*** Mayo Gets Shanked By Chinese Wife *** Kids Are Being Held Hostage By Goldigging Grandparents

22  2018-04-23 by Shark_life


He literally mayocided himself.

u/honk4tits is this u?

Isn't his wife Filipino? Or maybe I'm remembering that wrong.

I says mayo so no

Is this the submissive Asian wife I've been hearing so much about from maligned internet white dudes?

Am I ironically married to a Chinese immigrant. Did not think for a second she was a submissive stereotype. Maybe because she owned a respectable firearm collection, maybe because she likes to play with her k-bar, I dunno.

Single men: do it assume they are submissive. They will shank yo dumbass the moment you fuck up. And do not assume because you’re on “a break” or “broken up” that you are single. They will find you, get jelly, and shank you.

Now excuse me, my wife said it’s ok to have a mistress on the side and I’m gonna go do things with her 😏 notify the authorities if you don’t hear from me, I’ve likely been shanked.

Wow you have two daikamuras?

they're called dakimakura, you uncultured ... being.

I just cuddle with a normal pillow and tell myself I'm a better than waifu fags because of it.

Just get a daki, they're optimized for hugging and really soft. Also get a lewd loli cover for it and display it openly in your room to show how little you care.

Still better than being malcultured. The uncultured still have the benefit of the doubt.

And do not assume because you’re on “a break” or “broken up” that you are single. They will find you, get jelly, and shank you.

When Skype me mode was still a thing I briefly talked to a Chinese woman working for an electronic company. She's seemed pretty wealthy and was deeply into monster hunter (which is why she contacted me. Had an MH username at the time.)

Anyway, after two months or so, I stopped responding to her because the conversation has gotten boring. Within a week I received my very first death threat. She also called one evening (had my phone number in my profile at the time) and just sang in Chinese why occasionally crying.

I blocked her, but a year later got an email from her in which she said that she's now getting married to a colleague and that I fucked up big time, and should never contact her again, and that I will stay single forever.

I've never ever talked to her in a romantic or flirty way though. I guess she decided for me that we were romantically involved for some reason. The reason probably being that she's crazy af.

Some women are crazy and enjoy a good knifing? Big surprise. Whether it's mayos, chocos, or rices, a (small) percentage will always be like that.

^ found the guy with the Chinese wife

Chinese ex-girlfriend

She rarely shanked me unjustifiedly though

Sounds like non-consensual shanking with a bamboo strap-on.

Wouldn't knock it till I tried it.

Bonus points if she LARPs as a red guard while doing it

Fucker has a fused suit that doesnt fit properly with both buttons done.

Its a good thing he cannot ruin fashion any longer

Shit dude I’ve missed you. Welcome back you fucker

There's 0% chance these kids don't grow up and become /r/hapas moderators.

According to that subs logic, every hapa ends up like them because wmaf is literally only capable of birthing sociopaths and needs to be stopped. Also, only "ugly" or mentally ill Asian women date white guys anyway apparently.

I showed the sub to two mixed friends of mine once, hoping they will make fun of it, but they were just shocked and disgusted at the idiocy. You know you're in a special place when people don't even wanna make fun of you anymore, but just shake their heads at you in silence

I get the impression that a good chunk of that sub had shitty parents and fucked up childhoods, and it's possible some weird family racial dynamics played a part. Problem is this community of outliers seems to think they're the norm and can't fathom that most wmaf relationships are normal and healthy ones.

When they said, “Central Chinese backwater” I figured they probably meant someplace like Wuhan or Chongqing but no, Nanzhang is a pretty darn backwatery backwater.