Ghazi discusses bad laws being ok, as long as it targets those they don't like.

105  2018-04-24 by DepressionHitsHard2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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I don't know what to make of laws like this myself

the usual suspects so eager to die on this particular hill

Translation: let me pretend the issue at hand is gray area and overly nuanced and then conclude you are my enemy because you are so certain about it.

He thinks people so adamant on defending a gas-the-jews-dog-trainer are highly suspicious of being nazis; they don't have to be anything more than "one issue free (humor) speech fanatics" even u/dal33t thinks that amount of free speech is bad.

Real translation: I can't intellectually engage this idea, so I'll key off on my enemies to decide what I believe.

They literally can't. People like ghazi and intellectually dishonest and know their weak position can't engage in open debate. Why do you think no sjws engage in academic or open debate?

One can be for something but not like the company. I think this guy should have not been convicted but its hard to stand on that statement when I have a guy along side me saying “yeah!! I’ll call anyone a nigger if I ever see one”. I see the usual dick hole people using free speech as a shield, but thats the cost.

All you need to know about this guy is that he's friends with Lauren Southern, Sargon of Akkad, and Paul Joseph Watson called him his "hero."

So, yeah, the law itself is dumb but I'm stoked he's getting fucked.

People I don't like support him so this is good *snort honk chortle*

/u/j4242 He's already made the money back from supporters btw.

So like, if Sargon and Southern start singing the praises of something they like such as Jezebel thinkpieces then Ghazi will start hating Jezebel thinkpieces? This seems exploitable.

Didn't this happen already with a bunch of people? Like that Contrapoints(?) person who is trans spoke to a "far right" person and they disowned them?

Lol yes the far left is silly sometimes.


Sometimes they make sense! Like the pro-gun far left, or the need for UBI once robots replace all jobs. Anarcho-commies are good people even if I don't want them running the show.

Anarcho-commies are good people even if I don't want them running the show.

Yeah, with good people like that we don't need any villains.

with good people like that, villains aren’t even feasible!

IIRC that anarchist opinion on gun control is that catalonia wasn't defended from franco with no-gun zones and singing kumbaya/

wouldn’t anarchocommies be fundamentally opposed to the idea someone needs to run the show?


Anarcho-commies are good people

lol no ty

Anarcho-commies are "it's ok if I do it" personified, no way in hell they're good people.

I’m pretty sure that happened like three times

aren’t Sargon and Southern part of warring factions?

IDK man I don't keep up on this shit. I'm sure right wing factionalism isn't important to Ghazi anyways, "they're all the same" if you'd ask them.

All I know is Southern is one of those anti-immigration types, and Sargon got tempbanned for drunkenly posting a picture of his ass and telling the “alt-right” to “kiss it”

WTF I love Sargon now!

Sargon isn't alt-right, he's pretty much a centrist.

So somewhere to the right of Hitler in Ghazi's estimation then.

Oh no, friends with Lauren Southern and Sargon - I'm sorry but that deserves rape.

Who would've thought enabling the right-wing persecution complex would give them exactly what they want.

This whole ordeal is probably one of the best things thats ever happened to him. Huge national publicity and positive support from about 98% of the public, the thousand dollar fine is nothing in comparison to amount of new traffic he'll get.

Good thing not being ass stretched in prison like Papa JF wanted :)

they already commented that he made his money back before you commented this

Well I'm telling them again!


what does that say for ghazi when theyre friends with colby klaus and sarah butts and brianna wu

they dont talk about brianna anymore because ummm i dunno some mod drama

probably too sane for them

I encourage everyone to read the wiki on Wu's past, she's literally an insane narcissistic person. Goes to show how retarded ghazi was for supporting her in the first place.

One of her past college classmates said he reminded them if "it runs the lotion on the skin".

a roastie raking in beta bux from the_dipshit

a pseudo intellectual who can only btfo children on tumblr

an even bigger pseudo retard

truly horrifying

People I don't like support him so this is good snort honk chortle

Welcome to the real world, idiot

I thought this dude was going to jail...he just paid a fine? Jail time would have created a much juicier and dramatic right wing victimization narrative 😔😔

$800 fine. Over two years of court too. Plus another appeal. The crown just doesn't want to admit it is wrong

Wrong about? With dynamic issues such as this it is so hard to keep track of what everyone's bias is. The guy being find is friends with a whole lot of people who can't just admit they were wrong, so can we assume you are doing it, too?

I'm usually pretty adept at deciphering incoherent ramblings of madmen but this is on a new level.

Well it was coherent enough to upset you guys, apparently.

wow, try again?

Two years? It hasn’t even been that long

i swear this pug shit happened last month. maybe it just resurfaced bc of the coming trial.

Its just a fine because they wanted him to just pay it and they can write some precedent on the books. Except he isn't going to pay, and is appealing.

Yeah that's probably why they're going for a slap on the wrist, it's more likely to stick and doesn't fan the political flames as much. I'm sure they'd like to do worse but they know it's unwise politically.

he's going to refuse to pay the fine, and he says that he's willing to go to jail, soooo

/u/j4242 Do you base all your political views on what a bunch of spergs on the internet think of the issue or is it just deciding what to dislike?

Surprisingly better than the r/Scotland thread, at least ghazis acknowledged that the law was shitty

/r/scotland is the greatest argument against Scottish independence.

Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland.

The problem with Scotland is that it's full of Scots

Basically all uk/commonwealth subreddits are populated by neets screaming about getting cut from the dole. They've got all the time in the world to funnel their creativity into cartoonish politicking online.

uk/commonwealth subreddits always get overrun by uni dropout NEETs screaming about their meagre dole payments, I visit them just to savour the insanity.

I hate this drama because the guy looks so ugly. Youtubers tend to look really ugly and autistic, but this guy really takes the cake.

He's a 7/10 Scotsman though

No bad tactics, only bad targets. REEEEEEEEEEEE reeeeeee REEEEEEEEEEEE

SJW trash don't even realize that they are constantly creating laws that will then be used against them and everyone else.

SJW trash

constantly creating laws

When was the last time you ever saw anyone defending “the other side” from unreasonable attacks? I’ve never ever seen it

Hey, a comment that condemns that law is at +23 right now - or wait is that just brigaders lmao

This case was ridiculous and should never have got to court, but I'm sure he's made way more than £800 in wingnut welfare from his new far right ... sorry "free speech campaigner" buddies.

[[[[free speech campaigner]]]]

admitting that only the far right supports free speech

being glad not to be associated with people who support free speech


Nobody supports free speech. Anyone who claims to is lying

I support the right of you to degrade me emotionally. I support the right of you to tell me about every awful life decision I've ever made. I support your right to verbally abuse me and threaten me with the back of your hand. All these rights end, however, when I ejaculate. Then it's back into shame and self loathing and please leave me alone.

Cool Jordan Peterson quote

To be honest with you man, I really just have no clue what I'm doing with my life so I while away time on an edgy message board so that I can hopefully meet other similarly patternless individuals and maybe for once make a decent human connection to the world around me.

They think free speech is a front they use to smuggle in the fash, i.e. white taqiyya. In theory they seem to understand the difference, but in practice not so sure about half of them.

You need your brain sorted out, u/BehindTheBlock:

If he wanted his dog to do the Nazi salute to shock his girlfriend he could have used a command other than gas the jews. No but it had to be gas the jews.

He could've picked another gesture too - but it had to be the Nazi salute.

Scum like these are happy to say, do racist things because it makes them feel good. "It's just a joke bruh" is just a shield,

It made him feel good - finding a joke humorous is one specific way of feeling good.

Therefore, the first part doesn't disprove it being a joke, it's consistent with it.

and it didn't work this time. What is he going to do this time? Call the judge a SJW?

Well, I mean he is.

wait, the command was “gas the jews”?

that changes EVERYTHING, i’m with the sujos on this one

No, he taught the dog to get excited in response to "gas the jews", or even just "jews". The command to salute was "sieg heil".

ohhh ok that's much better

switching back

They want their gay cake and eat it too.


Nazi pugs, Nazi pugs, Nazi pugs, FUCK OFF!

That Nazi punks fuck off """joke""" has been so over used at this point I imagine the DKs regret writing it


I have no problem with laws that discourage people from disseminating material that aids nobody and harms everybody by its very existence

So what you're really saying is we should ban Islam from being taught? Also this joke harmed no one and aided people by making them laugh, something you'd realize if you had a sense of humor

You also say that won't ever happen to you

It won't, because I won't spread hateful images?

And yet you're a Christian. The bible has some pretty hateful shit in it


If he wanted his dog to do the Nazi salute to shock his girlfriend he could have used a command other than gas the jews. No but it had to be gas the jews

The holocaust was nearly a fucking hundred years ago, get over it. There's barely anyone left alive who had was involved in it

"The holocaust was nearly a fucking hundred years ago, get over it"

It's not up to you dipshit

Who is it up to? Also almost no one who was in any way involved in the holocaust is even still alive.

I don't know dipshit, maybe stop living in a bubble and actually talk to some jewish people and see how they feel about Holocaust jokes?

I don't know dipshit, maybe stop living in a bubble and actually talk to some jewish people and see how they feel about Holocaust jokes?

Why would I care how some people who didn't live thru it feel? Should I care how the French feel about the Gaulic genocides committed by Rome?

You don't need to care. But you do need to stop telling others to stop caring.

"Should I care how the French feel about the Gaulic genocides committed by Rome?"

False equivalence. Yawn

False equivalence

How so? Both are genocides commit a deal of time ago

"How so?"

You don't know. That's the problem. You're not educated or intelligent enough to discuss social issues.

You don't know. That's the problem

So of course you'll expain how they're different

You're not educated or intelligent enough to discuss social issues

Oh no you'll just avoid the question because "it's na muh jeb 2 educate u"

You beat me to it. Very smart for a dumb person I must say

So what you're really saying here is that it's ok to joke about the Gaulic genocides committed by Rome because you just don't give a fuck about those as opposed to the holocaust which you do care about.

I can't say that's a particularly well thought out or sensible approach to it, or even that it's not out right retarded

That's not what I said at all. I said your logic was flawed. This is why I said that you're not cut out for discussions like these. You can't wrap your head around a simple argument. And that's okay, we need stupid people too.

You can't wrap your head around a simple argument

You've not provided one. All you did was say "Well if you weren't stupid u would totes see why I'm right"

If you're not willing to argue your point, then it must not matter very much.

I'm a Jew. Don't care about jokes. Hate speech isn't real.

"I'm a Jew"

And I'm a dinosaur. Evidence or GTFO

An extremely normal response from an extremely normal person.

Is woke man's burden heavier than white man's burden?

Is woke man's burden heavier than white man's burden?

Do you always respond to comments twice?

The only people I see quoting that Dead Kennedys lyric anymore behave like Tipper Gore having a holiday in Cambodia otherwise.

Tommy Robinson's a wife beater? Just read through his wiki article and haven't found as much as an accusation of him beating his wife?


Remember when ghazi defended and sheltered the pedophile /u/srhbutts. They may want to rethink the guilt by association posts in that thread.

All I'm going to say sure is interesting seeing the usual suspects so eager to die on this particular hill.

/u/dal33t are you honestly searching for a reason why who argue politics online for a living would be the first to latch onto a case that makes “the other side” look ridiculous?

I thought you were seasoned at this whole thing

Not sure whether to be happy or creeped out. The idea of the government criminalizing speech, even speech like this, is kinda inherently creepy. I've heard it put that "I want Nazis to have freedom of speech for the same reason I want accused child molesters to have trials." Namely, that giving the government the power to deny fundamental rights to certain people is very, very dangerous, and a power that's probably gonna turn on you. That said...It's just a fine. If he was going to prison, i'd be kinda creeped out..

/u/woweed congrats on being the only person on that sub that isn't a complete mouth-breathing mongoloid.

Your approval fills me with shame.

for some reason i have you res tagged as "sane ghazi" but i have no idea why

Those upvotes are probably from people from this subreddit, there's no way the sociopaths of Ghazi would upvote someone who doesn't think people should be gulaged for wrongthink.

just a fine

It's still $1,100. That's not a massive fortune, but its not nothing either. The US jails poor people and minorities all the time over being unable to pay "just a fine."

I know, but he's still a Ghazi poster. This is the best you can expect from them.

thats always been their position though, thats why their sub exists