it If i point out the IRA?

the irish aren't white silly

When white people protest it's all, "Umm, may I—could I speak with the manager, please? Yes, you can put me on hold for twenty minutes"

That's because it was a music festival. They had Ariana Grande and other music acts at the main one.

Haha wtf seriously?

Yeah, look it up. Allegedly there were a bunch of people there just to see the music acts, constantly asking "when does Ariana start?"

I personally think it's a bad idea to combine entertainment with protest because it dilutes the message, attracts people who aren't necessarily supporting your political views, and comes off as disingenuous.

Entertainers are also often quite dumb and prone to showing it.

david hogg personally organised it all with no outside corporate help though

LOL are stupid? It is clear self-defense of a POC-womyn living in society that actively hunt minorities. This is nothing but public lynching of womyn that had no other choice that be suppress or stand against the suppression.

Btw kys mayo.

In your jerk off fantasy? Sure!



vvvv rood 😡

check chat


Dont you see? This #one isolated case we have been tracking for years is the smoking gun on how white guys really are the most oppressed people in America.

r/drama is all mayocide till posts like these. Lmaoooo


Pls no kinkshame


care to comment on just how rekt you are at the moment?

hey mate can you please delete or edit this comment you misspelled the user name, this has nothing to do with me. Cheers.

Oh, i am so sorry. I'll edit the comment now. Man, what are the odds of that, eh?

It's because white people never do anything but cry on the internet about this stuff.

And sometimes shoot up a school or church.

white people have gotten far less for far worse and our cities somehow do not burn. retard.

True, the white kid would have gotten probation.

Dude. That should be directly linked here. So many people are flinging insults.

Remember that the chief of police, or whoever, said what they did was just an honest mistake

Lol no way. Really?

Yea. They are just kids who made a mistake!

Can't tell if due to POC pity or pussy pass....

Hard to really know, tbh. But gender privilege is like 5x more powerful than racial privilege in the justice system.

So likely the fact this is a woman helped a lot.

maybe it has to do with being there is different then actually kidnapping the person and torturing them? you poor oppressed white 20 year olds wasting your life on 'r/drama'.

I’m 87 years old. Respect your ancestors.

I identify as a dirty nigger and demand you treat me as such