u/Cdace irl

361  2018-04-24 by Wordshark


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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I have it on good authority that /u/Cdace is a g*dless mayosaur.

Who’s the damn traitor that told you!

How do you always end up finding intimate details about people? Do you use your sister's feet to seduce people or are you in the Canadian branch of Mossad?

Canadian branch of Mossad?


You shut your whore mouth about my Telegram bussy.


I'm installing Telegram right now. 😋

Objectively correct

So there's actually hope for us? We can become something better than humans?

Yes, corpses

Compost in training

Awww, I love Ramshackle Glory, I can't believe I'd never heard that song

Whoa, really? You should buy the album, the whole thing is great. How do you feel about Wingnut Dishwashers' Union or Johnny Hobo?

WDU shows up on my spotify pretty often, and I've liked most of what I've heard. Not a fan of Johnny Hobo I must say. More of a Defiance, Ohio and This Bike is a Pipe Bomb fan. Bit of an oogle tbhwyf

soy music is fucking awful, now I know

Say that to my face and see what happens. You won't 😤😤😤

Don’t worry I’m working on the solution to our dinosaur 🦖 needs

Don't be taken in by the Scalie agenda. They're just furries in denial.

My love of dinosaurs 🦖 is pure

How do you feel about sharks? They're ancient scaly killing machines after all

There up there among my my favorite animals

You're thinking alligators an crocodiles that have remained unchanged for millenia as they're the ultimate apex predator!

wants to evolve humanity into lizard people

Are you one of (((us)))?


How do I gift you Thunder Lizards on Amazon.

Whoever wrote that response better have been high at the time.

He recognized the importance of dinosaurs 🦖

Tbf, who wouldn't wanna turn people in to dinosaurs?



Oh nice! I love dinosaurs

Humans have lived for only a fraction of a million years, and we've come very far. Sending a man on the moon, splitting atoms, television... in a pretty short time span. Dinosaurs, however, had millions of years to live on the earth. Logic would dictate that they would get much farther than humans have. But why did they all die?

They didn't die. The dinosaurs knew what was going to happen to the earth. So they got in their space ships, and flew off to a different, undisclosed planet. Why didn't they come back?

They did return. You've read mythology of medieval times, right? What about Chinese mythology? A lot of different civilizations, all around the span of a few centuries, had dragons in their myths. They're not made up fantasy creatures, the dinosaurs returned to Earth, striking fear into the people, who had not the weapons to kill it. But they left. Why?

The dinosaurs left Earth again because it was too cold. As cold blooded creatures, the dinosaurs could not live on Earth at the time. So the dinosaurs are done with Earth now, right? Wrong.

They are preparing the planet for their return. After millions of years underground, we have found a fuel source from extinct plants that suits our needs in terms of technology. But what's the downside? It's causing global warming. That's right, the dinosaurs are literally tricking us into preparing a nice, toasty planet for them. "We have other fuel sources though!" one might say, "Soon, solar, wind, and nuclear energy will make fossil fuels obsolete!" It won't happen under their watch. But why, you might ask?

The dinosaurs control the media. "This is ridiculous," you're thinking. "We'd know if dinosaurs were in the media!" What you would be forgetting is that the dinosaurs are extremely advanced. They have disguising technology that makes them appear human. This is not only for the fossil fuel industry, however. The dinosaurs work in all sorts of media. Have you seen Jurassic Park 2? The one girl is nice to the dinosaur, and feeds it. The dinosaur is friendly and means no harm. Later, that same dinosaur is attacked by a man, and is killed by it.

The dinosaurs want you to obey them. They don't want you to fear them either. Think about children's shows and movies with dinosaurs in them. Barney, The Land Before Time, Dinosaurs, Dinosaur... the list is endless. What about their new form, dragons? Dragon Tales. This brainwashing is not only in children's stuff. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is filled with them. There are friendly dragons, like Paarthurnax. However, by nature, they rule. You don't have shouts, you don't have magic.

When the dinosaurs come back, you will submit to them.

Brb, gonna print this and frame this on my wall

Is this original?

Lol nah. I found it here. ☺️

Your theory sounds possible even though it's kind of farfetched .May be the Zucc could be a robot designed by dinosaurs to monitor us .

Take my data ZUCC daddy😫! My nudes are 🔥 and I don't care 🙈 if our boy Mark 🦎collects my data 🤖 He can spread 💦 it however he wants 😍 Tell Congress 👔 they can peep 👀 whenever they want too 💘

The Zucc is a dinosaur pretending to be human very badly

And I, for one, welcome our ancient reptilian overlords.

I fucking knew it. Jews are part dinosaur, aren’t they?

we all are

A long long time ago, the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs. They were big, so not a lot of people went around hassling 'em. Actually, no people went around hassling 'em cuz there weren't any people yet. Just the first tiny mammals. Basically, life was good. Then something happened: a giant meteorite struck the Earth. Goodbye dinosaurs! But what if the dinosaurs weren't all destroyed? What if the impact of that meteor created a parallel dimension where the dinosaurs continued to thrive and evolve into intelligent, vicious, and aggressive beings... just like us? And hey, what if they found a way back?

But pteranosaurs aren't dinosaurs.

I don't want to be a dinosaur, I want to be a vampire.

You’re gonna be a dinosaur and you’re gonna like it!

Kinky! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

I’m out of the loop here.

I spread the joy and wonder of dinosaurs 🦖 all of r/drama