
56  2018-04-25 by RavenRedux


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Vidya is speeding up the mayocide


This is the actual link, if anyone actually wants to read that story.

If it’s real then it unironically is time to exterminate all gamers.

It sounds like they're taking car off that themselves

Video games are a cancer, but if a dude's not fucking his wife it's probably because she's an uggo or more likely got fat and not because of vidya.

I'm pro nerdicide anyway so nerds not procreating is a plus for me.

I'm surprised by your pro nerdicide stance, any reasons why you are?

As a jock, it's my duty to give nerds a hard time.

Emphasis on hard?😜

Heh, I'd rather not. Most nerds don't tend to my type (even if I was into traps, which I am not), including the female ones. A diet of soft drinks and chips while playing vidya all day does things to a person ...

even if I was into traps, which I am not

I did the math and research. According to Wikipedia, the average length of a penis varies from 5.1 to 5.9 inches. I went for a safe 5.5 inches for an average. The average radius from the core center of the penis to the skin on the outside is .75 inches. From this we can roughly find the volume with pi timed radius squared times height. This comes around as the average penis being around 9.72 cubic inches. Next I found the volume of the average human adult male. I had to first find the weight, which according to Alex Schlessingerman's "The Physics Factbook" is 70kg or 154 pounds. Weight is found by multiplying an object mass by the force of gravity, 9.81 meters per second. After taking gravity out of the equation, the average mass of an adult human male is 7.14 kg. I then found the volume by dividing this number by the average density of a human, according to Wikipedia, 985 kg per meter cubed. The volume of the adult male was then found to be .0072516316 cubic meters. Utilizing the volume of the average penis I found earlier, 9.72 in cubed, I get .0001592828 meters cubed. This means the penis is 2.19% of an adult male's volume.Assuming a lack of testosterone or female hormones makes the person a female, balls ignored for ease, fucking a trap is only 2.19% homosexual.

As a jock

This is your brain on anime

A stunning lack of self-awareness is my guess

I'm unironically not a nerd.

A stunning lack of self-awareness is my guess

There's a difference between liking some "nerdy" things (like anime and classical music) and being a nerd. I don't support the nerd-lifestyle which involves playing vidya all day, never showering, and having a shitty diet, so I don't consider myself a nerd and unironically support the nerdicide.

It's no longer a guess.

Seems like you just made up a definition of the nerd lifestyle that suits the needs of your shit tier memes

The definition according to Merriam-Webster

an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits

so they disagree with it as well

That's a nerd. Not nerd culture.

Surely your reply was a joke? No one is that retarded.

and since I don't fit the definition I'm not a nerd. qed

a "culture" is more than just "the people who meet the definition of a type of person" but TBH it's my fault for actually expecting you to say something that wasn't fucking retarded. I forgot what sub I was on.

Honestly that sounds more like a neckbeard. Nerds are more like "hey guys, look at this new video game mug I just got!" instead. Unless that would be classified as geeky.

Sorry bruv you gave yourself an anime name, your fate is sealed

Look at your username you fucking weeb.

Liking anime doesn't make you a nerd. Reading erotic imouto doujinshi doesn't make you a nerd either.

I mean, technically it's the vaccines that make you a nerd. The 2D incest fetish is just the way that nerdiness manifests itself.

Wanting to fuck your little sister is just normal if you don't have one though.

Bollocks! He’s got 2D fetish ...hard as that is for mrs 3D... she can’t compete.

2D girls are superior, that's true but you can always go for a threesome with the wife and the dakimakura. At least I hope my future Asian wife will be open to the idea of including Azusa-chan ...

Your future Asian wife will be up for anything you suggest in the first few years! Get a marriage bucket list for the precious few years.

I'll have to keep that in mind and maybe start compiling it soon so I won't forget anything.

If anyone has suggestions I'm open for them. Cosplaying as Azusa-chan and in a sailor fuku as a schoolgirl are already on there.

You should visit r/deadbedrooms more often

Try being a better wife

We here at r/Drama shouldn't tolerate should Misogynistic thinking!

A dude wrote this so he should try to be a better husband.

WHat a fAG

The results of years of soy abuse

The gaming lifestyle: a 2 liter of mountain dew, a bag of doritos, some empty jars to piss in, and a nice block of tofu.


Go to the gym and eat less.

Eat ass as well

But not before the bussy. Don't wanna combine your chocolate with your cherry.

I like chocolate fudge with cherry on top what are you talking about

God damn it you beat me to the obvious.

Don't forget waiste training.

Lose 40 lbs.

The only games I like are the ones that make kia mad.

The comment section for that article is exactly what you'd expect from a former gawker network site. Seeing the phrase "emotional labor" used, unironically, so many times physically hurts.