unfortunately this isnt going to be the enlightened centre between far right and far left, its going to be the fucking awful morally blank area between our two existing political parties.
their policies will probably involve using a blockchain to decide which country to preemptively invade
1 normie_girl 2018-04-24
Hang on a second
There's money in radical centrism?
/u/annoysthegoys have you heard about this?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-04-24
finally a way to monetize /r/drama!
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-04-24
If the roasties are jumping on the radical centrism train we're gonna need to find a new ride...
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-04-24
Radical apathy
1 YameteOniichanItai 2018-04-24
Turns out Hotelling was right after all.
1 Neronoah 2018-04-24
Centrists kind of fucked up in the UK so good luck there.
1 nyekks 2018-04-24
unfortunately this isnt going to be the enlightened centre between far right and far left, its going to be the fucking awful morally blank area between our two existing political parties.
their policies will probably involve using a blockchain to decide which country to preemptively invade
1 RicardusAlpers 2018-04-24
That's why "centrism" sucks as a label.