SRDines on life-support after WHATABOUTTHEDONALDism triggers asphyxiation levels of smug

67  2018-04-24 by Strictlybutters


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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u/ghdust imagine thinking generic English band is good, SRDine

Liking Sgt Pepper's screams "I want to be different, but don't actually want to listen to progressive rock"

it's like saying Fashion Week is the best DG album

Who has the time to actually listen to prog rock tho? Shit drones on forever and never goes anywhere.

While you were partying, I studied the double LP

Milo wrote for Breitbart and purposefully fanned the flames of Gamergate. He is alt right.


It's been a bad time recently for Black Men married to Kardashians.

It's been a bad time recently for Black Men in relationships with Kardashians.

Has there ever been a good time?

OJ had decent luck.

Things worked out well for him.

Kanye and Trump seems like a match made in delusional heaven.

I can already see them in a narcissistic duel going for hours:


No, u!

narcissistic duel going for hours:


No, u!

More like:

I'm the greatest!

No, I am!

Kanye Trump 2020


Is also better than the Beatles


2004: white people hate kanye

2018: white people still hating kanye

Keep in mind candance Owens was harassed by a white female game developer.

Keep in mind candance Owens was harassed by a white female game developer.

What happened there?

Who gives a shit. It's gamer drama.

The UN for some reason. I don't actually have an opinion on Gamergate, I just think it's retarded the UN does

Wait, what the fuck, the UN has an opinion on Gamergate?

Goddamnit, now I just feel compelled to ask what is their opinion even though I know I'll be disappointed no matter whose side were they on

Did you not know that Anita Armenian and zq spoke at the UN?

I was kinda sorta living under a rock at the time

yep, took their 15 minutes of fame (i'm aware it was longer than that) to talk about how women get their feelings hurt on the internet and it needs to stop.

Imagine being so retarded you use your opportunity to speak to the United Nations about that. Not how women get acid thrown in their faces in the middle east or the rampant sex trafficking in Asia. Nope, just my first world women need their fee fees protected on the internet.

/rant off.

There's this great picture from their speech where your can see someone in the background rolling their eyes. Can't seem to find it.

Could be for them or for the entire purpose of the meeting at the UN. The purpose of that UN summit was for cyberbullying and cyber harassment. No one really came out of that looking good as the whole thing was just a colossal waste of time and resources.

If they had brought up some relevant topics like the ones I mentioned when given this opportunity then they would have accomplished some good. As it is, nope. Just more first world non issues, SJW nonsense, and insane narcissism.

Who the fuck is more petty and dramatic than gamers? Gamer drama = best drama.

who cares about the people who are the most easily riled up and biggest drama creators?

Cadence was contacted by zoe Quinn, gave her a personal email and phone number and was immediately harassed by an army of trolls.

So Zoe pulls a kkk move to prevent black people moving on her terf. The white liberal media shuns cadence completely. Of course kanye mentions one thing and pisses them off that black people are uppity or some racist shit.

Owens had a Kickstarter for an anti-bullying website.

Zoe Quinn (a serial abuser, probably suffering BPD, with her own "anti-bullying" Organisation) wanted in on the action, contacted Owens about it, and Owens wasn't interested. They were talking on the phone, Zoe went into histrionics, crying, telling her she would be harassed by "gamergate," etc

45 minutes later Owens started getting huge amounts of harrassing and threatening messages - both on her personal email (which not many people knew, but Zoe Quinn did), and on the kickstarter contact.

Since she didn't receive any threats before that phone call, Owens is pretty sure that Zoe and her fellow lunatics are behind this shit.

According to the idiots on the left this is totally ridiculous, because Zoe is an angel.

Brianna Wu had also been caught many times false flagging harassment on herself. Their supporters are devoid of any intellectual ability and critical thinking. Any sane person with half a brain can see their ridiculous amount of lies. I mean shit the evidence is literally everywhere on the internet.


Ya except the_donald is a quarantined sub Reddit that has extremely strict rules against linking to anything or pinging anyone. Conversely Id argue that r/politics & shareblue have a much wider reaching cancerous grip, infecting subs that are supposed to be about things like science and history, with propaganda. All of that said, the true problem is the mayos on both sides of the isle shitting up the site, but then again you can’t see that being a a srdine.

*aisle. Like in a theater.

Not like two sides of an island, you dip.

Meh, fcking auto correct, was talking about the 69 isle of white concert in r/bobdylan the other day and had to keep correcting it from aisle. Good looking out through

thank you so much for clearing that up

I live, to serve. 🙇

I'm glad they finally tagged you so I don't need to remember your name

Same, whom might u be?

69 isle of wight concert

Lesbian zombie sex?

Shariablue is basically Russia irl

Do you really unironically post in neoliberal?

Last time I posted there was a long time ago.

Nope only ironically.


Shareblue links are banned on /r/politics. I'm not defending that shithole and I don't post there, I just remember it causing some drama when butt hurt people starting crying whataboutBreitbart.

As if any Breitbart submission would ever see the light of day in that sub.

What a bunch of pillow biters.

Breitbart are lame cucks, if you want to read the true news you have to visit Daily Stormer.

No one would have ever heard some retarded website for inbreds called the “Daily Stormer” if histrionic reddit purple hairs didn’t hyperventilate about it tho

It did when they were Bernie supporters and Breitbart trashed Hillary

Lol after a full year + of whitelisting. And it's not like that's the only place to link democrat propaganda.

Why would Democratic propaganda be banned?


i remember that too! great tears were shed

the_donald is a quarantined sub Reddit

The term "quarantined subreddit" refers to something specific in regards to reddit, and /r/The_Donald doesn't fit that definition.

Pseudo quarantined than.. They are not given the same permissions as other sub Reddit’s since they make mayos go reeeeeeeee

I'd ask for the day of the can, but reasonably, we can just kill two birds with one stone with the mayocide.

Can someone point me to all this massively upboated hatespeech on T-D because all I ever see on there is circlejerking about daddies cummies and arguments about bombing Syria.

there's a whole parallel society where delusional tankies trade fake screenshots of supposed TD posts rallying for genocide etc.

The anti crowd usually can put together a dozen or so overlooked examples every time they need to spam an announcement thread

Which are usually all gone within the hour, lol

It's one point comments that I can only imagine take hours to find.

Imagine how many one point comments they must have to comb through to find their 1 "gas the jews" gotcha. Have you ever scrolled down in a thread on a big sub and seen how retarded the comments get? Now imagine how bad they must be on TD.

After your 100th "we have the best people don't we folks" your brain must just be soup. No wonder they act like they're brain damaged.

They tend to post it themselves, screencap it at 0 votes just before it gets deleted, and they all pretend it's upvoted.

It's so low-effort because one in anti-trump posts can call it out without a ban.

u/EverySingleImage lmao >>>>>>>scott adams the alt-right wacko

imagine thinking this

Should all mayos in Europe, north America, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand be peacefully ethnically cleansed? Let me be clear, I have no issue at all with mayos outside of these zones. They should be free to remain in peace where they are. Only mayos in these specific areas mentioned before are problematic.

north America


Nothing more dangerous and scary than a black man having unauthorized thoughts, huh mayos?