Two SRD users get into a 20 page long flamewar about economics' veracity as a science, I briefly get involved for some reason

7  2018-04-25 by uniqueguy263


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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/u/thejewfromouterspace /u/asapinkrobot I know enough about economics to know youse is stupid

This is the lowest grade drama in history, possibly ever. We didn't even downvote each other.

It's a slow day.

ur dum. eat shit.

It's still like 50 posts tho

It's not the number of comments that counts, it's how you use them.

I briefly get involved for some reason

Yeah cause you're a retard

Economics is actually the only accurate science. The problem is it's too pure for human minds to wrap around. It's an esoteric numbers rambling by strange cultists trying to increase GDP, but actually as a side effect it causes child sacrifice which appeases the elder gods enough to raise humans willingness to trade with each other. Many times economist fall screaming into shock, running to down impossible streets that can't exist, fading into the alleyways never to appear until their quarterly reports. CEOs are only moderately aware of this, making sure constant layoffs appease the human suffering quotient for the quarter. Unfortunately imposing mass suffering on the third world has unfair dividends, requiring us to start torturing fellow Americans to keep the blood wheel of progress churning through damnation.