LateStageCapitalism gets mad at highways.

167  2018-04-22 by Ayylmao11023


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Having a gas station/place to eat at every interstate exit.

Wow America is shit

This is what capitalism has become. We need full automated luxury gay space communism now!Smash the fucking system!

This is bullshit. I'd much rather have a gulag and a communal farm instead.

The irony is that this is closer too the ideal of that fully automated luxury gay space communism. You're literally one exit away from cheap food and fuel. But then again, irony, like food is always lost on commies.

the problem is it's mcdonalds and exxon. an organic/vegan restaurant and locally-sourced, fair-trade gas station would fit better with their ideals.

Fair trade

Honey you need to recheck that.

Fair trade is a racist and fascist dogmatic phrase used by bernouts and brosocialists who think their helping. That phrase is a recognition of white privilege and an economic neo-colonial God complex. Please comrade attempt to become aware.

*Bans you

They wouldn't be able to afford that shit though unless mommy and daddy are picking up the bill.

Socialists are used to starving so I can see how they'd be triggered

tbh the american highway reststops are fucking hideous

We don’t feel the need to waste money hiring multiple employees to make a hole you shit in look like a National Park. Take your dump and get on down the road.

if im traveling cross country i want every stop to feel like an adventure

everything needs to be fun and different to stimulate my ADHD

Another victim of the video game pandemic.

Gamercide now

Just remember to buckle up.

Which bathroom do I use?

Some of these little towns in the middle of nowhere run off reststops and hotels. Without some shity highway running through it they would be nothing.

That picture looks beautiful tbh 🇺🇸🇺🇸

dog bless ameriga :DDD

I don't think he has every seen a mid size town

They're almost all urbanites so it shouldn't be a surprise.

Holy shit, FOOD.

It's not allowed in communism

So much stuff to buy, but nothing of value at all.

🤔🤔What did they mean by this🤔🤔

its a fucking rest-stop not a museum

Reeeee everything should be cultured and intellectual because us communists are super smart and totally not unable to be functioning adults.

What I really value at a rest stop is a marxist book co-op, not fucking gas and a place to pee. Truly capitalism has failed to provide the people what they need.

UGH! McDonalds!? food the POORS can afford!? Like, what the FUCK capitalism.

Although tbh McDonald's isn't that cheap.

90% of the reason I go to McDonalds is the dollar menu. The other 10% is chicken nuggets.

Yeah, a better comparison would be comparing restaurants to restaurants. McDonalds is a really cost effective business, and as a result, a typical american parent can afford to take their kids there as a treat.

LSCers resent McDonalds and Wal-Mart etc because they "destroy local business and character" and are never willing to entertain the idea that, maybe to someone for whom cost and time-efficiency is much more valuable than quaintness, evil chain stores are actually providing a really valuable service that those businesses were not.

Yeah, a better comparison would be comparing restaurants to restaurants. McDonalds is a really cost and time effective business, and as a result, a typical american parent can afford to take their kids there as a treat.

The same can't be said for whatever locavore organic self-satisfied restaurant an LSC'r wouldn't scoff at.


not of value

communism checks out guys

Well obviously food has no value, that's why daddy stalin didn't give anyone it.

Gas to power your vehicle is not of any value!

no one in LSC owns a car so that image is genuinely mystifying to them

Hard to drive when you’re 14

When I was 14 i took my moms honda around the block when it was just me and my brother.


It's actually just The www breaks it.

We need to report this to the fbi

Absolute madman

and/or permanently unemployable, because you're annoying AF.

is this like the opposite of the Libertarian "BUT MUH PRIVATE RODES!?!?!!!?"

aka Horseshoe Theory proven right yet again

That’s not how horseshoe theory works lol



haha lol

Thought I recognized Breezewood, PA. Small world.

It exists in that form because the Pennsylvania turnpike doesn't connect properly to I 70 so all the highway traffic has to go down that road.

Instead of getting mad at poor governmental urban/ road planning they just yell about capitalism and get mad at their parents.

And the highways don't connect properly because of . . . a decision made by a government central planner during the construction of the US interstate system.

The government made a bad decision? Impossible.

Imagine being such an angry autist that a large cluster of gas stations and restaurants an a highway exit, a prime location for such businesses, legitimately pisses you off.

Maybe it's the amount of signs pisses them off.

They need things to get angry about. Their whole identity is literally about being pissed off at society.

We live in a society

Holy shit

Communists confused at the concept of food, what's new

You know the left can't meme when they start stealing the catchphrases of alt-right comedians to try and twist them into anti-American abortions.

Are there pr9 American abprtions?🤔


Most abortions in the U.S. probably do make the U.S. a better place or at least prevent it from becoming an even worse one.

Then why are Christians always bitching about them

god before country and all that

Because of moral hangups on what constitutes a human life?

Most abortions in the U.S. probably do make the U.S. a better place or at least prevent it from becoming an even worse one.

Literally post birth abort all christians now or I'll bust a nut

That's the catch phrase of some HAES advocates

Sam Hyde was the originator--using the phrase in his stand-up routines 10+ years ago AFAIK.

Imagine having restaurants and gas stations at every interstate exit. Capitalism has gone too far.

I haven't since this much anger towards a highway since I last went on /r/anarchocapitalism

Virgin radicals vs Chad highway

Im not American so Idk how the fuck you build your cities but that just looks like a huge rest area in a highway to me

Because that's exactly what it is.


Holy shit, I'm dying.

I just tried to post "/r/im14andthisisdeep" in response to some dude who went full Jaden Smith and said "so much to buy, so little of value" and I got the following auto-reply:

We do not allow references to /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep or /r/CringeAnarchy, as comments mentioning them are usually mocking our sub. If you would like your comment approved, please message the moderators.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

They're such a joke that they have to block mentions of joke subs because they fit the bill for them so well. That's gold, Jerry.

That’s hilarious. No self awareness.

Holy shit, I'm dying.

Calling an ambulance.

I got banned for there for using the word stupid. I didn't even call anyone stupid, just used the word in a sentence.

It's less of a town and more of a rest area

Where's the drama?

holy shit roads between places? why can't everyone just live in NY or LA?

Just take the train Ffs, you don't neeed roads for that.

Remembering how "great" the public outhouses that the state of Maine used along its highways into the late 90s, I think these people need to understand that it could be much worse.

I grew up in Maine in the 90s and don't remember this. Refresh my memory?

As /r/drama's resident vandweller, I am glad that I can find fairly consistent price and quality of products everywhere I go in this country. Food, potable water, reasonably clean bathrooms, places to sleep for free (rest stops), all on vast tracts of otherwise wide open highway, in my reliable vehicle that runs on dinosaur juice mined from the center of the Earth.

I think at the heart of every one of these far left subs is a completely autistic lack of wonder at how amazing modern life is, at how every single option (from high tech, high density modern living to hippie farm intentional community primitivism) is within arm's reach. For the majority of people on Earth, and for basically 99% of all humanity even a few generations ago, none of this was possible.

Yeah all that’s cool and everything but you know what’s even cooler? Higher taxes, less wealth, and more government in our personal lives.

I bet driving around Canada or Western Europe is like a worse version of California when it comes to rules. I had to get a fucking campfire permit to run my propane stove last month. Not to mention all the rules when it comes to my pew pews.

"taxation is theft!"

"but who would build muh roads?!?!"

"ok, I'll build a business next to the road"

"omg, roads are a tool of oppression! Ban all roads!"


Can you explain your meme? Why is this of significance? Do you see why folks say the left can’t meme?

Just got banned by the (likely) white mods for pointing out that this post is pro-capitalism. Too bad spez banned advocating for the mayocide.

Probably Jewish mods tbh

Commies have moved on from hating trash cans to hating roads. At least someone is brave enough to stand up to such evil.

Lmao LSC needs to spend some time road trippin in the southwest, these things are a muthafuckin oasis after slogging thru 110 degree desert heat on a 2 lane for six hours.

Every one of those stores probably puts food on the table, shelter over heads, and clothes on backs for roughly twenty to thirty employees and their families. So no wonder poor-hating socialists despise this.

This is Breezewood, PA.

I'm sure you're right, but this also looks like every moderately sized interstate exit in the US.

Yeah I've driven down the entire west coast and feel like I've seen this "town" just off the I-5 about 20 times.

Ive driven the whole east coast, and this could be any stop off of 95 as well, just add allligators for the southern portion.

I've driven like halfway thru I-80 and this is everything from Chicago to Denver.

DAE le Scotch Corner???

be Anarchist
