Trump supporter posts Kanye on BPT. Goes really well.

27  2018-04-23 by Standard12


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I wonder when Trumptards are gonna learn they're probably the best example of a victim complex in modern American history.

Like seriously, if you hang out in Trumptard circles they unironically believe they're oppressed for being white.

Trump ran one of the most identity politics based campaigns in US history.

Same with altrighters tbh

Horseshoe theory proven right again.

One group consists of dumb proletariat that finds meaning of life idolizing first rate fraudster.

The other is the same.

Fail to see drama.

how is that not drama


A song as ghetto as it gets... that contains this lyric gold:

Now we out in Paris, yeah I'm Perrierin'

My Audemar like Mardi Gras, that's Swiss time and that's excellence

Jesus Fucking Christ!

How low your IQ has to be to be impressed by this word coinage?

I mean, seriously... please just... just shut up...

those just look like ordinary song lyrics idgi

That would be my point, yes

Your point is that they're middle-of-the-road lyrics?

Who the hell listens to pop rap for lyrics?


u/empyreanmax, does it bother you that your wicked sick comeback makes no actual sense in terms of the comment you're responding to?

don't @ me

Does getting 94 upvotes on a post that was objectively retarded nonsense make you feel proud, like you really accomplished something with your life?

Sorry, I don't speak Facebook.

Since you're here: What's it like to be illiterate? I've always wondered how people too stupid to read get by in our modern society.

u/Knights_Radiant are you sure you aren't just projecting your tendency to project your insecurities and problems onto "Trump supports"?

nah it’s just people are more likely to recognize issues they’re insecure about in other people

it’s the same basic mechanism as projection, but without the delusion

Oh no not a typo guess I'm just wrong then. Smh.

Facists are a serious problem

Retarded Amerimutts literally believe this.

Fascism hasn't been a serious problem since Mussolini.

how big a problem was Franco? like 6/10?

pretty sure Pinochet was quite a bit later, still a long ass time ago though

Funniest thing about the Kanye-Trump stuff is the hordes of angry black women that utterly despise TayTay.
In reality they do simply because she has the temerity of being an attractive, successful, white woman.

So they've tried to justify their hate by convincing everyone she's really a secret Trumpette/white nationalist.

and now this has happened...