Hicks are destroying their expensive consumer goods over some nonsense again

15  2018-04-24 by better_bot


This, but unironically.


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I like how the NRA has become a full blown cult.

That feeling when you realize we're living in an actual golden age of mental illness.

I wish there was a better organization defending 2A. :/

Aren't there other pro-gun groups out there? Just not big as NRA doesn't they aren't good at it.

Yeah buy they aren't as big. The NRA is becoming retarded they but they are still successful with their main mission of protecting 2A. So i guess its a question of practicality, yeah you could support organizations but they aren't as effective currently in protecting 2A.

I rather not taint my name with NRA. Plus, NRA has always been retarded.

NSSF? Or whatever it's called?

Seems more hinged tbqh

I’m a member of Gunownersofamerica. They are more dedicated to individual rights vs manufacturers interests ime

In the last 20 years, there have been (as far as I can tell) increases in personal freedom in only three areas: gay rights, marijuana legalization and gun rights. I'm not gay, I don't like pot, but I do own a few pew pews.

The fact that the increase in gun rights (for example, I can carry my pistol concealed in my home state without a permit and private transactions require no background check) has come almost singlehandedly from an organization of stodgy, business class retards is annoying, but I am glad they exist and with their disproportionate amount of influence.

has become

Isn't the name Yeti cultural appropriation?

A lot of rednecks actually look like yetis.

Looking directly at an abominable mayoman might cause snowblindness though.

But you already bought them.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 74%. (I'm a bot)

National Rifle Association supporters are plowing up Yeti coolers and other products and posting videos of their destruction online to protest the company's decision to cut ties ties with the gun group.

The videos show irritated NRA supporters blowing up, shooting or otherwise destroying Yeti coolers and tumblers in response to a report that Yet from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action was ending its affiliation with the NRA, according to The Washington Post.

Former NRA president and top lobbyist Marion Hammer told members in a letter last week that Yeti abruptly "Declined to do business with The NRA Foundation" and wouldn't say why.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: NRA#1 Yeti#2 Foundation#3 Post#4 end#5

The right has become just as whiney as the left. If these Tumblr idiots actually wanted to win they would just shut the fuck up and give their opponents enough rope to hang themselves. They won't tho

The right has become just as whiney as the left.

That is old news. They are like since (and I'm sure before) Obama got elected.

and I'm sure before

Are you familiar with the John Birch Society?

has become

For some reason, people who boycott things cannot resist telling others about it. I think most of us normal(ish) people on here have certain companies we don't buy from, but I can't imagine any part of my day being a discussion with other people about what yogurt companies they should patronize.

Yet another bunch of crazy milkos

Which is more peak mayo:

  • 2 cute instagram girls with stiff, wooden, mannish voices blow up Yeti cooler for more attention

  • The Hill (despite only 3 videos on YouTube I can find where people are doing this) writes an article about it

I fucking love these titles lmfao

Don't think I own a Yetti cooler but if I did it would make a nice stand for .22 targets at the outdoor range.

With the coordinated assault on gun rights by the left since the school shooting, this sort of thing is understandable. Its not really stupid, its saying if you want to virtue signal as a business be ready to lose business too. If shooting up a $20 cooler is the way of sending your message, fine, you blow far more than that on ammo every range trip.

why wouldn't you just keep voting GOP and keep your cooler?

It's stupid but it's a way to show the company they goofed. I don't care enough to make a Facebook post to them showing my disdain at their move so my coolers lives are safe.

I will go out of my way to not buy their products though cause fucked. Businesses need to learn to just shut the fuck up about politics.

Found the hick.