Kick out the immigrants.

202  2018-04-23 by pitterpatterwater

I'm being serious. Kick out the CA and MDE refugees. Vote for me as mod and I'll work for the extinction of the milko race by consensual miscegenation.


I'm usually all for open borders, but even I have to out my foot down when the hordes from MDE invade

No, we need lolcows to do the work the rest of us won't.

They gotta go back.

Can't we talk more about ben 10 instead?

anyone that watches cartoons is a manbaby

57,899 readers

1,656 users here now


It's passed 58k since you posted this lmao

Probably an infestation of Cringe Anarchy's pajeet incels.

Not letting them into our subreddit would be very intolerant of us. Take your bigotry else where.


See what I mean by CA refugees?

oh god it's horrible

the fuck is mDE

Major depressive episode.

Alt-right hategroup, check out their channel

That reverse psychology.


Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread


Moreso alt-retarded.

million douchebag eeediots

Cringeanarchy but worse.

Nothing's worse than Cringranarchy because they are serious posting while saying it, when mde is exerragerating shitposting. Both aren't for me but know the difference.

CA at least occasionally posts real retards for me to laugh at

They due, but the real cringe is ALWAYS in the comments.

ur not wrong

People always say nobody in MDE is being serious but then I go there and see shit like this.

Those people don't seem like they're joking at all.

I'm actually genuinely surprised that sub hasn't been banned yet

They are racists who are meming, that not against reddit rules

u/captainpriapism how many more layers of irony do I need to be on to be able to see all the jokes in the linked thread?

you just have to not be irrationally angry at a figment of your imagination before you wade in and start faggoting

You've got to wake up pretty early to ironically post on TRS all day and listen to The Daily Shoah

lol if you think mde posters like that shit and dont call it jew controlled op

get your references right

fucking lol youre hilariously bad at this

Tbh I just like shoehorning that video into everyday conversation

MDE stopped being ironic a long time ago (if they ever were).

Both MDE and /r/CringeAnarchy have the same edgy userbase, but from what I've seen, MDE is more shitposty.

MDE used to be far better, but with the bans of countless "far right" subs the users of said subs flocked to MDE because it isn't a sub that will ban you for racial slurs or "edgy" posts. Same reason drama is seeing an influx of the same people from "far right" subs, mods here aren't little bitches who will ban you over a few coarse words. If you look at posts on mde from just a year or two ago a bunch of it was just about the show, music, philosophy, short stories, fever dreams and a few shitposts here and there. Now it's almost entirely shitposts.

And this sub hasn't? This is just as edgy, only trying to be more low key about it

Ironically retarded places always draw genuine retards who aren't in on the jokes after a while. Mods need to cull them occasionally, beford they spread.

Tim and Eric for people that are scared of black people.

Maricas con Disfuncion Erectil

Here here!

I was out training for my new blue collar job, what happened?

Learning how to lay pipe?

Getting a commercial driving license.

Are you going to be shitposting in an 18-wheeler?



As top mod of /r/MillionShekelExtreme, which I founded when I was banned simply for brigading from /r/Drama being an innocent ethnic minority, I fully support the purging of the MDE menace from our bussiety.

Oi you forgot to mod me! I'll take the ministry of aesthetics tyvm

Don’t you ever fucking @ me. My sister waited 3 days in the Dublin airport for you and /u/LadyVetinari to show up. You’re fucking dead to me and my family.

Maybe Jecanussy isnt appealing

eat a dick, my sister’s hot as fuck

Proof plz

check telegram

Belay my last

Belay my last


Look It up you francanadamerican god

too late, already sent noods

It's not my fault! I was in a drunken slumber and /u/LadyVetinari has alzheimers you know that!

that fucking Mexicant

Nah she's no chili shitter, just a bog standard anglomensch I'm afraid

I'm a Texi-CAN senor rana dr hoja 😎

señor rana de hoja

see, JJ?!?!

Jew what? I don't speak mexican!

is this where I post jussy pics

Post pics of the hole in the sheet.

i got banned from MDE from being a jewish shill for this comment :(

Immigrants do hard labor that natives don't want, like being lolcows for the rest to milk.

I'd be fine with Ed milking me.

I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?

Sorry sweeties, but MDE is winning the culture war here >;). Now show us your collective bussies folks and let us in.




MDE fans are among one of the worst fanbases on the internet, simply because they try to act so edgy and flippant to make up for their weak personalities, but fail because they have no sense of humor or awareness.

/r/Drama fans are among one of the worst fanbases on the internet, simply because they try to act so edgy and flippant to make up for their weak personalities, but fail because they have no sense of humor or awareness.

simply because they try to act so edgy and flippant to make up for their weak personalities

lol have you seen what people post here

What's that? The Captain™ whiteknighting for MDEfags? OwO

Just imagine the dumbest position to take, and the captain will be on the front lines

Australians are some of the dumbest people from what i see in r/drama tbh

The Australians have a long history of being the dumbest fucks on the internet tbh

Canadians are a close second, based on the leafs we have here (except the Quebes like /u/subpoutine)

example number one of low effort faggotry

lol i love how bad you are at this



The captain is doing it again! Brace yourselves!

i also enjoy that you think thats a good troll

i enjoy

you rn

thats literally your entire character lol fag

remember when you used to just post emojis, youre only doing this because you cant help yourself

youre not even good at hiding it you just post the same shit over and over

I got you cry again haven't i captain?

lol fag

Hahaha Awww. See now we can understand why you'd like places such as MDE and CA. People there aren't meanies to you!

omg stop replying thats like 7 in a row in 5 minutes

People there aren't meanies to you!

lol you think youre the bully and not the retard


you try waaaay too hard without any actual substance though i really dont get it

if i didnt know better id think you were a literal teen

you dont actually have to reply to all of them especially if youre going to admit defeat like that



Is this self-deprecation?

/u/captainpriapism was one day sperging about how instantly downvoting comments makes you look pathetic (and complaining about downvotes is totes cool btw!) but I see that he's been downsnozzling you and /u/LadyVetinari for these comments lmao.

i dont complain about downvotes, i welcome them because in this sub it means im winning

it means people dont think im a lolcow and that theyre legitimately upset at the stuff i write

youre such a try hard lol

MDE DINDU NUFFIN!! They are vvvv good boyes!

no its just shitposting that you get angry at because dumb

its like how cb2 and negareddit and ahs get angry at this sub, thats you lol

Screech harder!! 👏👏

what do you think youre doing though lol

remember antifa being a meme, dont let your mask slip dude

The only reason I keep saying Antifa is a meme is how butt mad it gets you and others here. The image of what antifa really is vs. how it's portrayed on Reddit hilarious. I've never seen them IRL even in the most liberal places and guys cry about them like its the coming of the Antichrist!

That's what you call a meme tbh.

don't let your mask slip

Oooo! The captain is playing psychological warfare guyz!! 👻

The only reason I keep saying Antifa is a meme is how butt mad it gets you and others here.

suuuure you do, thats why you sperged out that original time

trying to pull a tommy wiseau and pretending you meant to be retarded lol!

The image of what antifa really is vs. how it's portrayed on Reddit is hilarious. I've never seen them IRL even in the most liberal places but retards screech about them like its the coming of the Antichrist!

you feel strongly about antifa irl and its funny

seriouspost some more thatll totally show me you arent invested

That's what you call a meme tbh.

Oooo! The captain is playing psychological warfare guyz!! 👻

dont need to do psychological anything to outwit a sperg

You're too high IQ for me! you know my next move don't you captain? Yes you do!!

Damn! r/drama is just not on your level tbh. You control us like puppets!

You're too high IQ for me!

this but completely unironically

youre terrible at trolling, which is why only srdines and jews and trannies like you

You control us like puppets!

nope just you LOL

hah what a clever joke youre so great at trolling

im saying anyone who repeats bussy or mayo jokes has no place calling anyone else edgy or boring or lacking in self awareness

mde is unironically levels above the satire here, they are to drama what drama is to srd and the fact that you guys get all angry about them proves it

Why can't you go one day without being a faggot and whiteknighting for the shittiest group out there? It's MDE now and maybe CA tomorrow lol.

mde and ca are unironically better and take themselves less seriously than you or any other unoriginal indistinguishable bussyposters

i know you think youre at the forefront of holding off the alt right or whatever faggot fantasy but its not realistic


Why? Because people shit on you here? Cry me a river lmao. You're just mad that people shit on you and your "views" day in and day out. I don't know, maybe try being less retarded or something lol.

cringe lol you want to be popular here

nobody shits on me, they cry at my posts and make entire new subs because theyre jews or trannies and cant take what they dish out

you try to troll me but its not very good, everyone else that tries is even worse

meanwhile i can just put a word in a post and youre guaranteed to bite like you do pillows

You're just mad that people shit on you and your "views" day in and day out. I don't know, maybe try being less retarded or something lol.

lol people dont shit on my views, drama members freak out over random shitposts

none of you have the slightest clue what i really believe, but you cant take what you dish out

if you can take a white joke you can take a jew joke or a black guy joke

none of you have the slightest clue what i really believe

oooooo! Psychological warfare guyz! That's some high IQ stuff you have going on there captain. Tell me more about how we drama users are the real loser who laugh at you and how you're the bantz chad!

you feel this strongly about me LOL

please think about me in your spare time

Wow you're soo edgy dude. POST BUSSY I'm I right XDDD

HAHA yeah!! that's my favorite meme from here :D what's yours?

Wear your seatbelt

I'm actually impressed by how much worse you make the Internet with every additional word you post on it, even by /r/Drama standards

They MUST go back.

Stop trying to hop on my platform.

I'd hop on your platform any time 😏

wish you'd fall off a train platform

Your platform sucks ass. You're against tay posting. Smh


This sub needs to unironically band 1/3rd of the people here. Just choose at random.

I prefer 3/5thz

This is exactly the kind of compromise this sub needs.

Shouldn't we ban 2/5ths that way 3/5ths remain though?

Shut up

no u

No you both

He started it

5/5ths tbh.

Wahh wahh!! The mean people here don't agree with what I say <;'(( blzz kick them out blzzzzzz wahh wahhh!!

That seems like what you are doing right now tho....

If you're going through people's post histories to see what other subs they post in you should definitely be banned

Milkos should be banned; I'm just doing my duty as a responsible citizen of /r/Drama.

Gretchen, stop trying to make Milkos happen

K, milko.

it's not going to happen.

K, milko.

Fuck off, leftoid

Kay, milko.

Go away milko

sounds like khazar milkers

Just went through this lad’s post history. Active on the cryptohate sub known as drama, and probably a bussy lover. Downvote and move on, nothing to see here.

Yep, I called out a Based black man karma whore in r/oldschoolcool yesterday and they did that shit. Those people are the lowest of the low

Meh, we got the equivalent of cb2/cth posters. I don't see it being a problem if the equilibrium of ideological stupidity isn't broken.

Trouble is, the retard right is always going to outnumber the retard left because places like LSC and SLS and /r/catgirlgenocide will ban you for posting here.

Sounds like a self-made problem

My dinosaurs 🦖 and I will never return to that shithole CA! Never!


I fully support this.

How about we kick out the people that try to force new memes into the sub first?

mde are trash posters and you idiots downvote the lolcow ones so might as well

Can't we just kick you out instead

Yeah the mods are going to have to go private 5 out of the next 7 days to ward off the normies.


I say we kick out all Metacanada and onguardforthee users as well because Canadian drama is sooooo boring.

Why not just kick out all Canadians? Day of the Rake when?

Coincidentally that is the central thesis of the book I’m writing tentatively called mein kampf.

Maple Kampf

هذا أفضل🙏🙏

My (((literary agent))) keeps telling me that ‘mein kampf’ has certain negative historical connotations and for the life of me I can’t figure out what they are.

It worked for Karl Ove Knausgård's Min Kamp series

Can we do the /r/anarchism drama posters while we're at it? They're pretty fucking boring too.





K, milko.

we’ve been on the srd cycle for months and this place gets worse by the day. the immigrants will enrich us.

Unfortunately some retards classy people like srd


idk about that but we definitely need an age limit. i saw an old person post here a while ago

/r/drama needs diversity


no u

No you both

I know what MDE is, but what is CA? California's sub-reddit?

It's an abbreviation for /r/cringeanarchy.

Oh. Well if that's the case, you've got my vote.



Isn’t that why /u/br00ce is modding everyone and their mother? To create a special dramatastic safe space where the CA and MDE crowd can’t hangoit?

Throw in /r/metacanada and you've got my vote


This is 2017 levels of naivety.

Maybe if we call them retarded enough times they'll self-deport.

Who are you?


Sorry sweaties, but MDE is winning the culture war here >;). Now show us your collective bussies folks and let us in.




the alt right ruined my chances to get laid

I had a tinder date (don't judge) with a hot piece of ass. She was pretty dumb despite her economics degree, but she was really hot. I'm not sure how many confirmed kills she has under her belt, but easily 20+. Didn't care though.

Stupidly liberal. I mean ridiculous shit, and SJW as fuck despite being dumb and coming from a really rich family. But that's not a big deal, I learned to tune these people out and not engage them when I didn't have to. But last night I fucking lost it.

We went to some strange little hipster bar with a dance floor. Everyone was Soyboyus Maximus or Thotus Vulgaris, so it was pretty tame. Then they started "ironically" playing these stupid hiphop dance songs, like crank that soldier boy and teach me how to dougie, and this fucking tinder thot gets all liquored up and starts doing these fucking dances. Naturally I don't know wtf because I listen to speed metal mostly, some thrash or melodic death metal so I don't know what's going on. She's all like "come dance with me anon!" and keeps doing this dougie dance. I politely refused because wtf right? So then they play that "whip nay nay (neigh?)" song by that little kid, and she literally forces me onto the dance floor by putting my hands around her waist and then locking me and pulling me like some fucking horse pulling a cart.

So I fucking lost it. I totally fucking lost it. I let her know everything about black culture, their dances, stupid brainwashing songs perpetuated by (((them))), dropped like at least 12 megatons of redpills about (((them))) bordering on the 'caust denial, and it's like time stopped when I was doing this because it felt like an eternity. I started getting strange looks and someone turned down the music, because somewhere along my rant I must've started talking louder than I usually do and so most people heard me. The entire fucking place just got forcefed like years worth of fucking redpills. You don't understand. Everyone looked disappointed or pissed off.


Let them in so we can give them consensual "surprise sex" and fill their bussies with superior POC seed.


What happened? Did MDE get shut down? And what's CA?


can we just redirect the MDE smartpeople into the CTH subreddit and watch them try to outedge each other

topmindsofreddit poster

I'm not taking suggestions from a guy only one step away from r/againsthatesubreddits and srs.

Kay, milko.

CA has really turned to shit. Everytime someone makes a cringe post about "The god emperor" the mods put the thread into contest mode.

Shut up you cracker ass whiteboy.