Head mod of the new incel place is now a woman. Enjoy the drama, boys.

180  2018-04-22 by MozzerDozzer


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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function at its absolute peak

I don't think anything will ever function near any sort of peak around those parts.

More like the Marianas Trench.

/u/Board_Gaming we here at r/Drama would like your assurance that r/Braincels will remain the dumpster fire that it is.

I'm not her but I can respond for her: if she remains the same passive-aggressive masochist who enjoys hurling abuse, then yes, it'll be even a greater dumpster fire.

Don't answer for me.

The issue is that Board gaming is obese, and tries to pretend that her obesity is the equivalent of the Incels having literal horrid facial mutations and jawbone/cheekbone structures that cannot be fixed outside of extreme bone facial reconstruction surgery.

All board gaming has to do is to stop shoving cans of pringles into her pie hole.

Being fat is fixable, being horrifically mutated in the facial bone structure is not for the vast majority.

It is like Adele trying to compare herself to the elephant man. You do those mutants a disservice by trying to pretend you understand what they experience, what they feel. You cannot relate to them. At all.

Give them a fucking place to go and be with other lepers on their god damned leper colony instead of trying to take selfies infront o the Leper Colony sign and then posting them to social media explaining how you have it worse than they do.

Who serves pasta without sauce? Rude.

Incels having literal horrid facial mutations and jawbone/cheekbone structures and being manlets with height issues that cannot be fixed outside of extreme bone facial reconstruction surgery

That's a funny way to spell "beta cucks who barely have the balls to swipe right" (or is it left? fuck I dunno, kids these days)

Wow! fatpeoplehate, you're back?

I’m really glad the other subs see you as completely insane.

Care to comment on your own then?



This is good for dramacoin!

But this topic is very icky, so if you wanna forget it here's a picture of puppies



Omg! adorable af 😍😍

Dating a woman Fucking WHY?

Dolphins are capable of manipulating their vaginal muscles in order to provide maximum pleasure. Most women cannot

Dolphins secrete a substance that dramatically shortens your refractory period as long as your dick remains in her vagina. Women cannot

Dolphins cannot cheat on you as they do not form lasting, intimate relationships. Women can, and not only can, but they enjoy doing it

Dolphins do not mind if you fuck another dolphin. A women will hate you if you fuck another women

Dolphins don't mind if you cum inside either. She won't force you to pay child support for 18 years like a women. She can't even get pregnant

Dolphins won't leave you for another dolphin with more shekels. Dolphins do not have a system of currency and are not consumer whores like women

If you are the submissive type, dolphins can be aggressive, and far more convincingly aggressive, not like a 140 pound bitch who won't scare anyone

Dolphins do not expect you to spend exorbitant amounts of shekels on them

Dolphins give it up easily

Dolphins do not demand superior rights to men

Dolphins do not organize Dolphinwalks

You can ride a dolphin through the ocean

Dolphins are more intelligent then women

Dolphins are clearly superior to any human woman of any race.

So why haven't you fucked a dolphin yet?

They ain’t thicc

You know the real reason it's called a Blowhole? I do.😎

Do you know the real etymology of San Diego? Because I do 😎


the virgin dolphin vs the chad killer whale

Chads work alone, dolphins work in packs, this will be a close call

It may not, exist but atleast /r/bearcels exists

Not sure what I was expecting


This but unironically


It's like [current year] Romeo & Juliet

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

oh thank Quetzalcoatl I was expecting a different image there


Dolphins secrete a substance that dramatically shortens your refractory period as long as your dick remains in her vagina.

i-is this true and honest? asking for a f-friend...

Its over

the only real cope is the rope

Much like people years ago hung out at bars.

Spoken like a true shut-in.

Much like people years ago hung out at bars.

because no one does that anymore

/u/Board_Gaming why don't you just let them fuck?


Take your pick.

Some pics are pretty nice tbh. But their problem is before they even get to be naked with a girl.

I was really surprised by the majority. Maybe they should try bussy

If only it was that easy.

... It isn't?

You can't just go gay at a whim, you know.

/u/salvador66 did this with success

Living proof right here.

Share your tale, friend

Go to my post section. From there you can find my experience. Enjoy my friend.

Idk why I missed this. I better not have to search hard or I'm gonna make you type the story yourself.

Haha proud of you. I'm sure if you learn the gay terminology you can put that you'd rather pitch than catch in your tinder profile, my man. But if you like both then you do you.

Here's the /r/drama thread about it.

Much appreciated

Maybe they should try bussy

hey bby u want sum fuk

A female incel? She's got to be like 400 lbs or something.

Probably just needs to get out more too.

A female incel? She's got to be like 400 lbs or something.

It's the single thing uniting every single female incel/FA. Which is funny, because being fat is fixable.

Of course, people like /u/Under_the_bluemoon would never admit that it might just be their own fault.

Of course, people like Under_the_bluemoon would never admit that their obesity might just be their own fault.

It's difficult to admit that you've wasted your prime unnecessarily, so it's mentally easier to pretend you couldn't do anything about it ...

I'm not 400 pounds, and I don't identify as "incel".

300 pounds?


Ah, but over 200, correctamundo?

No. Stop fishing.

Just imagine how fit you could be if you hit the gym as often as you hit the down vote.

Or what?

poor guys just cant catch a break from the tyranny of femoids. godspeed you incels!


I'm convinced. Someone autistic, go start drawing up connections and get someone to sticky it. The truth must be set free.

I have the "pound myself in the head with balled fists while yelping" kind of autism, not the Sherlock/rainman kind of 'tism.

If there was a mystery that required spasming and beating my head into oblivion while perventilating in front of a state-appointed care nurse because my Roblox save got deleted, I could help. Good luck though

Wonder how many of the members will want to hate fuck the mod.

Quite a few.

Let me hit it from the back and all will be forgiven

I've never been so excited to watch a dumpster fire, and I loved /r/the_meltdown.

Hey theres enough penis for everyone, sweety

Oh, hi! You actually found your way here!

And now that im here, what do you say we make like bananas and split those legs

Only if you are not opposed to some hairy man ass, baby.

Nah, it's all about the nutritious bonding experiences there.

I don't understand how people can become mods of subs they are opposed to. Like who would add them?

A tard like /u/AnnArchist...sorry, /u/anathematicanarchist who wants drama.

She is a self proclaimed incel.

She is a self proclaimed incel.

I've never, not once, stated that I was "incel".


Oh whatever, FA. Same diff.

The head mod (at the time) asked me to be a mod, and I accepted.

But why on both counts?

He has never stated why he asked me specifically to be a mod.


Ask her why she accepted the request. She will skirt around the question. Also ask her why she keeps staying despite the abuse.

Mommy milkies give me milkies!

I don't have them, sorry.

Mommy milkies give me milkies!!!!

Plays Nintendo LABO $70 cardboard box game

Mouth is wide open smiling


Imagine gatekeeping the fact that you don't get laid lololol

Shouldn't be a problem, I'm sure incels hate safe spaces anyways so they don't need one for themselves.

You don't want an incel containment board? Be careful what you wish for.

I really dig how our CSS style for (((Moderators))) is shown in the cross link preview. Ain't Reddit great?

A mod can start flairing off-sub mods with something incendiary to start shit

/u/Board_Gaming You should dinopost πŸ¦– to sooth your subscribers

It was narrated that Abu Bakrah said:

"Allah protected me with something that I heard from the Messenger of Allah [SAW]. When Chosroes died, he said: 'Whom have they appointed as his successor?' They said: 'His daughter.' He said: 'No people will ever prosper who entrust their leadership to a woman.'"~ Sunan an-Nasa'i, Vol. 6, Book 49, Hadith 5390

Wait so is this actually an inceltears coup? Or are the incels just being incels and reeeing at anything with a vagina?

Hmm, a female inceltears user being head mod of an incel sub? Yeah, it's pretty goddamn clear your mental ilness' are getting worse.

I don't think I've seen a less self-aware post on reddit.

It was a response to former head mod explaining why he stepped down.