Why are liberals obsessed with sassy black bitches

11  2018-04-23 by CHAD_THUNDERCUCK

Other then saying "y'all" even though they would never dream of setting foot in a red state, they love gifs of sassy mouthy nog bitches when virtue signaling on Twitter.





"Slay queen!"



Anyone who uses these terms should be euthanized tbh

yall folks should get fisted in ur asshole

They do? Are you sure you aren't just confusing them with SJWs? Because I doubt liberals like u/pizzashill have any fondness towards them.

I'm a bit confused. Do you not understand that black people come from the South?

Angry black woman

Angry Black Woman is an American trope that black women are "sassy, ill-mannered, and tempered by nature", employing the terms "Sapphire" or "Sassy Black Woman".

The Angry Black Woman stereotype has not been studied to the same degree as the mammy and Jezebel archetypes. Some scholars, e.g. Dionne Bennett and Marcyliena Morgan, suggest that the stereotype is less studied because researchers accept it as true.

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Ohhhhh haaaalllll no