Journalistic ethics enthusiasts create an action plan for how to besiege a major city if Daddy is canned.

39  2018-04-23 by snallygaster


Magatards care so much about making America great that the fantasize about plunging it into civil war

Thought process: white people die -> America is made great

Pretty straightforward, can't blame them from trying.

Half of GG isn't even American, and most of those who are supported Bernie Sanders.

Also "tard" is an ableist slur, not very progressive of you to use it.

You’re a stupid faget.

supporting Sanders well adjusted well informed people

pick one

Falling for obvious bait

most of those who are supported Bernie Sanders.

lol that you believe this

Falling for obvious bait

Also "tard" is an ableist slur, not very progressive of you to use it.

Shut up, tard.

That's not much of a "gotcha." You don't have to be a progressive to think daddy fans and/or gamergaters are dumb.

I'm not progressive so I couldn't give two shits about who I insult

.........>Falling for obvious bait

cumm in me

imagine not taking bait on /r/drama

i doint bneed o imagibe i live

It's about ethnics in video games journalism.

Kinda like the "Arab Spring" -- 9 of 10 times it doesn't work out so well. Only Tunesia turned out somewhat okay.

/u/ARealLibertarian the fact you think any of this has anything to with Hillary shows how detached from reality you are.

KiA tards detached from reality? Say it ain't so

People who whine about ethics in bideo gaymes are not normal? Who'mst could've thunk that! 🤔🤔🤔

kill all gamers

Inb4 #🕒tick🕞tock🕦 suspension

kill all baby boomers


kill all grandpas

Labor camps. Make them actually contribute something before they kick off.

These are the same people who care about GamerGate in 2018 the year of our Lord

They truly are the شَرَّ الدَّوابِّ of our times

Well he is a libertarian...

I expect the gene pool to be improved for generations if Trump gets impeached lol.

what does that have to do with the gene pool

Read the linked thread maybe?


Less inbreeding

Until the mass Muslim immigration starts lol


No it won't. Just like Hillary isn't in prison or how Obama didn't take away anybody's guns lmao

Just as long as you're not trying to deny that muslims are hilariously inbred

Much like the black people, who might well all be fucking their sisters considering none of them know who their fathers are.

Just as long as you're not trying to deny that muslims are hilariously inbred

Oh they are alright. The middle east and sub continent are the worst of them all. The consanguinity rate their insane.

Think of all of the American mayos they could miscegenate with here tho!!!

The Steam profile was last used in 2010. The profile reads: “I love the Halo games. My favourite game is Halo 3 because it has matchmaking. My next favourite is ODST because Firefight is awesome! Halo Wars has matchmaking but I’m better at FPSs than RTSs. Halo 2 is a nice game even though Xbox Live Original has been discontinued. Good thing I downloaded all the maps! I also like Halo: CE because it is an EPIC classic. I also can’t wait for the release of Halo: Reach on September 14!”

Insightful journalism. Looks like the website's editing team were among the victims.

Jordan Peterson being on Bill Maur is a pretty big step for his career right

/u/Yesmovement why should one care about ethics in "video game journalism"?

Because it's a >$30 billion/yr industry, bigger than movies & music combined?

Why should 2 gay men be harassed out of a public establishment for holding opinions you don't like?

WTF does them being gay have anything to do with this?

He’s hitting on you. Post bussy.

Caring about ethics in vidya is very faggy tho

Why should 2 gay men be harassed out of a public establishment for holding opinions you don't like?

Idk what you're referring to and I don't care about it enough to read on it either.

Why does a woman like Anita Sarkeesian trigger so many retards? Screeching and foaming at the mouth? Why do man children screech at bideo game bullshit?

Lmaoooo. Anybody who posts about goobergate should he banned from the Internet.

Gamers are the most sensitive bunch around. Just look at the response to Jimmy Kimmel when he made fun of Let's Play videos.

It’s an industry of man children jacking off to animu. Come back when they make grown up money and can buy politicians

Why should 2 gay men be harassed out of a public establishment for holding opinions you don't like?

because it's funny

Whatever happened to "not your shield"? People aren't allowed to tell a gay person to GTFO? They showed up to a restaurant where a bunch of socialists are having a meeting. I doubt there were any rednecks at the meeting chasing them out for being gay. Ditto with Milo having a black husband who is a black man. Has nothing to do with any of this.

If you really think that's what's going on holy shit...

Personally, I would harass him for his horribly written book that turned his conservative editor into a wittier version of Elizabeth Warren.

These guys write some pretty sweet fanfic.

So many beta cucks here don't realize how daydreaming about killing all the lefties is all about ethics in video game journalism. But please remember, KIA is a politically neutral ground.

It’s now impossible for me to safely go out for lunch in most major cities in America because I supported Trump at the last election and don’t like feminism.


FEMINIST DEATH SQUADS are LITERALLY KILLING innocent white males who thought Zoe Quinn wasn't that great of a person.

u can tell this is fantasy because of the go out part

getting banned from twitter really did ruin him

He means down to the pub or the fancy cinema with his mates.

Feels like we're getting close to someone getting lynched.

You think this because Milo had some mean things said to him? And leftists are the special snowflakes? /u/soup_navy_admiral

Round up the Trumptards

And fuck em all to death!

i don't bang fatties

Well I do.

Take note, fatties.

The fact that righties still mention Starbucks in their screeds against stereotypical libtards shows just how out of touch they are. Properly pampered elites frequent their #local roaster.

Anyone fantasizing about a second American civil war just wants a sanctioned reason to participate in looting and violence.

KIA was always fucking stupid but holy shit they have gone full retard lately. I'd be impressed if they weren't straight stormfront in a couple months with how fast they have been shifting right.

Well, in the very linked thread, there is one guy bitching about white people losing their population.

So probably, KIA definitely will go full stormfront in a few months. Its inevitable.

If law and order breaks down, I expect a lot of settling of scores to take place. With the conflict escalated to open violence and consequences mostly removed, a lot of people on both sides are going to take out their anger on those they feel are responsible for the current situation.

I would not want to be one of those people. If I was, I'd be pushing for dialogue and unity with everything I had.

In reality, I'm apathetic. I'm well-provisioned, well-armed, and I've got a place to go away from the cities with a lot of other people I trust. There are friends and family I worry about, but I'm personally going to be fine. A year ago, a decade ago, I'd be worried. I still cared about the well-being of people I disagreed with. Now? If they were on fire, I'd bring marshmallows.

“If they were on fire, I’d bring marshmallows” Ah yes, celebrating the death of innocent people over pointless internet arguments. Please get help.

Welcome to KiA TopMinds brigadier!

This ban is permanent.


I no longer have to imagine a KIA mod white knighting for a commenter who wants to reinstate the guillotine and than banning the op of the reply who correctly points out what sub human trash you have to be to say something like that, thanks to you. What an amazing bastion of free speech you have there.

/u/David-me must be really proud of the fantastic state of discourse on his hug box of a sub.

It's slip-sliding away in to Stormfront territory; what more could they want?

please do not name tag me into a subreddit I do not participate in.

Well you posted here, so I you participate in it now

I got banned for posting the drama copypasta lol

Lol did they hand you a perma for that?


I can’t imagine being so joyless that folks who srspost 24/7 about goobergate perma ban someone trying to interject a little bit of fun by posting an iconic copypasta.

Actually, very many of us are left-wing.

  • KiA

From that same thread:

"I will laugh for a week when one of the idiot mobs decide to pick on someone carrying a gun, and one or more members of that mob get fitted for more holes than OEM specifications call for."

"I think the alt-left might be able to get a few, at first, but the blow back....

The alt-left has no idea how tired us normal people are of their shit. The only thing holding back a wholesale slaughter of them is that the right is mostly law abiding.

The alt-left won't be able to un-ring that fscking bell."

Literally daydreaming of massacre because Milo got shouted at. I get how it might look a bit fucked up at first. However, ethics in journalism.