Bunch of kids die in a horrible bus crash. Dumb SJW takes to twitter and says the only reason anyone cares is because they're white. Huge backlash on twitter. CBC takes SJW's side, blames metacanada (?) for playing the "meme economy" to direct outrage at the SJW, no end to ridiculousness in sight.

378  2018-04-23 by Ham_Sandwich77


📅 2018-04-09 ⏰ 01:49:33 (UTC)

I'm trying to not get cynical about what is a totally devastating tragedy but the maleness, the youthfulness and the whiteness of the victims are, of course, playing a significant role.

— Nora Loreto (@NoLore)

🔁️ 203 💟 696

In reply to:

📅 2018-04-09 ⏰ 01:48:32 (UTC)

This is a lot of money. https://twitter.com/HuffPostCanada/status/983140466148413442

— Nora Loreto (@NoLore)

🔁️ 36 💟 156


I'm a bot and this action was done automatically

I fucking hate the

"I'm not racist... BUT x"

"I'm not sexist... BUT y"

"I don't want to get cynical... BUT here I am being cynical"

thing that all the twitter fucks like to do. If you want to be a cunt just be a cunt.

Good bot

Aren't you that autist who spends their entire day on this site?

Why are you using an alt? Banned from r/Drama?

Not everyone is on this site 24/7 mate


Where do you think you are?

lol you must have him confused with ed_butteredtoast





What was that tweet trying to accomplish?

Leftists view white males as "oppressors", so when they someone sympathizing with "oppressors", leftists feel the need to say something.

They openly talk like this with their brainwashers (ie. university professors) so they legitimately think that it's appropriate and good.

with their brainwashers


you can literally ask that same thing about pretty much every tweet. Twitter is a cesspool.

make twitter plebs angry, wait until a few of them write rude tweets in return, leverage this for big time victimhood bucks.

I already do that

Shit like this is a win/win. Both left and right (And GG/anti-GG, SJW/anti-SJW, etc) have buttloads of twitter accounts that love outrage-posting stupid shit like this. The more they amplify their 'enemies' voice, the better. And then when they tweet something dumb, the 'enemy' outrage-posts it and signal-boost them. Either way, both side wins. It's retard symbiosis.

This is actually quite accurate :D


Imagine how meaningless life would be for someone who works at the SPLC or writes 17 paragraph diatribes on r/againsthatesubreddits if there weren't racists for them to whine about

Imagine passing off a southpark episode's plot as your own idea

so a "meme economy" indeed

pretty much this?

It was trying to highlight perceived prejudice/bias in reporting. I don't even get why people are angry about it. She made it very clear she wasn't saying that the victims don't deserve sympathy. She may or may not be right that people wouldn't care if the crash didn't involve white young men, but that doesn't mean she was saying they didn't deserve sympathy. Which, again, she made a point of emphasising.

One has to be pretty dumb to be confused as to why people are outraged. It kinda was a transparent attempt at using an unrelated tragedy to make a political statement that benefited no one. Even if it was right(really hard to prove) there was no reason to say it apart from purposely attracting attention. Even if she made the qualifers that they deserved sympathy her subtext was that there are bigger victims out there. Basically a "what about theinsertgrouphere" that always comes off as bad.

She ended up coming off as angry

Not to me. Seems like people just want to be offended. Even considering the sub I'm in, I can't circlejerk to this. They're being ridiculous.

It's pretty clear what she was implying. Her reassurances don't exonerate that.

She's basically going "you don't care about these other groups as much as you care about these other special ones" and taking a tragedy to make a pointless statement that helps no one.

taking a tragedy to make a pointless statement that helps no one.

It's a good idea to point out bias/prejudice in reporting. Journalism is important, and it's important to get it right.

Jesus Christ fuck off. This whole comment chain reeks of SRD.

Indeed. getting unnecessarily upset about something is exactly the sort of things SRD does.

it's in our sidebar to blow things out of proportion

shoo newfag

And I'm contributing by causing an argument in the comments. Keep up.

Journalism is literally so unimportant that most newspapers are going out of business and no one cares.

Agreed. When i saw the actual tweet I just thought "this is it?". It's nowhere near diplomatic but the major outrage and calls for public execution seem more like spergouts than anything else.

Haha yah she doesn't seem angry

just to clarify, you think if it was a bus full of women that crashed then there would be less sympathy?

you're out of your fucking mind

I don't think anything. I'm pointing out that woman's perspective

"She may or may not be right"

you're leaving the possibility open to her being right on a point that is indefensible

Because it wasn't the point of my comment. The point of my comment was that she wasn't saying we shouldn't care about the people who died in the accident


ok buddy, sure

We know what her perspective is, that's why we're upset when she expresses it.

If it was a bus full of black women, certain sections of Reddit would be straight up celebrating. That’s an undeniable fact.

me for one

It was trying to highlight perceived prejudice/bias in reporting.

She wasn't responding to reporting, she was responding to how much people gave to a gofundme.

You are a fucking idiot.

Tribalist rallying.

Agenda post.

There is a way to present drama without self promotion. Not that there's much to promote.

Literally you right now.

Why do you care so much?

I know you. You are irrational.

That's doesn't explain why you care so much. If you don't like this post, why don't you move on? Or better yet, make your own post?

nice meme

He promised to invade Canada?



At least Trump probably won't give millions of dollars to known Islamic terrorists.

millions of dollars to known Islamic terrorists.

Who exactly?

millions of dollars to known Islamic terrorists child soldiers.

15 year old hurling grenades at a medic is innocent

Lmao. Droning these 'kids' is like the one good thing Amerifats do.

Don't you have a cricket game or perceived religious sleight to go riot over?

Lol no, what are the lower castes there for?

To remind the rest of the world that India can't really function outside of feudalism?

You're just jealous your tribe isn't the one jewing our retards for its own profit.

It's all over once we figure out how to crack the Bollywood market

You could but then you'd have to Weinstein this. I'd stay on the other side of the Arabian Sea TBH.


There a pixel shortage in India these days?

I swear it looked better on the chan, idk why it looks so horrible here.


I liked the before better

At least they're honest about it.

>perceived religious slight

Like disapproving of child rape

Oh goys he was just a poor innocent child lobbing explosives that maimed and killed American soldiers. Why should he be punished for that?

Did you read your own article? It was one guyand it was a settlement payment before the bill got bigger after Canadian courts were ruling in his favor that his constitutional rights had been violated under Canadian law. You should be thanking harpers conservative government for that bill since it was their actions.

Why would I be thanking them, the guy probably ended up sending a substantial portion of the money to the terrorist orgs next door, the ones that have great ties with the ones that operate here.

He deserved a bullet TBQH, I blame the Amerifats for messing it up.

You probably can blame someone else:


"The late Gerald Vandezande, co-founder of Citizens for Public Justice, “always reminded Christians that we are to seek justice, not ‘just us,’” which is what Margie Patrick, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at King’s, says inspired her to become involved with Khadr.

“In other words,” she says, “we are called to respond to injustice, no matter who is being harmed and no matter whether they are ‘one of us’ or not. To me that is an essential aspect of the Matthew 25 passage. There was plenty of injustice in Omar’s story. I agree with those who believe we have a responsibility to respond."

"The King’s mission statement, which declares that its university education will “inspire and equip learners to bring renewal and reconciliation to every walk of life as followers of Jesus Christ, the Servant-King,” helps summarize the story of this community’s engagement with a Muslim named Omar Khadr."

Christianity in 2018 in a nutshell.

If he had then I might have voted for him

Implying Canada has a meaningfully distinct culture or identity.

this but unironically

I wasn't being ironic. It doesn't.

I was only ironically implying you were being ironic

Jedediah Purdy's "For Common Things" was right in all the worst ways.

We have reached terminal irony, there is no more room in society for anything but a studied refusal to hope or care openly.

We are living in a post-ironic world.

This but ironically.

You know, shit like this is why your father is disappointed in you.

They are like the younger brother of a slightly retarded but successful jock. They have nothing that isn't sloppily copied and applied awkwardly to themselves. They even locate themselves as close to the US as they can. 90% of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the U.S. border. Look at this.

I mean, that part I don't blame anybody for. You would too.

If you go any higher it becomes either an inhospitable tundra or swamp.

Plenty of Americans live in inhospitable tundras and swamps. The entire state of Louisiana and Alaska for example.

Lousiana is a vital port with oil adjacent, there are people there despite the finger of the lord trying to wipe it off the map with natural disasters. The Dakotas are a little different.

...and how many people do you think live in Alaska?

...and how many people do you think live in Alaska?

How many people are in Canada? Like 300,000?

I'd say twice as many as that.

Naw, we don't want the Canadians.

Man, Trump sure won for a lot of reasons

Yeah he did

That's actually how elections work. They're never about one thibg. That's just hacks trying to sell a narrative.

Almost like those reasons are connected somehow and all share the same theme

But she's objectively wrong. White women are the worst, then comes the men.

They helped elect trump, after all. Mayo scum.

13 mayos nothing of value lost tbqh.

Hail Ham_Sandwich o/

Single nobody on twitter tweets something retarded

Equal and opposite retards lose their shit and spaz the fuck out (and put a spotlight on this nobody)

Also, OMG Canada's state-funded media outlet is leftist!!!

There are no winners here. Every single person involved is massive faggot.

Truly, the only reasonable conclusion that can be made here.

Honestly, life as a whole is a faggot. No one knows how to shut up and just take life in. Everyone is impatient, and everyone thinks their life is more valuable than anyone else’s

Radical centrism wins again!


To decide is to die!

memeeconomy on the news is the only real win here tbqh

Seriously, news stories about Twitter "controversies" are bottom of the barrel garbage. A bunch of retards having a slapfight on twitter to rile up their respective sides with the latest outrage bait should NOT be reported on. Paredón for any "reporter" who pushes these non-stories.

Nobody cares about /r/metacanada's faggotry

yeah, the CBC is a spook

name a better broadcaster in north america.

I'll wait 😏

name a better broadcaster in north america

I'll wait 😏


600-lb Life is where it's at


al jazeera


r/metacanada is just filled with a bunch of treason white hicks.

A evolved case of missing white women syndrome.

First Big Red now this bitch.

I don't care about the tweet. Left-wing and right-wing nobodies just want to be in the Twitter spotlight to get their "Hey, OUR views are attacked, here's my PayPal!" NEETbux.

The CBC broadcast though, wtf? Canada is that bad? And on top of that they invite 4 different persons and all of them circlejerk on her "starting an intellectual discussion" and becoming a victim of the nazis. Not even a dumb conservative to bully and fake impartialness? Even here in Europe it isn't this bad.

"starting an intellectual discussion"

"Starting" a discussion? These people never stop talking about race.

To be honest, they have a point, yet unintentionally. They are the prove themselves that mayos are worthless. You can't get around the fact that most of this marxist racialization is pushed by wypipo. Cope.

(((white))) people

white """"""""""people""""""""""

If its a perspective or opinionated, all it is, is blabber to prove a point,

"Starting a discussion" I find is the term used when you speak out and are both wrong and terrible.

Like the defence of the ad the instructors took out against the duke lacrosse players.

bases their identity on white identity politics

Complains about talking about race

STFU, cumskin.

stupid milkos


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'stupid milkos'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.

Good bot

Last summer I was up there for a week and the CBC radio channel was all abuzz about some video that "went viral" of a crazy lady having a racist public freakout on the bus in Vancouver. They kept playing a soundbite of a "person on the street" interview they did with somebody just astonished about how the white privilege patriarchy is still in full force and this just totally proves it.

Yeah CBC, I'm sure the crazy lady harassing people on the bus is really the product of a privileged upbringing. Her mutual funds were just too profitable this year and that's what finally made her snap, lol.

Her mutual funds were just too profitable this year and that's what finally made her snap, lol.

you cannot imagine how seeing someone acknowledge poverty as the main driving factor behind racism makes me happy. posting bussy pics rn

The CBC broadcast though, wtf? Canada is that bad? And on top of that they invite 4 different persons and all of them circlejerk on her "starting an intellectual discussion" and becoming a victim of the nazis.

CBC uses a lot of unpaid interns. It shows.

Nothing more progressive than stealing labor from people who desperately want to find a foothold in the industry.

And on top of that they invite 4 different persons and all of them circlejerk on her "starting an intellectual discussion" and becoming a victim of the nazis.

Don't forget said "discussion" is on twitter.

Even here in Europe it isn't this bad.

Let's not kid ourselves, European SJW culture is nowhere near as bad as in North America. Except the UK maybe

Here in America is pretty bad but the whole damn British Commonwealth is on another level. Like from an outsider’s perspective theyre all slowly turning into an Orwellian nightmare, or at least it would be if Orwell was dumb

Trudeau recently said if he had a son he would look like those boys.

Naw. If he had a son it would look like Fidel Castro.

Don't Canadians pride themselves on being smarter than Americans?

They're just as dumb. Or smart. Whatever.

Not according to /r/canada.

They're smug about the fact that their wife's husband forceslets his indian wife wear a hijab, even while working at Tim Hortons on a TFW visa and (thankfully) not having the second amendment so that they don't have worry about the white devil shooting Tyrone, the black Canadian man that speaks perfect English, cares for his two kids and loves his job, at a routine traffic stop.

Aside from that, they no more smarter. Just more "virtuous" about their social superiority

Smarter, nicer, and less fat. All around just better people.


Oh wow i didn’t realize the levels of mayo that are happening in Canada. That puts cnn/foxes propaganda to shame!

I think we should just be happy that there are less white people.

What's really needed is more inclusiveness, so mayo females can also die in horrific accidents. #endthegendergap


IF anything, these people are making a compelling case to support Trump.

A small, daring cartel of a mere 15,000 drives the opinions of a whole country, or a political hack said something stupid and was on the receiving end of outrage because of it.

I can't believe someone would seriously go on tv to talk about "meme economy"

this is what happens in a post-ironic hellscape

Have we finally reached peak current yearism?

I live in Saskatoon and we are all sick of hearing about this shit. Everybody is raising money for them and pocketing the cash at small business across the city. I fucking hate Saskatchewan, this is the anus of Canada.

UK here. I met a girl from Saskatoon, she's white as snow and uber liberal, often brings up leftist/feminist talking points about white privilege and rape culture. Is this pretty normal for people from this part of the world? Kind of annoying, 'cos apart from this I like her.

2 loonies have been deposited to your account.

I don't really care about this stuff and I only heard about it a week ago. Far more people are being killed every day around the world, why is a hockey team so important?

Because it's Canada.

On Reddit, I'm considered old as fuck (I can remember the day Mr T ate my balls) and even I know the fucking "meme economy" isn't a sound financial policy. Where do they get these morons at?

Did I just hear a news anchor utter the fucking words meme economy non ironically?


but yes

please upvote my dank memes on reddit so I can get my internet money and finally raise enough money to hopefully cure my crippling autism

please be patient I have autism

Tbf I wouldn't have cared if they were black

What does she mean by "youthfulness"? Is she implying its less of a tragedy cos thier young? Also if she think she surive the mayocide cos she a self hating white she's wrong!

Amazing how in a story where 16 white male teenagers die tragically through no fault of their own, the takeaway is that a white female teenager being attacked on Twitter for saying something really stupid and offensive is the real victim.

CBC = Cucks, Betas, and Cucks

I'm really drunk.

All I heard was mayocide. You don't know how long it took me to say that or this end bit


The worst part is, you weren't on the bus.

White woman unironically complains about whiteness