Convicted pedo's comic is back in serialization.

6  2018-04-23 by ikitomi


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Bonus weaboo conspiracies about how it was all a police/yakuza setup:

I guess also for context, no one was getting fucked in his cp, but it was still enough to get arrested and fined and he definitely had more than enough to do time for it.

Jap gets caught being a Jap, I see no drama here.

Convicted pedo's comic

That seems strange; how did that get through?

Japanese and weeaboo audience

Oh ok, that makes sense. They defend pedo shit like hip hop defends domestic violence.

Oh ok, that makes sense. They defend pedo shit like hip hop defends domestic violence.

Literally one moron defends him.

And there's an entire group of people in the industry who knew of the pedo, and still greenlit the serialization. And an entire fetish subculture glorifying pre-pubescent girls. And the entire sovereign nation of Japan legalizing the pornography and prostitution of 12 year old girls.

But yeah, only one dude on a reddit thread defends this.

You do realize that these accusations came out VERY recently, right?

And the entire sovereign nation of Japan legalizing the pornography and prostitution of 12 year old girls.

Bull fucking shit. Keep showing you know nothing about what you're talking about. How is CHILD PROSTITUTION even legal in Japan when overall prostitution itself has been illegal since 1965, moron? That's not to speak of actual age of consent which in every prefecture is well above 12.

tl;dr don't speak lest you reveal your stupidity

You're right, my mistake. The age of consent is 13.

Age of consent in Japan is 18 in every prefecture with exception of "Romeo and Juliet law" where a 18 year old guy can marry a girl as young as 16 with parental approval.

However, the Children Welfare Act chapter 34 forbids any act of "fornication" (淫行) with children (here defined as anyone under 18 years of age)[48] with prefectures and districts specifying further details in (largely similar) "obscenity ordinances" (淫行条例) like adding exemptions for sex in the context of a sincere romantic relationship (typically determined by parental approval).

Prostitution of any kind of illegal.

You're a fucking moron.

like adding exemptions for sex in the context of a sincere romantic relationship

Like enjo kosai. Now for you to shift goalposts on what counts as prostitution while you foam at the mouth.

Enjo kousai is not legal either. It's literally compensated dating which is present all around the world, regardless of status of age of consent or legality of prostitution.

During the 1990s enjo kōsai, as well as other forms of child exploitation, gained national attention in Japan leading to international awareness. Due to pressure from outside NGOs and other industrialized nations, the Tokyo government updated its laws relating to child exploitation. The Law for Punishing Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography and for Protecting Children, which prohibited an adult from paying a person under the age of 18 for obscene acts, was passed in 1999

So not only sex has been illegal since 1965, other "obscene acts" like non-penetrative sexual acts have been illegal for almost 20 years.

If anything, you're the one who moved the goalposts once I showed you that you're fucking wrong about laws in Japan and "Japan legalizing the pornography and prostitution of 12 year old girls". You have yet to show how they've legalized something illegal on two accounts.

There were a few others in the thread doing the "separate the art from the artist" schtick.

Sure, for the purpose of enjoying a series. The kind of argument people use when they say "I like U2, but man Bono is shit". Or how you can say nice things about Polanski's movies without feeling bad about his criminal past.

If someone is just an asshole, then it's fine. But if someone is a pedophile, then no.

The ova was pretty good

REEEEE I was going to post this

He understood his weakness and decided to not suppress it, but feed it in control. Suppressing a feeling will lead it to blowing out in other ways. But by feeding that emotion in control, you can maintain a balance. Your example is taking it out of proportion. You think he will attack any kid like an animal.

This mother fucker is acting like since he only watched CP and didn't actually rape kids, he should be lauded as some kind of role model.

Ofc /r/manga users defend outright pedos. What a shocker.

Murder all anime watchers.