/r/greatawakening genius dismantles the Holocaust with one single comment, Q be praised. BOOM

66  2018-04-25 by EasySchmitty


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Atta girl!

Ovens couldn’t burn that much hypothetical kike, debate me u/pizzashill

Try harder

post proofs that Nazi ovens could burn that many Jews

Pro tip: you can’t b/c you are a slave of the Rothschilds

Can you please take your seriouspost elsewhere pls thanks

Can you please stop pretending like there’s not a big conspiracy against me personally by the globalist elites? Pls.

Mom wouldn't let you have extra tendies last night?

I don't think his mom is one of the elites, unless they seriously lowered the bar when they let me in.

Debate my bubbah bitch

Do you use that to mean grandfather?

Oh good, despite reality, reddit defends holocaust denial.

With the DNC’s love for Islam and the holocaust denial crowd in the RNC wings, Reddit will inevitably determine reality doesn’t exist.

Due to this, I installed PrBoom.

it's been over 6 months and absolutely nothing Qanon predicted has come true. Why? Because it's a psyop designed to distract you from things that really matter - like the demographic decline of whites in the USA.

Someone calling themselves "Qanon" posts little clues on 4chan, which his followers call "crumbs". These are cryptic messages given to Trump supporters who then use their wild imaginations to write a narrative by consensus.

This narrative centers around a hero - Trump - as a 4D chess master working tirelessly against all odds to bring down the shadow government or deep state. It's the Da Vinci code, only interactive. Whole communities have formed around Qanon's story.

No, it isn't just a bit of fun. It's a dangerous distraction from actual problems facing whites in the US and the West generally, for example, the deliberate displacement of European whites from our ethnic and diaspora homelands.

Qanon isn't some marginal internet conspiracy either. We're talking about 100's of thousands of people who actually believe in this LARP (Live Action Role Play), including journalists and celebrities like @jerome_corsi, @LionelMedia and @therealroseanne.

These "believers", who are mostly white American patriots +40, are easy targets for a psyop because decades of living in a dysfunctional multi-racial country, with a corrupt government and where voting makes no difference has left them vulnerable to false hope.

Q's disciples are so desperate for signs of improvement that they held on to his conspiracy even when it went totally off tangent - the insane theory that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Hitler. These people are hope addicts and Q's "crumbs" are their daily hit.

Qanon is the successor of that other LARPer - @Imperator_rex3. He disappeared when people started to realize nothing he predicted had come true. Qanon will do the same and people probably move onto the next conspiracy racket.

It’s not just Q and ImperatorRex though. There are many e-celebs guilty of offering false hope about Trump based on spurious evidence. They tell us to "Trust Trump". They see a rise in their follow count...so they do it more.

The reality is that, like PizzaGate, Qanon is 99% pure speculation and will probably culminate in some real-life, or staged event giving the establishment an excuse to shut down free speech online or target "fake news" and legitimize the mainstream media.

The actuality is that Qanon is an evil sadist and he's taking advantage of good-hearted but gullible white people. He's stringing them along while your country collapses around you. He’s wasting your precious time.

The only thing you need to worry about is that whites are projected to become a numerical minority in the US around 2050. And you only need to take one look at South Africa to realize what this means for your kids and grandkids. So...cut theQanon bullshit.




Did somebody comment? I can't see anything! 👀

Wtf I love Qanon now

The only thing you need to worry about is that whites are projected to become a numerical minority in the US around 2050.

Sooner the better.

kys nigger. All your gibs will be gone then.

I'd rather keep B L A C K I N G your women. They seem to love my seed. Either way, wypipo are going away. Beat the rush and keep your ownself safe, gomer.

I didn't delete anything. Nigger mods did.

Haha, my man. In that case take my upvote.


MDEposters will be the first to go in the mayocide

Lol, in 2050 I'll be fucking your grandchildren with my big black dick.

This is some next level pasta.

is this a pizzashill pasta

I don't mean to serious post here, but damn I kind of wish Holocaust deniers would burn in those ovens that totally weren't used to kill millions of Jews.

Some zylon b wouldn't hurt as well I mean nobody likes lice right?

It's a funny thing, somehow "the holocaust was something that never happened but totally should've" is a position that doesn't result in a Scanners explosion.

The Germans invented Chemical warfare, they invented mustard gas, they invented nerve agents and Sarin gas.

Some of the worlds greatest engineers and designers. They invented the jet engine, the jet aircraft, the rocket engine, would have developed nuclear weapons first if we didn't bomb them.

And these brain busters decide to use a basic weak delousing chemical that they literally pour onto the clothes they wear to remove lice? And they used wooden doors on the gas chambers?
Come on, that makes no sense at all.

To mass murder 6 million people and then burn 6 million corpses in a few Papa Johns sized franchise ovens? Really? REALLY? Do you seriously unironically believe that?

Better ingredients, better pizza

they invented the jet engine


The jet aircraft


the rocket engine


they would have developed the nuclear weapon if we didn't bomb them

Well I guess they should've focused a little bit more on you know, having a functional air defense system before declaring war on the whole world. And no, they weren't even focused on the nuclear weapon. They prefered investing in a meme rocket.

Papa John's sized ovens

Wow historians BTFO who would've ever thought about that? It's not like there aren't practical reasons behind smaller ovens

I hope I'm eating pasta atm tbh 🤔

Shit that no one ever claims (all 6 million Jews were cremated)? We got a denier here.

You just go right on believing the Germans spent all that money and resources (and FUEL) to ship 6,000,000 Jews to concentration camps to be slaughtered, then with their magic German ingenuity they somehow managed to gas more people than the population of San Francisco inside a gas chamber that was only big enough to hold a couple hundred people at a time

Lol this ducking comment.. YES THATS EXCATLY WHAT hitler and the nazis did, they literally spent millions of reichmarks and fuel to ship them. I really don’t get holocaust deniers there’s so much evidence it’s impossible to fabricate yet these fucking morons persist

There's only one way to find THE TRUTH: empirically. Herd all holocaust deniers into train cars, drive them to Auschwitz, make them take a shower and time how long it takes for them to die.

Then divide 6m by their number to get to the gas chamber runs needed, multiply by the time till their death, divide by the number of gas chambers in the Reich and compare to the time between 1938 and 44.

I don't think they will argue a lot after that.

LOL but that would involve rebuilding the gas chambers, which I think would be a big no no. Also coincidentally there’s a fantastic documentary on Auschwitz and how it became the murder factory it was, shows called Auschwitz: the nazis and the final solution.

to the time between 1938 and 44.

Well, the extermination camp ran between 42 and 44. Also a lot of jew were killed either in the work camp or on the eastern front.


I am wondering if you are interested in participating in a science experiment that I am conducting? What I need you to do is really really simple, assuming you have an oven can you turn it to broil, wait about 15 minutes and than climb inside?

I work in the cremation business. I can assure you that isn't how they got rid of 6 million jew corpse's bones. The "official" story is that they piled them up on huge outdoor grates and burned them into dust that way. lulz

Oh nice this is more than the perfect for my experiment. Just to get a little background, how many victims bodies would you say that you’ve cremated in your lifetime?

I don't do cremations myself, but I'm very familiar with how it works, as I work in the funeral industry. You're a fool if you think the Germans made the bones of 6 million Jews disappear with ovens.

And your a fool who thinks the holocaust didn’t never mind the mountain of evidence against your idiotic neonazi point.

It doesn't make me a neonazi because I'm not foolish enough to believe it happened the way we were taught in history class. It's a lot more idiotic to accept a bullshit story that the Nazis sent millions and millions of Jews (7 times the population of San Francisco. lulz) via trains to be gassed and turned into ashes in facilities barely big enough to hold a couple hundred (not even a thousand) people. Disbelieving post-war propaganda doesn't mean I think WW2 didn't happen. Or that Jews weren't starved/killed. It just means I'm not willing to accept post-war government propaganda as fact. Because I'm not asleep.

YOUR right your not asleep, you’re just fucking retarded that’s all really the evidence against what you said is literally mounting, there’s sooo much evidence against your point, the death factory that was Auschwitz murderer over 1.1 million people


Quote form article A report from the Bauleitung in June 1943, after all of the new ovens became operational for at least some period, placed the cremation capacity of all 52 ovens at 4756 per day. All the ovens literally worked 24/h a day by Jews who where forced to work there, have you ever met a holcoaust survivor?! I think not, I have and I’ll tell you you’re an idiot.

I've seen Treblinka (where supposedly a third of those cremations happened) and I don't believe for one minute they were cremating that many people a day. Look at the size of those shower rooms all those millions of people were supposedly gassed in. The whole notion is absurd.

Also who gives AF whether you met some Jew who told you they survived the Holocaust. Yeah, I've met opportunistic lying Jews myself, including sold old ones who claim to have survived concentration camps. I believe there were Jews in work camps (someone had to provide the labor for the war machine, duh) but again it's foolish to believe such an absurd story (6 million is absurd) just because I met an old Jew who said she lost her family in a concentration camp or because I read it in a "history" book.

Lol it’s no absurd, it’s clear you aren’t in fact an anti Semite, that obvious to that fact, do you have factual evidence to the contrary that has been sited and sourced properly? Lol some Jew, there are literally Nazis who worked at those camps who can saw the actual gas chambers. Your person work at a crematory doesn’t give you anymore knowledge of the subject of the murder of 6 million people. Sorry I’ll stick with the countless evidence to the contrary.

I don't give AF that you label me antisemite. (Newsflash: That tactic doesn't work anymore in the United States. We. Don't. Care. #YouAreFakeNews) You think all those witnesses "saw" for themselves 6,000,000 Jews killed? You do realize that literally every source you read could have been 100% honest about what they saw and the number of dead jews could still be in the hundreds of thousands rather than 6 million? If you honestly give AF, do a little research about how they got to that number (6 million). Because there's only 1 source that I can find that came up with that number.

Like I said, I believe Jews were killed. I believe they were put in work camps. I believe they starved and tortured. I just don't believe the Nazis spent an insane amount of money and resources to ship millions of Jews to concentration camps where they magically made them disappear (bones and all) with...ovens. lulz. Even the ovens we use today couldn't do what they claim they did back then.

PROVide a source to prove your claims then, if you have no source then your point is moot.

Lol as soon as I saw Zionist and and Jews I didn’t bother reading nothing but hardcore antisemtism, give me actual evidence from a verifiable source From a CREDIBLE source not some douche blogger.

Of course they didn't burn them all. Where do you think they got all the skulls for the S.S. uniforms? Tho, wtf are you serious posting pro-Trump style rhetorical shit on r/drama?

You do realize that gas chambers weren't the only thjng the germans used, right? They had some pretty well-documented problems killing them fast enough, and didn't manage to do it before the allies arrived. What's better is the meticulous record-keeing with which they recorded their crimes, which you milkos seem to be ig orant of.

Do they realize that they didn't just use gas chambers?

Lol I think not, doesn’t matter those douchebags won’t believe a single source you provide them, they are just absolute morons and stuck in there neonazi ways

>won’t believe a single source you provide them

>absolute morons

>stuck in there ways

sounds like a lot of people. not you though, I'm sure...





Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww don’t bring them here 😷

great awakening thread downvoted to 80%


I'm shocked that people that believe in crazy bullshit conspiracy theories would believe other crazy bullshit conspiracy theories

This is your brain on American conservautism

The Holocaust wasn't real. What really happened is the Nazis brutally killed millions and millions of innocent people in an idiotic attempt to create a eugenics-based new world order. Change my mind

I can't help but notice you spend an awful lot of time on reddit for a genius.

Holocaust - slaughter on a mass scale

Nazis brutally killed millions and millions of innocent people

Pack it up boys we’re done here

It's quite obviously a joke...

Shit yeah that’s why you answer the question anyway.

It's been 5 years, are you still a genius who can solve all the world s problems with your intellect?

I like how Adams opened with "Holocaust denier" as if it was a ridiculous assertion, and as if his official position on the Holocaust hasn't been "it was almost certainly greatly exaggerated" for 15 years

I'm going to say this once. If I'm proved wrong my brain is incredibly flexible. I will have NO trouble standing corrected.

t. people completely unable to accept being wrong, ever

Realizing as I do now that the Satanists were behind it all, the sacrifice of so much humanity to their gods shouldn't surprise anybody.