They caught the Waffle House guy

17  2018-04-23 by HodorTheDoorHolder

He got caught


Watching the CNN about face unfold is truly amazing.

What do you mean?

The headlines calling him a trump supporter, before finding out he had tried to trespass at the white house:

Authorities seized Reinking's weapons following an incident at the White House in July last year when he was arrested by the Secret Service for crossing an exterior security barrier and charged with unlawful entry.

Reinking told Secret Service officials he was trying to set up a meeting with President Donald Trump.

According to Heavy, a poster on Reddit said before Reinking's arrest at the White House that he had wanted to 'kill Trump'. The poster referred to Reinking as 'schizophrenic' and 'unstable.'

However the arrest report at the time did not indicate that Reinking wanted to kill the President.

Prior to the White House incident, police reports have previously described Reinking as 'delusional' and talked about his 'mental health issues'.

Jesus CNN is trash-tier """journalism""". "The most trusted name in news" my ass.

Unironically, MSNBC is better. It’s the difference between an aggressively unfunny leftie agendapost and a post making fun of some idiot like Grandpa Tick Tock.

I dunno, sounds like a typical trump fan to me.

Trying to meet daddy in person and all.

Yeah I'm going to safely rule out the necrophiliac's opinion on this one.


If you're gonna go digging in someone's profile, at least do your due diligence, man.

Nah I'm lazy, and can't be bothered to click more.

You should. Always need more people posting quality content.

Newfag seriousposters are literal scum

how do you know he wasnt trying to get in there and give daddy some luvin

What was his r/drama alt?

/u/OniTan who else?

Like he would be caught so easily. His rampage is nearly a decade long.

He can't keep getting away with it!

Taylor Swift's stalking pays off finally. If only she had managed to connect the dots sooner.

🤔 Hopefully now we can find out what they want to ban with this false flag.

Probably sugary syrup. Please just let us kill ourselves in peace Michelle.

another mental milko

Tbf I'd be pissed if my hash browns came scattered and chunked instead of smothered and covered. Kid went a little crazy pulling out guns over it, but it's still an affront

is that a fucking Bloodhound Gang reference in TYOOL 2018?

You’re getting a lot of mileage out of this pic today.

Most days tbqh. The Bon Iver listeners just won't stop.

Wow, yet another Schoolshooter-American. Sorry, I meant white person.