Nazi Pug and his Dug get a slap on the paw.

84  2018-04-23 by DJ-CatsPyjamas


Cool story, bro


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That thread is ripe for drama, people are moving the goalpost and being generally overly pedantic. The man should not even have gotten a fine for that tbh.

I mean, a pug, the most inbred of dogs, a nazi? Thats some top tier political bants right there.

Pugs have breathing problems and their eyes can pop out, just like Jews. Obviously isn't a Nazi.

Exactly! Case closed

That face when the fucking NAZIS were more reasonable than your shitty country.

He should’ve got off Scot free.

This isn't a matter of freedom of speech, after this and until the end of time you will be allowed to as racist as you want, jokingly or not. Everybody forgets though that while you can say what you want, you may or may not have to deal with the consequences of your speech depending on what you've said.

They have some real morons over at that sub.

freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences!

If it's the state dispensing those consequences, that's literally what it means. What are the FAS rates over there?

Through the roof, given that its Scotland.

Mam likes her wee dram.

EU degenerates are hilarious. I've seen multiple EU crazies say the US should amend our constitution to make hate speech illegal.

Muslims were never a fan of free thought, true.

We should've stayed out of WWII tbh, let those idiots kill each other.

No, our mistake was not immediately nuking Moscow and then annexing all of Europe.

Only counts when it's against woke folks tho

They aren't alone sadly. Look at all the other discussions on the article and all but one have tards defending this shit.

On a tangent, anyone have a picture of the tattoo on his left arm? While tattoos are for degenerates obviously, it looks like fairly well executed degeneracy.

I will never not upvote you.

Still a gross miscarriage of justice, but I'm glad he didn't get jail time.

honestly, it would've made the backlash 100 times stronger if he had been pictured with an orange jumpsuit over a prison fence.

i'd do anything for a dramacoin surge.

"What are you in for?"

"I made a dog salute when I said sieg heil"

The fine is to ensure we don’t get any big ideas

You gotta be pretty well off to think a $1200 fine is no big deal

consider for a moment who we are talking about as a group. I generally don't whinge about "SJW's" or "PC" culture since it's quite literally so stupid as to be below me, a literal retard (I post here after all), but there's no denying the fact that the large core of their support is bourgeois middle class mayos.

You just know that Sargon and Co are going to pay for it

Yeah, he stands to profit bigly from this shit honestly. His name and face are internationally known now. Gg Scotland Yard, you fucking dunces.

Yeah, but having your face known internationally isn't necessarily a good thing if you've got 8 pieces of metal stuck in it.

The fine amount might be based on his income. These youtubers shit money.

$1200 to get international coverage? That's chump change. Move along, prol.

better than jail

Pretty sure Dankula is gonna make fat gofundme bank from this whole fiasco

That's chumpchange compared to how much lawyer fees cost. Also it's better than being in jail.

/r/scotland is only one of the worst subs on the entire website. They think /r/unitedkingdom of all places is far-right

All this drama over a petty fine? The UK is a joke

oi! ewe got a loisense fer dae edge???

Oi mate, you got a permeant for that joke loicence?

After a two year long court case.

/r/scotland is honestly one of the worst subs on the entire site. It's full of poofs like /u/Saltire_Blue and /u/BesottedScot that think /r/unitedkingdom of all places is far-right.

Raging aye?

Bow to your English masters, jock

Have an upvote

Bow to your English masters, jock

Just for future reference, Jockey McPloppy is the correct nomenclature.

He means that when you masturbate all that comes out is a little *poof* because your vestigial testicles have retracted up into your abdomen.

It’s sweet you feel the need to defend your wee pal.

I’ll give you an upvote also

Hey, I was just trying to help out. No need to be so patronizing, it's almost like you're English.

He's not calling you a faggot because he thinks you're gay, let alone because he disapproves of it. He's calling you a faggot because, like all jocknats at all times and in all places, you're being a fucking faggot.

But at least you don't drink Strongbow like indescribable shitstain that is BesottedScot.


Another wee pal coming running to his defence.

I love it

All this specific hate against me gives me a right warm glow. Cheers toots.

Naw, that's just the half pint of pish cider gone to yer heid since you canny handle yer drink.

I'm sure it is.

is calling me a poof intended as an insult

We don't Ping and insult people and as a mod /u/PoorLilMarco knows this because it would lead to the sub being banned.

Perhaps Poof Means something else in whatever tiny irreverent to the worlds culture you live in, try learning what Poof actually means if you think it's an insult.

Fuck hell.

Right bunch of sensitive souls you lot are in here.

It’s almost as if you can dish it out but not take it back.

Pretty hilarious to be fair

I'm sorry I'm American, I can't understand anything you said.

Don’t apologise for being American

Nobody is perfect after all.

Mind you, I’d consider asking for a refund on your education. You guys need to pay for it don’t you?

What kind of shithole country do you live in that doesn't use Taxes to support Schools?

I thought you didn’t understand anything I said?

If you’re lying about that. Should I believe anything else you say?

You certainly don’t seem like the whataboutery type

Hmmmmm 🤔

It’s a strange one

I’m just glad I could enjoy my education without the fear of getting shot in class.

the fear of getting shot in class.

Just a Higher Rate of Murder then crime dystonia New York, or your bragging about shagging Sheep and not knowing how statistics work.

You are a wee poof like.

Yet to hear yer da complain about it.

He fucking loves taking my boaby and farting out my load.

Honestly you should hear him, he sounds like an overexcited horse

Must be someone's else's dad your pumping, mines been in the ground for a wee while bud. Sounds like you're living the dream though.

Nah it was yours honestly

I know this because he told me he had a bigger cock than you.

My dad told you that he had a bigger dick than his son?

Your patter is complete shite mate.

Speak to yer da mate

This is the world-famous 'Scottish Patter', folks. Step up and gawk at the dreadful streams of pish! Stand in awe as the inbred jocks try to insist their patter is the best in the world! Take bets on how long until some faggot uses the word 'craic'!

I'm Scottish and I agree completely with this message. I'm banned for /r/Scotland for standing up for free speech lol.

It’s really hard to imagine scots being such pussies as I see on the Scottish sub.

That sub gives us a bad name. Most people here are pretty normal.

I mean, you're not like the people in that sub but you guys most certainly aren't normal.

I'll give you that one.

Come on now.

I enjoy a good laugh like anyone else, but let’s not pretend you know anything about pussy

Let’s try and keep it semi believable please

I enjoy a good joke

You got incredibly mad at a dog rising his paw when it hears "Sieg Heil!"

Shut the fuck up forever please.

Everyone here follows the way of the bussy, keep that gussy for yourself.

Homophobe. Also:


You really don't know what sub you're in, do you?

Nah. I was invited.

Just seems like a sub full of angry wee boys who like to try and give up abuse but get upset when someone gives it back.

It’s pretty funny in all fairness

What, r/Scotland? No mate, that's where you usually are, but not now.

Honestly, never seen a bunch of spastics with worse 'patter' than you lot. And you pride yourselves on it.

Half of Scots are incredibly sound people. But the other nearly half are the most embarrassing, whinging, spineless, self-righteous faggots the world has ever seen.

Even the fact kilts provide easy access to bussy doesn't make up for it.

Premium bussy, if he’s in a kilt!

All of the country subs are enforced leftist hugboxes.

Banned over a year ago for being a cunt, according to the logs.

Well, looks like our judgment is still sound then.

Can't censor me in this sub ;)

You must be confusing me with someone that gives two fucks.

Cared enough to ban me, bitch boy. Lol googbye

Pretty sure it wasn't me that banned ye, but wire in.

You care enough to keep replying to me as well. Seems like you give a lot of fucks.

If you think shooting a short message on Reddit constitutes 'caring', your childhood must have been very upsetting indeed.

He was upset enough to report every one of your comments lmao

Hate speech, pls ban

Hahaha, fucking brutal. I don't know what's sadder, that he thought that the report button was a super-downvote button or that he thought /r/Drama mods would ever do something.

Keep sipping your wee Strongbow you absolute bitch boy.

You cared so little that you had to go look him up in the logs.

Yeah I searched for the ban reason. Rule 4. Figures.

You're the inbred mad replying.

What's it like being the gimped bitch of some inbred Londoners? I mean, the English are pathetic, but you're subjugated to them so what does that make you? The prison bitch's bitch?

Sounds like you're just raging because we don't appreciate homophobia.

Poof is one of the best insults that ever came out of North Britain and now you're not even allowed to use it?

The absolute state of jocks smh

Feel free to use it all you like, just don't expect a warm welcome for doing so on the sub.

Don't worry it's not cultural appropriation, I'm at least 1/32th Scottish so I have the right to use it

It's not a Scottish word, so I'm not sure what pish yer slebberin here.

what pish yer slebberin here

ur a fag, and Rob Roy < Braveheart

Imagine thinking your heritage is tough by sounding like a choo choo train with a lisp.

I'm pretty sure no one but the most retarded, dickless, 'muh Brexit is evil, England is le racist, Scots are le awesome tho' eurofag would ever expect a warm welcome from you wretched smegmoids.

I love how you lot wank your collective self off over how friendly and tolerant you are ('muh civic nashunalizm'), but immediately fling shit at any outsider who doesn't constantly suck Scotland's cock.

Your angry tears sustain me.

I'll give your bussy some angry tears. How many wee Strongbows does it take for you? A half pint? Or just 35mL?

Your patter is woeful mate. Come back when you've worked on it.

Did you repeat the exact same insult twice in the same thread to the same guy?

as I can't imagine what other purpose your pings are supposed to serve.

You are here, in a /r/drama thread, saying that we are brigading?

How do you figure that?

Quite easily, you should try it.

Please stop brigading our thread from /r/scotland.


Scots have been whining about brigades for 700 years and when they get a chance to finally separate they fuck it up. Ah well, gotta milk that Westminster teet while you can.

Scots have been whining about brigades for 700 years and when they get a chance to finally separate they fuck it up. Ah well, gotta milk that Westminster teet while you can.

lol what the hell happened to your faggy country

Low effort shite.

when you guys play a round of golf now do you stop after each nine to peg each other with the handles of your clubs, or what?

When did Scotland become such pussies? What happened to the Scots who could down 20 pints and fight 30 men only to ask for more through whatever teeth they had still left?

Maggie Thatcher happened.

I can still do that 💪

said 'fight' 30 men, not fuck them


That comes later ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The English killed them.

Scotland is run by a far-left "national" party, they're bigger leftist retards than England and that's saying something.

/u/Zachums has gone too far this time imo.

r/kevbo for all your pug-related, genocide-prepping needs!

Can you get kevin to seig heil?

Yeah probably.


Unironically super mad about that case.

Snowflakes all around now.

I am personally really enjoying how the goalposts have shifted from "freedom of speech only protects you from punishment by the government, not your employer or the public" to "well in this case, it was super duper offensive so it was justified".

Or how "free speech nazis" is a common term on twitter and left subs now.

If there was one thing the Nazis were well-known for, it was their spirited defense of free speech

They are literally using the line "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" to defend the government imposing criminal limits on free speech. Jesus fookin Christ

I mean, like, then what the fuck does it mean then?

Don't worry there's more drama to come.

He promises not to pay the fine and to go to prison if necessary

Wonder if he’ll enjoy a weekender on a bank holiday!

Good for him (unironically)

Nazi Pugs, Nazi Pugs, Nazi Pugs fuck off!

I’m hurt 😔 thought that was great title for a first post in Drama

Dankula makes this SkyNews skinhead who says "gas the jews" rethink his entire life lol

God bless that Scottish bastard.

Tbh, he should have done prison.

If you upload a video were you show you trained your pug to respond to sieg heil, you are a complete moron and thus deserve prison.

you could say the same thing about everyone in r/drama tbf

I (much like most of r/drama) am nowhere near stupid enough to put my own name and face on a video like that.

That shit was beyond moronic and straight into "neck myself for the good of the gene pool" region.

Lmao, the fucking paki grooming gangs in Rotherham get a free pass. Yet this guy is fined for a Nazi pug, and people wonder why the alt-right is popular.