AHS making lists of bad people again. Check if you're featured.

75  2018-04-24 by IAintThatGuy


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

u/RedHermit1982, put me on the list swiftly-like

AHS makes opposing fascism look like the lamest shit ever tbqh.

Almost males one want to become a fascist just to be the polar opposite of such soyboys.

Fascism’d be much cooler if it wasn’t supported by a bunch of edgelords

Problem is, the very nature of Fascism makes it an edgelord magnet.

Now it's that time where you explain how the nazis were edgelords. I got my mental gymnastics counter ready, so let's go.

Gassing Jews is pretty edgy tbqhwyfiykwim

Gassing the Jews is evil, not edgy. Is everything "edgy" now?

well it does attract edgy anti semites

There are evil edgelords. Look at the Columbine killers, or Elliot Rodger (or Hitler himself).

Hitler himself

Lol. No. Hitler was a vegetarian soyboy.

He was a vegetarian because he had a digestive disorder that made him fart when he ate meat. Kiss your sister.

I fart when I eat meat but you don't see me promoting animal rights.

Well maybe you just don't fart enough. Also, when was the last time you had to address a political rally? Germans love fart jokes but not that much.

Stop whiteknighting Hitler. This is very bad. Kiss your sister, too.😘😘😘

If it helps they consider anyone who slightly disagrees with them on any topic to be polar opposites so I'm sure you're already there in their eyes.

worked for madonna in evita

They almost make me want to grab a MAGA hat and go shitpost with those morons at /r/the_Donald, but then I remembered I'm not retarded.

But you're on /r/drama...

Imagine getting banned for calling "facsists" fags or retarded

Imagine creating fascists because there's literally none to point the finger at as far as racism goes

Imagine crying about racism in Trump's America when our civil rights issues hinge on "buy something, leave, or get arrested" and the blacks with their agency choose to get arrested and that creates the uproar

Ayyy Lmaooo

u/feeepo BTFO?


you called?

I can see why a list of retarded users would make your nervous tbqh

Nervous? Mostly jealous I'm not on it. I combine natural retardation with conscious efforts to make it worse.

calling out dramallamas without pinging

fucking waste tbh


Soon I'm gonna be featured on that subreddit.

man, if i had a thought like "soon i'm going to be featured on a subreddit" i'd probably just pull the trigger

Yeah, and here I'm wishing that I get featured on a subreddit. How hilarious would it be that some guy with Castlevania fanart as an avatar and me being a shiny weeb is what is making neckbeards so butthurt, they have to ask /u/spez to ban me?

One can dream.

kinda feels like cheating to only do td i demand a recount

Can't believe I got snubbed. This is really the third year in a row I've seen some of the most brilliant hateful minds of our generation get denied even a nomination. It's all about who you know these days.

They're discriminating against /r/drama.

The baby is white. Systematic murder of white children gets far left really excited.

/u/orashel, this but unironically

/u/RedHermit1982 A powerful statement! You're truly making the world a better place to live in by protecting reddit. Have all my upvotes, good sir :D

/u/spez are you going to allow a subreddit that exists primarily for doxxing?

...you think that's doxxing?

how is it not?

It's not doxx to link to opinions that people have given on a public forum. It's not doxx to show journalists that people have said these things on a public forum.

"i conveniently twist reality like an autist when it suits my political agenda"

here i rephrased that for you

m8 there's literally nothing about what you said that remotely constitutes doxxing. It wouldn't be doxxing if anyone did it.

White "people" were a mistake

like an autist


spergin for the very first time

When your whole life is online, and IRL you basically don't exist, being featured on that list should count as doxxing.



this but extremely unironically

actually you know what? that’s not far enough.

doxxing is USUALLY good

i mean, it is usually really funny

doxxing is USUALLY good

This, but with even less irony.

It's called FREE SPEECH, retard. If you don't like it, go to your communist dream of North Korea.

Doxx yourself asap

Din't make this one but I really hope I make the next.

For example I strongly believe that black panther was an average marvel movie.

I think pants should be worn above your ass. Hey AHS I'm a nazi now!

Imagine spending all that time stalking people who say mean things you don't like.

Better yet, imagining thinking that doing so would make the tiniest shred of difference at any level in the world.

But why? Everyone already knows the_daddy posters say dumb shit.


Yeah, like that!

"Make American power serve a globalist agenda" just doesn't sound as good, Hillary.

haha gross

wtf I'm Eugene Debs pls don't misgender me

Imagine a life of infinite possibilities to live happily and the hill you choose to die on is devoting it to outing meanies on the internet.

Engaged in an epic and oh so serious struggle to control “reddit”

They’re important people making a difference.

The shit they post on that sub. I mean I agree with some of it, but they throw around Nazi accusations like Oprah handing out bees.

I'm not on that list so idgaf

Don't give up!

Me neither, so I want to know how I can be.

Are you on the list??

Do you know your status?


No :(

If you think any of those linked statements are "extremist" you are an enemy of the state.

Also, I wanna be on the list :(

How insulting they don't a list for /r/drama posters? Is it because they're discriminating against crypto fascism?

/u/feeepo step up your game man

Someone has too much free time on their hands. Get a job, hippie!

Do they really think if they ban the posters who hurt their fee fees then the bad thoughts will magically go away?

Mark my words, one day I will be at the top of all their lists.

Not if I'm there first.

Wow what a bunch of special people. You know the kind, they like to lick/hump doorknobs.

fascism btfo again and again

I'm not retarded enough to post in T_D, so guess I'm good..

But what if I wanted to be on the list? Do I have to post on T_D now?


White nationalists have abandoned Stormfront and are using Reddit to recruit and radicalize.

How many more terror attacks do we need to see from people wearing MAGA hats before somebody holds Reddit responsible?

/u/Yare_Owns so brave, my friend 👏👏

I'm glad that SOMEONE is finally stepping up and saying what needs to be said. damn it this is Reddit's fault for allowing people to express nazibigotwrongthink opinions on here. that's what's driving these loons into driving over crowds of people.

nah but in all seriousness please keep posting your inane delusions, it's entertaining especially when coupled with your username of a 14-year-old

T_D stickied a call to the rally in Charlottesville, noting explicitly that it was a Nazi rally organized by an admitted rally. This is where a Nazi ran over a protester, if you've forgotten. But that doesn't mean they were radicalized on T_D, right? Well...

Here's a few times T_D got an erection over protesters being hit by cars. There are too many of these for me to list them all. Most have thousands or tens of thousands of upvotes. I'm not sure what this has to do with supporting Trump or any other candidate, but it's clearly part of the subreddit's culture:










And of course, the last few mass shooters were MAGA-hat-wearin' Trump supporters. And the confirmed T_D poster who killed his dad for being a "leftist cuck".

They're not spontaneously radicalizing themselves in a vacuum -it's through social media. And as T_D likes to remind us, they're the largest alt-right community on the Internet.

Do you share culpability for bike-lock guy?

Me specifically? I've been a conservative and registered Republican for decades so probably not.

I've been a conservative and registered Republican for decades so probably not.

the only centrist sub you post on is neoliberal et al., and you spend most of your time bitching about T_D on politics/AHS, fighting for gun control, and throwing anecdotal evidence all over the place.

I'm post on drama, so I know when somebody's being a colossal faggot. You're faggier than me, and I'm fucking myself with a dragon dildo watching gay porn

If you're a republican, I'm a functioning member of society, and donald trump is grounded in reality.

the only centrist sub you post on is neoliberal et al., and you spend most of your time bitching about T_D on politics/AHS, fighting for gun control

Oof, you got me. I'm a filthy social justice warrior.

I'm also in the top 1% of annual income earners, pro states rights, and extremely pro-business. I'd make a terrible liberal. I was banned from politics for 6 months, and I'm perma-banned from most marxist/socialist subs. Bleeding hearts come into neoliberal and call me a psychopath for demanding to see the ROI on social programs.

If you're a republican, I'm a functioning member of society

It's unlikely that anybody under 30 would recognize me as being Republican, considering how far right the party has slid out from under me since I registered.

Where do you want them to post? /r/conservative was a joke even before 2016.

Damn, I was listed last time.

And what happenned?

You've lost your spot on their watchlist.

I bet I’m on it, I’ve been on it since I made this acct. I guess it’s fair enough as I do ‘hate’ mayos tbf

man i’ve never ever heard of these cacs

Yeah why do those nobodies get to be on the list and lots of us don't?

well who in /r/drama (still) posts in t_D? not even the novelty accounts do that.

I hear AHS shadow and you if your karma on this sub is too high, is that true? I'd test it but I can't think of anything to say over there.

Wait...isn't that op a hardcore tankie? Or is it another one with a similar username?

It's AHS so probably.

Hey, /u/RedHermit1982, I am of the opinion that murdering humans before birth is wrong. Opinions?

You're a nazi.

What are regular redditors supposed to do with that list? Send dick picks?

Good idea.


I clicked on all of those links to t_d and virtually none of them were what they were purported to be. What’s the deal?

What did I purport them to be? T_D is obsessed with people running over protesters. What does it have to do with conservatism, Republicans, or Trump?

They aren’t really. I had updooted most of those posts. The most hateful stuff I see are false flag posts from you guys and r/stopadvertising, whom got busted by admins for this stuff. You guys Get your fake screen grabs though. Bad shit gets posted to a lot of subs, and it def happens there, but the mods are good about taking it down. Conflating them with uncensorednews etc.. only makes you alls virtue signal look even more unhinged imo. The_don isn’t going anywhere hun










fake screen grabs

contributes to the_dumpster

You guys 😉

Tbf you guys have been told to by the admins. SA was doing it so much they have it in their rules and threaten to ban mayos that do it looking for neetpoints


As a (((white))) man, I unironically love "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" - great song

TIL that there is a Reddit White Knights as well.

/u/RedHermit1982 add me to the list

When I'm making my list of Reddit's most banal shitposters, you'll be on it.