/r/ForwardsFromGrandma randomly went private and got sent to a nursing home.

66  2018-04-22 by TheButtholeOfBravery


Create sub for the purpose of mocking dumb Facebook users

Become dumb Facebook users

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Natalie Portman, and Rob Schneider as The Goof

Someone's peeved at the /r/forwardsfromgrandma mods. Seems like a fun guy according to /r/GrandmasFacebook

UPDATE: Holy fuck what happened to /r/GrandmasFacebook it's all East Germany themed?


What the hell is happening here?? I just want to laugh ironically at political memes my grandma would post

From the looks of it I'm guessing that some far-right edgelords managed to get mod powers and trashed the joint because they were all butthurt by the way FFG kept making fun of racists.